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synced 2025-02-01 21:40:09 +00:00
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317 lines
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* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2017 Realtek Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
#include "mp_precomp.h"
#include "../../phydm_precomp.h"
/*---------------------------Define Local Constant---------------------------*/
/* 2010/04/25 MH Define the max tx power tracking tx agc power. */
/*---------------------------Define Local Constant---------------------------*/
/* 3 ============================================================
* 3 Tx Power Tracking
* 3 ============================================================ */
void halrf_rf_lna_setting_8821a(
struct dm_struct *dm,
enum phydm_lna_set type
if (type == phydm_lna_disable) {
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0xef, 0x80000, 0x1);
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x30, 0xfffff, 0x18000); /*select Rx mode*/
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x31, 0xfffff, 0x0002f);
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x32, 0xfffff, 0xfb09b); /*disable LNA*/
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0xef, 0x80000, 0x0);
} else if (type == phydm_lna_enable) {
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0xef, 0x80000, 0x1);
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x30, 0xfffff, 0x18000); /*select Rx mode*/
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x31, 0xfffff, 0x0002f);
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0x32, 0xfffff, 0xfb0bb); /*disable LNA*/
odm_set_rf_reg(dm, RF_PATH_A, 0xef, 0x80000, 0x0);
void *dm_void,
enum pwrtrack_method method,
u8 rf_path,
u8 channel_mapped_index
struct dm_struct *dm = (struct dm_struct *)dm_void;
struct _ADAPTER *adapter = dm->adapter;
PHAL_DATA_TYPE hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter);
u8 pwr_tracking_limit = 26; /* +1.0dB */
u8 tx_rate = 0xFF;
u8 final_ofdm_swing_index = 0;
u8 final_cck_swing_index = 0;
u8 i = 0;
u32 final_bb_swing_idx[1];
struct dm_rf_calibration_struct *cali_info = &(dm->rf_calibrate_info);
struct _hal_rf_ *rf = &(dm->rf_table);
if (*(dm->mp_mode) == true) {
#if (MP_DRIVER == 1)
PMPT_CONTEXT p_mpt_ctx = &(adapter->mpt_ctx);
tx_rate = mpt_to_mgnt_rate(p_mpt_ctx->mpt_rate_index);
PMPT_CONTEXT p_mpt_ctx = &(adapter->mppriv.mpt_ctx);
tx_rate = mpt_to_mgnt_rate(p_mpt_ctx->mpt_rate_index);
} else {
u16 rate = *(dm->forced_data_rate);
if (!rate) { /*auto rate*/
tx_rate = adapter->HalFunc.GetHwRateFromMRateHandler(dm->tx_rate);
if (dm->number_linked_client != 0)
tx_rate = hw_rate_to_m_rate(dm->tx_rate);
tx_rate = rf->p_rate_index;
} else /*force rate*/
tx_rate = (u8)rate;
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "Power Tracking tx_rate=0x%X\n", tx_rate);
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "===>odm_tx_pwr_track_set_pwr8821a\n");
if (tx_rate != 0xFF) {
/* 2 CCK */
if (((tx_rate >= MGN_1M) && (tx_rate <= MGN_5_5M)) || (tx_rate == MGN_11M))
pwr_tracking_limit = 32; /* +4dB */
/* 2 OFDM */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_6M) && (tx_rate <= MGN_48M))
pwr_tracking_limit = 30; /* +3dB */
else if (tx_rate == MGN_54M)
pwr_tracking_limit = 28; /* +2dB */
/* 2 HT */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_MCS0) && (tx_rate <= MGN_MCS2)) /* QPSK/BPSK */
pwr_tracking_limit = 34; /* +5dB */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_MCS3) && (tx_rate <= MGN_MCS4)) /* 16QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 30; /* +3dB */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_MCS5) && (tx_rate <= MGN_MCS7)) /* 64QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 28; /* +2dB */
/* 2 VHT */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS0) && (tx_rate <= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS2)) /* QPSK/BPSK */
pwr_tracking_limit = 34; /* +5dB */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS3) && (tx_rate <= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS4)) /* 16QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 30; /* +3dB */
else if ((tx_rate >= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS5) && (tx_rate <= MGN_VHT1SS_MCS6)) /* 64QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 28; /* +2dB */
else if (tx_rate == MGN_VHT1SS_MCS7) /* 64QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 26; /* +1dB */
else if (tx_rate == MGN_VHT1SS_MCS8) /* 256QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 24; /* +0dB */
else if (tx_rate == MGN_VHT1SS_MCS9) /* 256QAM */
pwr_tracking_limit = 22; /* -1dB */
pwr_tracking_limit = 24;
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "tx_rate=0x%x, pwr_tracking_limit=%d\n", tx_rate, pwr_tracking_limit);
if (method == BBSWING) {
if (rf_path == RF_PATH_A) {
final_bb_swing_idx[RF_PATH_A] = (dm->rf_calibrate_info.OFDM_index[RF_PATH_A] > pwr_tracking_limit) ? pwr_tracking_limit : dm->rf_calibrate_info.OFDM_index[RF_PATH_A];
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "dm->rf_calibrate_info.OFDM_index[RF_PATH_A]=%d, dm->RealBbSwingIdx[RF_PATH_A]=%d\n",
dm->rf_calibrate_info.OFDM_index[RF_PATH_A], final_bb_swing_idx[RF_PATH_A]);
odm_set_bb_reg(dm, REG_A_TX_SCALE_JAGUAR, 0xFFE00000, tx_scaling_table_jaguar[final_bb_swing_idx[RF_PATH_A]]);
} else if (method == MIX_MODE) {
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "cali_info->default_ofdm_index=%d, cali_info->absolute_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path]=%d, rf_path = %d\n",
cali_info->default_ofdm_index, cali_info->absolute_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path], rf_path);
final_cck_swing_index = cali_info->default_cck_index + cali_info->absolute_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path];
final_ofdm_swing_index = cali_info->default_ofdm_index + cali_info->absolute_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path];
if (rf_path == RF_PATH_A) {
if (final_ofdm_swing_index > pwr_tracking_limit) { /*BBSwing higher then Limit*/
cali_info->remnant_cck_swing_idx = final_cck_swing_index - pwr_tracking_limit;
cali_info->remnant_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path] = final_ofdm_swing_index - pwr_tracking_limit;
odm_set_bb_reg(dm, REG_A_TX_SCALE_JAGUAR, 0xFFE00000, tx_scaling_table_jaguar[pwr_tracking_limit]);
cali_info->modify_tx_agc_flag_path_a = true;
phy_set_tx_power_level_by_path(adapter, *dm->channel, RF_PATH_A);
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "******Path_A Over BBSwing Limit, pwr_tracking_limit = %d, Remnant tx_agc value = %d\n", pwr_tracking_limit, cali_info->remnant_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path]);
} else if (final_ofdm_swing_index <= 0) {
cali_info->remnant_cck_swing_idx = final_cck_swing_index;
cali_info->remnant_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path] = final_ofdm_swing_index;
odm_set_bb_reg(dm, REG_A_TX_SCALE_JAGUAR, 0xFFE00000, tx_scaling_table_jaguar[0]);
cali_info->modify_tx_agc_flag_path_a = true;
phy_set_tx_power_level_by_path(adapter, *dm->channel, RF_PATH_A);
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "******Path_A Lower then BBSwing lower bound 0, Remnant tx_agc value = %d\n", cali_info->remnant_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path]);
} else {
odm_set_bb_reg(dm, REG_A_TX_SCALE_JAGUAR, 0xFFE00000, tx_scaling_table_jaguar[final_ofdm_swing_index]);
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "******Path_A Compensate with BBSwing, final_ofdm_swing_index = %d\n", final_ofdm_swing_index);
if (cali_info->modify_tx_agc_flag_path_a) { /*If tx_agc has changed, reset tx_agc again*/
cali_info->remnant_cck_swing_idx = 0;
cali_info->remnant_ofdm_swing_idx[rf_path] = 0;
phy_set_tx_power_level_by_path(adapter, *dm->channel, RF_PATH_A);
cali_info->modify_tx_agc_flag_path_a = false;
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "******Path_A dm->Modify_TxAGC_Flag = false\n");
} else
} /* odm_TxPwrTrackSetPwr88E */
void *dm_void,
u8 **temperature_up_a,
u8 **temperature_down_a,
u8 **temperature_up_b,
u8 **temperature_down_b
struct dm_struct *dm = (struct dm_struct *)dm_void;
struct _ADAPTER *adapter = dm->adapter;
struct dm_rf_calibration_struct *cali_info = &(dm->rf_calibrate_info);
struct _hal_rf_ *rf = &(dm->rf_table);
HAL_DATA_TYPE *hal_data = GET_HAL_DATA(adapter);
u8 tx_rate = 0xFF;
u8 channel = *dm->channel;
if (*(dm->mp_mode) == true) {
#if (MP_DRIVER == 1)
PMPT_CONTEXT p_mpt_ctx = &(adapter->mpt_ctx);
tx_rate = mpt_to_mgnt_rate(p_mpt_ctx->mpt_rate_index);
PMPT_CONTEXT p_mpt_ctx = &(adapter->mppriv.mpt_ctx);
tx_rate = mpt_to_mgnt_rate(p_mpt_ctx->mpt_rate_index);
} else {
u16 rate = *(dm->forced_data_rate);
if (!rate) { /*auto rate*/
tx_rate = adapter->HalFunc.GetHwRateFromMRateHandler(dm->tx_rate);
if (dm->number_linked_client != 0)
tx_rate = hw_rate_to_m_rate(dm->tx_rate);
tx_rate = rf->p_rate_index;
} else /*force rate*/
tx_rate = (u8)rate;
PHYDM_DBG(dm, ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK, "Power Tracking tx_rate=0x%X\n", tx_rate);
if (1 <= channel && channel <= 14) {
if (IS_CCK_RATE(tx_rate)) {
*temperature_up_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2g_cck_a_p;
*temperature_down_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2g_cck_a_n;
*temperature_up_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2g_cck_b_p;
*temperature_down_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2g_cck_b_n;
} else {
*temperature_up_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_p;
*temperature_down_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_n;
*temperature_up_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2gb_p;
*temperature_down_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_2gb_n;
} else if (36 <= channel && channel <= 64) {
*temperature_up_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_p[0];
*temperature_down_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_n[0];
*temperature_up_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_p[0];
*temperature_down_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_n[0];
} else if (100 <= channel && channel <= 144) {
*temperature_up_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_p[1];
*temperature_down_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_n[1];
*temperature_up_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_p[1];
*temperature_down_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_n[1];
} else if (149 <= channel && channel <= 177) {
*temperature_up_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_p[2];
*temperature_down_a = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5ga_n[2];
*temperature_up_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_p[2];
*temperature_down_b = cali_info->delta_swing_table_idx_5gb_n[2];
} else {
*temperature_up_a = (u8 *)delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_p_8188e;
*temperature_down_a = (u8 *)delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_n_8188e;
*temperature_up_b = (u8 *)delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_p_8188e;
*temperature_down_b = (u8 *)delta_swing_table_idx_2ga_n_8188e;
void configure_txpower_track_8821a(
struct txpwrtrack_cfg *config
config->swing_table_size_cck = TXSCALE_TABLE_SIZE;
config->swing_table_size_ofdm = TXSCALE_TABLE_SIZE;
config->threshold_iqk = IQK_THRESHOLD;
config->average_thermal_num = AVG_THERMAL_NUM_8812A;
config->rf_path_count = MAX_PATH_NUM_8821A;
config->thermal_reg_addr = RF_T_METER_8812A;
config->odm_tx_pwr_track_set_pwr = odm_tx_pwr_track_set_pwr8821a;
config->do_iqk = do_iqk_8821a;
config->phy_lc_calibrate = halrf_lck_trigger;
config->get_delta_swing_table = get_delta_swing_table_8821a;
void *dm_void
struct dm_struct *dm = (struct dm_struct *)dm_void;