Send native-fragged fragments in the reversed order

Some websites (or more precisely, TLS terminators/balancers) can't
handle segmented TLS ClientHello packet properly, requiring the whole
ClientHello in a single segment, otherwise the connection gets dropped.

However they still operate with a proper TCP stack.
Cheat on them: send the latter segment first (with TCP SEQ "in the future"),
the former segment second (with "current" SEQ), allowing OS TCP
stack to combine it in a single TCP read().

This fixes long-standing number of TCP fragmentation issues:
Fixes #4, #158, #224, #59, #192 and many others.
This commit is contained in:
ValdikSS 2021-12-24 22:07:07 +03:00
parent e3638786da
commit e28cb52645

View File

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ static struct option long_options[] = {
{"set-ttl", required_argument, 0, '$' },
{"wrong-chksum",no_argument, 0, '%' },
{"native-frag", no_argument, 0, '*' },
{"reverse-frag",no_argument, 0, '(' },
{0, 0, 0, 0 }
@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
do_dns_verb = 0, do_blacklist = 0,
do_fake_packet = 0,
do_wrong_chksum = 0,
do_native_frag = 0;
do_native_frag = 0, do_reverse_frag = 0;
unsigned int http_fragment_size = 0;
unsigned int https_fragment_size = 0;
unsigned int current_fragment_size = 0;
@ -705,6 +706,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
" --native-frag fragment (split) the packets by sending them in smaller packets, without\n"
" shrinking the Window Size. Works faster (does not slow down the connection)\n"
" and better.\n"
" --reverse-frag fragment (split) the packets just as --native-frag, but send them in the\n"
" reversed order. Works with the websites which could not handle segmented\n"
" HTTPS TLS ClientHello (because they receive the TCP flow \"combined\").\n"
" -1 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 2 (most compatible mode, default)\n"
" -2 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 40 (better speed for HTTPS yet still compatible)\n"
@ -721,6 +725,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("Block passive: %d\nFragment HTTP: %d\nFragment persistent HTTP: %d\n"
"Fragment HTTPS: %d\nNative fragmentation (splitting): %d\n"
"Fragments sending in reverse: %d\n"
"hoSt: %d\nHost no space: %d\nAdditional space: %d\n"
"Mix Host: %d\nHTTP AllPorts: %d\nHTTP Persistent Nowait: %d\n"
"DNS redirect: %d\nDNSv6 redirect: %d\n"
@ -728,7 +733,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
do_passivedpi, (do_fragment_http ? http_fragment_size : 0),
(do_fragment_http_persistent ? http_fragment_size : 0),
(do_fragment_https ? https_fragment_size : 0),
do_native_frag, do_reverse_frag,
do_host, do_host_removespace, do_additional_space, do_host_mixedcase,
do_http_allports, do_fragment_http_persistent_nowait, do_dnsv4_redirect,
do_dnsv6_redirect, ttl_of_fake_packet, do_wrong_chksum
@ -992,12 +997,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
send_native_fragment(w_filter, addr, packet, packetLen, packet_data,
packet_dataLen,packet_v4, packet_v6,
ppIpHdr, ppIpV6Hdr, ppTcpHdr,
current_fragment_size, 0);
current_fragment_size, do_reverse_frag);
send_native_fragment(w_filter, addr, packet, packetLen, packet_data,
packet_dataLen,packet_v4, packet_v6,
ppIpHdr, ppIpV6Hdr, ppTcpHdr,
current_fragment_size, 1);
current_fragment_size, !do_reverse_frag);