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2023-01-01 16:30:36 +00:00
* Simple Postman Collection Converter
* Author: Anthony Axenov (c) 2021
* Version: v1.0
* License: MIT
* Dependecies: php8.0, php-json
* This script converts Postman Collection v2.1 to http-files:
* 1) builds same directory tree as in collection
* 2) builds ready to run *.http files (except you use Postman's environment vars)
* 3) builds *.md file with description and examples
* Usage:
* 1) Export collection from Postman as described here using 'Collection v2.1':
* 2) Run:
* php convert.php /path/to/collection.json
* 3) Optional: you can make script executable first and then run as usual:
* sudo chmod a+x convert.php
* ./convert.php /path/to/collection.json
* Note: '~' alias is allowed, it will be replaced to current user home dir.
* Note: this script was quickly written to solve one exact problem in one NDA-project, so it may contain
* stupid errors and (for sure) doesn't cover ALL of possible cases according to collection scheme. So feel
* free to fork and change this script according your needs and to propose your fixes here.
declare(strict_types = 1);
* Writes all arguments in stdout in proper human-readable format
* @param mixed ...$data
* @return void
function out(mixed ...$data): void
$result = [];
foreach ($data as $something) {
is_array($something) && $something = var_export($something, true);
empty($something) && $something = '';
if (is_object($something)) {
if (method_exists($something, 'toArray')) {
$something = $something->toArray();
} elseif (method_exists($something, 'jsonSerialize')) {
$something = $something->jsonSerialize();
} else {
$something = var_export($something, true);
$result[] = $something;
printf('[' . date('H:i:s') . '] ' . implode(' ', $result) . PHP_EOL);
* Read Postman collection file
* @param string $path Path to file (`~` allowed)
* @return object JSON-decoded object
* @throws Exception
function read_collection_file(string $path): object
$content = file_get_contents(str_replace('~/', $_SERVER['HOME'], $path));
$json = json_decode($content);
return json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE
? $json
: throw new Exception(
"File '$path' does not contain a valid json. Error: [" . json_last_error() . "] " . json_last_error_msg()
* Writes data from $request as *.http-file into $dir_tree
* @param object $request Request data
* @param string|null $dir_tree Directory path
* @return void
function write_request(object $request, ?string $dir_tree = null)
$filepath = './files/' . ($dir_tree ? $dir_tree . '/' : '') . $request->name;
$httpfile = "$filepath.http";
$mdfile = "$";
// name
//file_put_contents($httpfile, "# $request->name\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($mdfile, "# $request->name\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
// description (if exists)
isset($request->request->description) && /*file_put_contents(
'# ' . str_replace("\n", "\n# ", $request->request->description) . "\n\n",
) &&*/ file_put_contents($mdfile, "{$request->request->description}\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
// generating request data
$url = "{$request->request->method} {$request->request->url->raw} HTTP/1.1";
$headers = [];
$body = '';
if (count($request->request->header) > 0) {
foreach ($request->request->header as $header) {
$headers[(empty($header->disabled) ? '' : '# ') . $header->key] = $header->value;
if (isset($request->request->body)) {
$bodymode = $request->request->body->mode;
if (($request->request->body->options->$bodymode->language ?? '') === 'json') {
empty($headers['Content-Type']) && $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
empty($headers['Accept']) && $headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';
array_walk($headers, fn(&$value, $key) => $value = $key . ': ' . $value);
switch ($bodymode) {
case 'formdata':
foreach ($request->request->body->$bodymode as $data) {
if ($data->type === 'file' && !empty($data->src)) {
foreach ($data->src as $src) {
$body .= (empty($data->disabled) ? '' : '# ') . "$data->key=$src\n";
} else {
$body .= (empty($data->disabled) ? '' : '# ') . "$data->key=$data->value\n";
$body = $request->request->body->$bodymode;
$headers = trim(implode("\n", $headers));
$body = trim($body);
file_put_contents($httpfile, trim("$url\n$headers\n\n$body\n"), FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($mdfile, "```\n" . trim("$url\n$headers\n\n$body") . "\n```", FILE_APPEND);
// response examples
if (!empty($request->response)) {
file_put_contents($mdfile, "\n# Examples\n", FILE_APPEND);
foreach ($request->response as $response) {
file_put_contents($mdfile, "## $response->name\n```\n$url\n", FILE_APPEND);
foreach ($response->header as $header) {
file_put_contents($mdfile, "$header->key=$header->value\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($mdfile, "\n$body\n```\nResult:\n```\n$response->body\n```\n", FILE_APPEND);
out('[OK] ' . $httpfile);
* Processes one item in Postman collection
* If $item is nested directory then function processes it recursively, otherwise writes *.http-file
* @param $item
* @return void
function process_item($item = null)
if (empty($item)) {
if (is_array($item)) {
static $dir_tree;
static $path;
foreach ($item as $subitem) {
if (empty($subitem->item)) {
write_request($subitem, $path);
} else {
$dir_tree[] = $subitem->name;
$path = implode('/', $dir_tree);
!file_exists('./files/' . $path) && mkdir('./files/' . $path);
isset($subitem->description) && file_put_contents(
'./files/' . $path . '/',
$path = implode('/', $dir_tree);
} else {
write_request($item, '');
* Recursively removes directory
* @param string $path
* @return void
function remove_directory(string $path): void
$files = glob($path . '/*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
is_dir($file) ? remove_directory($file) : unlink($file);
try {
file_exists('./files/') || mkdir('./files/');
empty($argv[1]) && throw new Exception('ERROR: No collection file provided');
file_exists($argv[1]) || throw new Exception('ERROR: Provided collection file does not exist');
$json = read_collection_file($argv[1]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 1;