2023-04-12 08:57:04 +08:00

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Raw Blame History

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a = "add"
aa = "add --all" # add all unstaged into index
aliases = "config --get-regexp '^alias'" # show all aliases
amend = "commit --amend --all --no-edit" # add new changes into last commit
amendm = "commit --amend --all --message" # amend + edit commit message
b = "branch" #
bm = "branch --merged" # branches whose tips are reachable from commit or HEAD
bnm = "branch --no-merged" # branches whose tips are NOT reachable from commit or HEAD
branches = "branch -a"
; branches = "bvv"
brd = "branch -D" # force delete unmerged branch
brod = "!git branch -D "$1"; git push origin :"$1";" # brd + remove it from origin
bv = "branch -v" # show branch list with those last commits
bvv = "branch -vv" # bv + remote branches tracked by them
c = "commit"
ca = "commit --all" # stage all changes and make a commit (interative)
cam = "commit --all --message" # ca + cm (non-interactive)
cf = "!f() { TARGET=$(git rev-parse \"$1\"); git commit --fixup=$TARGET && GIT_EDITOR=true git rebase --interactive --autosquash $TARGET~; }; f" #
cleaner = "clean -dff"
cleanest = "clean -dffx"
cleanout = "!git clean -df && git checkout -- ."
cloner = "clone --recursive" # clone with submodules
cm = "commit --message" # make a commit with message given (non-interactive)
co = "checkout"
cob = "checkout -b" # create new branch with name given
contributors = "shortlog --summary --numbered --no-merges" # users participating in development
cp = "cherry-pick"
cpa = "cherry-pick --abort" # abort cherry-picking
cpc = "cherry-pick --continue" # continue cherry-picking
cpn = "cherry-pick --no-commit" # cherry-pick without commit
; cpnx = "cherry-pick --no-commit -x"
current-branch = "branch --show-current" #rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
d = "diff"
dc = "diff --cached" # show diff of staged files
default-branch = "config init.defaultBranch" # get default branch name
dehead = "!BR=$(git branch --show-current); if [ -n "$BR" ]; then echo $BR; else git describe --contains --all HEAD; fi;"
dev = "!git checkout dev && git pull" # quick switch on dev branch and update it
develop = "!git checkout develop && git pull" # quick switch on develop branch and update it
discard = "checkout --" # удаляет изменения в файле
dw = "diff --word-diff" # show word diff in unstaged files
dwc = "diff --word-diff --cached" # dc + dw
exec = "!exec"
f = "fetch"
fa = "fetch --all" # fetch branches from all remotes
fuck = "!git checkout $(git default-branch) && git fetch origin --prune && git reset --hard origin/$(git default-branch) && git clean -ffd"
guser = "config --global --get-regexp '^user'" # show global user settings
gzip = !"f() { top=$(rev-parse --show-toplevel); cd $top; tar cvzf $top.tar.gz $top ; }; f" # make repo .tar.gz
head = "log -1 HEAD" # показать последний коммит в текущей ветке
heads = "log --graph --decorate --simplify-by-decoration --oneline" # show last commit of each branch as tree graph
inbound = "!git remote update --prune; git log ..@{upstream}" # get
init = "init -q"
l = "log"
; last-tag = "describe --tags --abbrev=0"
; last-tagged = "!git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)"
lo = "log --oneline"
log-all = "log --graph --decorate --all"
log-my = "!git log --author $(git config"
log-small = "log --graph --decorate --all --pretty=format:'%C(bold red)%h%C(reset) %C(bold blue)%an%C(reset) %C(green)%cr%C(reset) [%aD]%d%n%B'"
m = "merge"
ma = "merge --abort" # abort merging
main = "!git checkout main && git pull" # quick switch on main branch and update it
master = "!git checkout master && git pull" # quick switch on master branch and update it
mc = "merge --continue" # continue merging
merged = "bm"
mn = "merge --no-commit" # merge without commit
optimizer = "!git pruner; git repacker; git prune-packed"
orphans = "fsck --full"
outbound = "log @{upstream}.."
p = "pull"
pf = "pull --force" # получить ветку принудительно
pft = "pull --force --tags" # получить теги
; ploh = "pull origin HEAD" # получить текущую ветку из origin
; pr = "!git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1" # github: встать на PR с указанным id
prs = "pull --recurse-submodules" # pull with submodules
pruner = "!git prune --expire=now; git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --rewrite --all"
pullf = "pull --force"
pullft = "pull --force --tags"
pullt = "pull --tags" # получить теги
pushf = "!git push --force" # отправить ветку принудительно
; pushf = "!git push --force --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch)" # отправить ветку принудительно
pushft = "!git push --tags --force" # отправить теги принудительно
; pushft = "!git push --tags --force --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch)" # отправить теги принудительно
pusht = "!git push --tags" # отправить теги
; pusht = "!git push --tags --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch)" # отправить теги
r = "reset"
rb = "rebase"
rba = "rebase --abort"
rbc = "rebase --continue"
rbi = "rebase --interactive"
rbs = "rebase --skip"
re = "remote"
rea = "remote add"
remotes = "remote -v" # показать список удалённых репозиториев
rep = "remote prune"
repacker = "repack -adf --depth=300 --window=300 --window-memory=1g"
repd = "remote prune --dry-run"
repo = "rpo"
repod = "rpod"
repush = "!git push origin :$1 && git push origin $1'" # замена push --force
res = "remote show"
reso = "remote show origin"
reu = "remote update"
rev = "remote -v"
rh = "reset --hard" # откат коммита с удалением всех изменений на указанный коммит
rhh = "reset --hard HEAD" # откат коммита с удалением всех изменений на последний коммит
rpo = "remote prune origin" # удалить все мёртвые ссылки на bare-ветки origin
rpod = "rpo --dry-run" # удалить все мёртвые ссылки на bare-ветки origin
rs = "reset --soft" # откат коммита с сохранением всех изменений на указанный коммит
rsh = "reset --soft HEAD" # откат коммита с сохранением всех изменений
rso = "remote show origin" # показать состояние локальных веток относительно удалённых на origin bare
rv = "revert"
rvn = "revert --no-commit"
s = "status"
sb = "show-branch"
start = "!git init -q && git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial commit'"
stashes = "stash list" # show stashed changes
sub = "submodule"
; sa = "submodule add"
; sdi = "submodule deinit -f"
; si = "submodule init"
; ss = "submodule summary"
; sst = "submodule status"
; sup = "submodule update"
; sy = "remote update origin --prune"
tags = "tag -n1 --list" # shot tag names and commit message
trim = "!DEFAULT=$(git default-branch); git branch --merged ${1-$DEFAULT} | grep -v " ${1-$DEFAULT}$" | xargs git branch -d; git remote prune origin;"
uncommit = "rs HEAD~1"
unstage = "reset HEAD" # staged file => unstaged
;unwip = "reset --mixed HEAD~"
upstream-branch = "!git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)"
user = "config --local --get-regexp '^user'" # show local user settings (in current repo)
wip = "!git add . && git commit -am 'WIP'"
wipa = "!git add . && git commit --amend -am 'WIP'"