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2022-09-28 14:11:55 +00:00
# alias bashrc='source ~/.bashrc'
alias zshrc='source ~/.zshrc'
alias realias='source ~/.bash_aliases'
alias reload='exec ${SHELL} -l'
alias sudo='sudo ' # enable aliases to be sudoed
alias g='git'
2022-10-08 13:49:43 +00:00
alias hosts="sudo nano /etc/hosts"
2022-10-10 15:01:10 +00:00
alias shrug="echo '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' | xclip -selection c"
2022-09-28 14:11:55 +00:00
alias ..='cd ..' # zsh builtin
alias ~='cd ~' # zsh builtin
alias -- -='cd -' # zsh builtin
alias chmod='chmod --preserve-root'
alias chown='chown --preserve-root'
alias free='free -h'
alias duh='du -ha --max-depth=1'
alias sduh='sudo du -ha --max-depth=1'
alias l='ls -pCFh --color=auto'
alias la='ls -pAFh --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -palFh --color=auto'
alias mkdir='mkdir -pv'
alias where='whereis' # zsh builtin
alias ps='ps auxf'
alias psg='ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e'
alias is='type -a'
alias upgrade='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo snap refresh'
alias untargz='tar -czf'
alias mkcd="mkdir -p $1 && cd $1"
alias cl='cd $1 && ll'
alias myip='curl; echo'
alias ports='netstat -tulpan'
alias'cat ~/.ssh/*.pub'
alias"gpg --full-generate-key"
alias"gpg --armor --export $@"
alias gpg.list='gpg --list-keys --keyid-format SHORT'
alias wine='LANG=ru_RU.utf8 wine'
alias docker.prune='docker image prune -f; docker network prune -f; docker container prune -f'
2022-10-08 13:49:43 +00:00
alias obscam="sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=2 card_label='OBS Virtual Camera'"
2022-10-08 14:40:39 +00:00
# Download music from Youtube or Youtube Music
# and save as top quality flac file without video
# Playlist and video/track URLs are supported
# Usage: $ ytm\?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
# More info:
2022-10-08 13:49:43 +00:00
ytm() {
2022-10-09 04:58:49 +00:00
youtube-dl \
2022-10-08 13:49:43 +00:00
--extract-audio \
--audio-format flac \
--audio-quality 0 \
--format bestaudio \
2022-10-09 04:58:49 +00:00
--write-info-json \
--output "${HOME}/Музыка/ytm/%(playlist_title)s/%(channel)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" \
2022-10-08 13:49:43 +00:00
2022-10-09 04:58:49 +00:00
2022-09-28 14:11:55 +00:00
docker.ip() {
if [ "$1" ]; then
if [ "$1" = "-a" ]; then
docker ps -aq \
| xargs -n 1 docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}} {{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' \
| sed -e 's#^/##' \
| column -t
elif [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then
docker-compose ps -q \
| xargs -n 1 docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}} {{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' \
| sed -e 's#^/##' \
| column -t
docker inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' "$1"
docker port "$1"
docker ps -q \
| xargs -n 1 docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}} {{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' \
| sed -e 's#^/##' \
| column -t
# $1 -- file/dir path
# $2 -- permissions (0644, 0755, etc)
# own() { #TODO refactor
# [ "$1" ] && PATH="${1/#\~/$HOME}" || {
# echo "Error (1): path not provided"
# }
# echo $PATH
# [ "$2" ] && PERM="$2" || {
# if [ -d $PATH ]; then
# PERM="0755"
# elif [ -f $PATH ]; then
# PERM="0644"
# else
# echo "Error (2): path not exists"
# fi;
# }
# echo $PERM
# sudo chmod $PERM -R --preserve-root $PATH
# sudo chown $USER. -R --preserve-root $PATH
# }
# function extract {
# if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# # display usage if no parameters given
# echo "Usage: extract <path/file_name>.<zip|rar|bz2|gz|tar|tbz2|tgz|Z|7z|xz|ex|tar.bz2|tar.gz|tar.xz>"
# echo " extract <path/file_name_1.ext> [path/file_name_2.ext] [path/file_name_3.ext]"
# return 1
# else
# for n in $@
# do
# if [ -f "$n" ] ; then
# case "${n%,}" in
# *.tar.bz2|*.tar.gz|*.tar.xz|*.tbz2|*.tgz|*.txz|*.tar)
# tar xvf "$n" ;;
# *.lzma) unlzma ./"$n" ;;
# *.bz2) bunzip2 ./"$n" ;;
# *.rar) unrar x -ad ./"$n" ;;
# *.gz) gunzip ./"$n" ;;
# *.zip) unzip ./"$n" ;;
# *.z) uncompress ./"$n" ;;
# *.7z|*.arj|*.cab|*.chm|*.deb|*.dmg|*.iso|*.lzh|*.msi|*.rpm|*.udf|*.wim|*.xar)
# 7z x ./"$n" ;;
# *.xz) unxz ./"$n" ;;
# *.exe) cabextract ./"$n" ;;
# *)
# echo "extract: '$n' - unknown archive method"
# return 1
# ;;
# esac
# else
# echo "'$n' - file does not exist"
# return 1
# fi
# done
# fi
# }