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2021-09-01 02:57:54 +05:00

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The classes in this module handle SAMI reading and writing. It supports several
CSS attributes, some of which are handled as positioning settings (and applied
to Layout objects) and others as simple styling (applied to legacy style nodes).
The following attributes are handled as positioning:
'text-align' # Converted to Alignment
* Margins are converted to Padding
* Margins defined inline are not supported
TODO: Add support for inline margins
Any other CSS the BeautifulSoup library manages to parse is handled as simple
styling and applied to style nodes. However, apparently only these are actually
used by writers on conversion:
* Other parameters are preserved, but not if they're specified inline.
Make this less confusing. Confirm whether these really are the only
supported styling attributes and make it more clear, perhaps by listing
them in constants in the beginning of the file and using them to filter
out unneeded attributes either everywhere in the code or not at all, but
most importantly regardless of whether they're defined inline or not,
because this is irrelevant.
import re
import six
from logging import FATAL
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
from future.backports.html.parser import HTMLParseError
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from html.entities import name2codepoint
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
from cssutils import parseString, log, css as cssutils_css
from .base import (
BaseReader, BaseWriter, CaptionSet, CaptionList, Caption, CaptionNode,
from .exceptions import (
CaptionReadNoCaptions, CaptionReadSyntaxError, InvalidInputError)
from .geometry import Layout, Alignment, Padding, Size
# change cssutils default logging
<style type="text/css"/>
class SAMIReader(BaseReader):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(SAMIReader, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.line = []
self.first_alignment = None
def detect(self, content):
if '<sami' in content.lower():
return True
return False
def read(self, content):
if type(content) != six.text_type:
raise InvalidInputError('The content is not a unicode string.')
content, doc_styles, doc_langs = (
sami_soup = self._get_xml_parser_class()(content)
# Get the global layout that applies to all <p> tags
global_layout = self._build_layout(doc_styles.get('p', {}))
caption_dict = {}
for language in doc_langs:
lang_layout = None
for target, styling in list(doc_styles.items()):
if target not in ['p', 'sync', 'span']:
if styling.get('lang', None) == language:
lang_layout = self._build_layout(
doc_styles.get(target, {}),
lang_layout = lang_layout or global_layout
lang_captions = self._translate_lang(
language, sami_soup, lang_layout)
caption_dict[language] = lang_captions
caption_set = CaptionSet(
# Convert styles from CSS to internal representation
for style in list(doc_styles.items()):
style = (style[0], self._translate_parsed_style(style[1]))
if caption_set.is_empty():
raise CaptionReadNoCaptions("empty caption file")
return caption_set
def _get_sami_parser_class():
"""Hook method for providing custom SAMIParser classes"""
return SAMIParser
def _get_xml_parser_class():
"""Hook method for providing a custom XML parser class"""
return BeautifulSoup
def _build_layout(self, styles, inherit_from=None):
:type styles: dict
:param styles: a dictionary with CSS-like styling rules
:type inherit_from: Layout
:param inherit_from: The Layout with values to be used in case the
positioning settings in the styles parameter don't specify
alignment = Alignment.from_horizontal_and_vertical_align(
return self._get_layout_class()(
def _get_layout_class():
"""Hook method for providing a custom Layout class"""
return Layout
def _get_padding(self, styles):
margin_before = self._get_size(styles, 'margin-top')
margin_after = self._get_size(styles, 'margin-bottom')
margin_start = self._get_size(styles, 'margin-left')
margin_end = self._get_size(styles, 'margin-right')
if not any([margin_before, margin_after, margin_start, margin_end]):
return None
return Padding(
before=margin_before, # top
after=margin_after, # bottom
start=margin_start, # left
end=margin_end # right
def _get_size(self, styles, style_label):
value_from_style = styles.get(style_label, None)
if not value_from_style:
return None
return Size.from_string(value_from_style)
def _translate_lang(self, language, sami_soup, parent_layout):
For a given language, translate the SAMI XML to internal list of
:rtype: list
captions = CaptionList(layout_info=parent_layout)
milliseconds = 0
for p in'p[lang|=%s]' % language):
milliseconds = int(float(p.parent['start']))
start = milliseconds * 1000
end = 0
if captions != [] and captions[-1].end == 0:
captions[-1].end = milliseconds * 1000
if p.get_text().strip():
self.first_alignment = None
styles = self._translate_attrs(p)
layout_info = self._build_layout(styles,
self.line = []
self._translate_tag(p, layout_info)
caption_layout = self._get_layout_class()(
for node in self.line:
node.layout_info = Layout(
self.first_alignment = None
caption = Caption(start, end, self.line, styles, caption_layout)
if captions and captions[-1].end == 0:
# Arbitrarily make this last 4 seconds. Not ideal...
captions[-1].end = (milliseconds + 4000) * 1000
return captions
def _get_style_name_from_tag(self, tag):
if tag == 'i':
return 'italics'
elif tag == 'b':
return 'bold'
elif tag == 'u':
return 'underline'
raise RuntimeError("Unknown style tag")
def _translate_tag(self, tag, inherit_from=None):
:param inherit_from: A Layout object extracted from an ancestor tag
to be attached to leaf nodes
# convert text
if isinstance(tag, NavigableString):
# BeautifulSoup apparently handles unescaping character codes
# (e.g. &amp;) automatically. The following variable, therefore,
# should contain a plain unicode string.
# strips indentation whitespace only
pattern = re.compile("^(?:[\n\r]+\s*)?(.+)")
result =
if not result:
tag_text = result.groups()[0]
self.line.append(CaptionNode.create_text(tag_text, inherit_from))
# convert line breaks
elif == 'br':
# convert italics, bold, and underline
elif == 'i' or == 'b' or == 'u':
style_name = self._get_style_name_from_tag(
CaptionNode.create_style(True, {style_name: True})
# recursively call function for any children elements
for a in tag.contents:
self._translate_tag(a, inherit_from)
CaptionNode.create_style(False, {style_name: True}))
elif == 'span':
self._translate_span(tag, inherit_from)
# recursively call function for any children elements
for a in tag.contents:
self._translate_tag(a, inherit_from)
def _translate_span(self, tag, inherit_from=None):
# convert tag attributes
args = self._translate_attrs(tag)
# only include span tag if attributes returned
if args:
layout_info = self._build_layout(args, inherit_from)
# OLD: Create legacy style node
# NEW: But pass new layout object
node = CaptionNode.create_style(True, args, layout_info)
# recursively call function for any children elements
for a in tag.contents:
# NEW: Pass the layout along so that it's eventually attached
# to leaf nodes (e.g. text or break)
self._translate_tag(a, layout_info)
node = CaptionNode.create_style(False, args, layout_info)
for a in tag.contents:
self._translate_tag(a, inherit_from)
def _translate_attrs(self, tag):
attrs = {}
css_attrs = tag.attrs
if 'class' in css_attrs:
attrs['class'] = css_attrs['class'][0].lower()
if 'id' in css_attrs:
attrs['class'] = css_attrs['id'].lower()
if 'style' in css_attrs:
styles = css_attrs['style'].split(';')
attrs.update(self._translate_style(attrs, styles))
return attrs
# convert attributes from inline CSS
def _translate_style(self, attrs, styles):
for style in styles:
style = style.split(':')
if len(style) == 2:
css_property, value = style
if css_property == 'text-align':
self._translate_css_property(attrs, css_property, value)
return attrs
def _translate_parsed_style(self, styles):
# Keep unknown styles by default
attrs = styles
for css_property in list(styles.keys()):
value = styles[css_property]
self._translate_css_property(attrs, css_property, value)
return attrs
def _translate_css_property(self, attrs, css_property, value):
if css_property == 'font-family':
attrs['font-family'] = value.strip()
elif css_property == 'font-size':
attrs['font-size'] = value.strip()
elif css_property == 'font-style' and value.strip() == 'italic':
attrs['italics'] = True
elif css_property == 'text-decoration' and value.strip() == 'underline':
attrs['underline'] = True
elif css_property == 'font-weight' and value.strip() == 'bold':
attrs['bold'] = True
elif css_property == 'lang':
attrs['lang'] = value.strip()
elif css_property == 'color':
attrs['color'] = value.strip()
def _save_first_alignment(self, align):
Unlike the other inline CSS attributes parsed in _translate_styles, the
'text-align' setting must be applied to a Layout and not to a style
because it affects positioning. This Layout must be assigned to the
Caption object, and not a Node, because it doesn't make sense to have
spans in the same caption with different alignments. Even though the
SAMI format seems to in principle accept it, pycaption normalizes to
something it can make sense of internally and convert to other formats.
If there are multiple elements (span, div, etc) in the same line with
different alignments, only the first alignment is taken into account.
If the root element of the caption (sync's first child) has an inline
text-align, it is preserved and any children alignment is ignored.
:param align: A unicode string representing a CSS text-align value
if not self.first_alignment:
self.first_alignment = Alignment.from_horizontal_and_vertical_align( # noqa
class SAMIWriter(BaseWriter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SAMIWriter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.open_span = False
self.last_time = None
def write(self, caption_set):
caption_set = deepcopy(caption_set)
sami = BeautifulSoup(SAMI_BASE_MARKUP, "lxml-xml")
caption_set.layout_info = self._relativize_and_fit_to_screen(
primary = None
for lang in caption_set.get_languages():
self.last_time = None
if primary is None:
primary = lang
for caption in caption_set.get_captions(lang):
# Loop through all captions/nodes and apply transformations to
# layout in function of the provided or default settings
caption.layout_info = self._relativize_and_fit_to_screen(
for node in caption.nodes:
node.layout_info = self._relativize_and_fit_to_screen(
sami = self._recreate_p_tag(
caption, sami, lang, primary, caption_set)
stylesheet = self._recreate_stylesheet(caption_set)
a = sami.prettify(formatter=None).split('\n')
caption_content = '\n'.join(a[1:])
return caption_content
def _recreate_p_tag(self, caption, sami, lang, primary, captions):
Creates a p tag for the given caption, attach it to the sami object
and return it.
:type caption: Caption
:type sami: BeautifulSoup
:type lang: unicode
:type primary: unicode
:type captions: CaptionSet
:rtype: BeautifulSoup
time = caption.start / 1000
if self.last_time and time != self.last_time:
sami = self._recreate_blank_tag(
sami, caption, lang, primary, captions)
self.last_time = caption.end / 1000
sami, sync = self._recreate_sync(sami, lang, primary, time)
p = sami.new_tag("p")
p_style = ''
for attr, value in list(self._recreate_style(
p_style += '%s:%s;' % (attr, value)
if p_style:
p['p_style'] = p_style
p['class'] = self._recreate_p_lang(caption, lang, captions)
p.string = self._recreate_text(caption.nodes)
return sami
def _recreate_sync(self, sami, lang, primary, time):
Creates a sync tag for a given language and timing (if it doesn't
already exist), attach it to the sami body and return the sami
:type sami: BeautifulSoup
:type lang: unicode
:type primary: unicode
:type time: int
:rtype: BeautifulSoup
if lang == primary:
sync = sami.new_tag("sync", start="%d" % time)
sync = sami.find("sync", start="%d" % time)
if sync is None:
sami, sync = self._find_closest_sync(sami, time)
return sami, sync
def _find_closest_sync(self, sami, time):
sync = sami.new_tag("sync", start="%d" % time)
earlier = sami.find_all("sync", start=lambda x: int(x) < time)
if earlier:
last_sync = earlier[-1]
def later_syncs(start):
return int(start) > time
later = sami.find_all("sync", start=later_syncs)
if later:
last_sync = later[0]
return sami, sync
def _recreate_blank_tag(self, sami, caption, lang, primary, captions):
sami, sync = self._recreate_sync(sami, lang, primary, self.last_time)
p = sami.new_tag("p")
p['class'] = self._recreate_p_lang(caption, lang, captions)
p.string = '&nbsp;'
return sami
def _recreate_p_lang(self, caption, lang, captions):
if 'lang' in captions.get_style(['class']):
except KeyError:
return lang
def _recreate_stylesheet(self, caption_set):
stylesheet = '<!--'
for attr, value in caption_set.get_styles():
if value != {}:
stylesheet += self._recreate_style_block(
attr, value, caption_set.layout_info)
for lang in caption_set.get_languages():
lang_string = 'lang: {}'.format(lang)
if lang_string not in stylesheet:
stylesheet += self._recreate_style_block(
lang, {'lang': lang}, caption_set.get_layout_info(lang))
return stylesheet + ' -->'
def _recreate_style_block(self, target, rules, layout_info):
:param target: A unicode string representing the target of the styling
:param rules: A dictionary with CSS-like styling rules.
:param layout_info: A Layout object providing positioning information
to be converted to CSS
if target not in ['p', 'sync', 'span']:
# If it's not a valid SAMI element, then it's a custom class name
selector = '.{}'.format(target)
selector = target
sami_style = '\n {} {{\n '.format(selector)
if layout_info and layout_info.padding:
'margin-top': six.text_type(layout_info.padding.before),
'margin-right': six.text_type(layout_info.padding.end),
'margin-bottom': six.text_type(layout_info.padding.after),
'margin-left': six.text_type(layout_info.padding.start),
for attr, value in sorted(self._recreate_style(rules).items()):
sami_style += ' {}: {};\n '.format(attr, value)
return sami_style + '}\n'
def _recreate_text(self, caption):
line = ''
for node in caption:
if node.type_ == CaptionNode.TEXT:
line += self._encode(node.content) + ' '
elif node.type_ == CaptionNode.BREAK:
line = line.rstrip() + '<br/>\n '
elif node.type_ == CaptionNode.STYLE:
line = self._recreate_line_style(line, node)
return line.rstrip()
def _recreate_line_style(self, line, node):
if node.start:
if self.open_span:
line = line.rstrip() + '</span> '
line = self._recreate_span(line, node.content)
if self.open_span:
line = line.rstrip() + '</span> '
self.open_span = False
return line
def _recreate_span(self, line, content):
style = ''
klass = ''
if 'class' in content:
klass += ' class="%s"' % content['class']
for attr, value in list(self._recreate_style(content).items()):
style += '%s:%s;' % (attr, value)
if style or klass:
if style:
style = ' style="%s"' % style
line += '<span%s%s>' % (klass, style)
self.open_span = True
return line
def _recreate_style(self, rules):
:param rules: A dictionary with CSS-like styling rules
sami_style = {}
for key, value in list(rules.items()):
# Recreate original CSS rules from internal style
if key == 'italics' and value == True:
sami_style['font-style'] = 'italic'
elif key == 'bold' and value == True:
sami_style['font-weight'] = 'bold'
elif key == 'underline' and value == True:
sami_style['text-decoration'] = 'underline'
sami_style[key] = value
return sami_style
def _encode(self, s):
Encodes plain unicode string to proper SAMI file escaping special
characters in case they appear in the string.
:type s: unicode
return escape(s)
class SAMIParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
HTMLParser.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
self.sami = ''
self.line = ''
self.styles = {}
self.queue = deque()
self.langs = set()
self.last_element = ''
self.name2codepoint = name2codepoint.copy()
self.name2codepoint['apos'] = 0x0027
self.convert_charrefs = False
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
Override the parser's handling of starttags
:param tag: unicode string indicating the tag type (e.g. "head" or "p")
:param tag: list of attribute tuples of type (u'name', u'value')
self.last_element = tag
# treat divs as spans
if tag == 'div':
tag = 'span'
# figure out the caption language of P tags
if tag == 'p':
lang = self._find_lang(attrs)
# if no language detected, set it as the default
attrs.append(('lang', lang))
# clean-up line breaks
if tag == 'br':
self.sami += "<br/>"
# add tag to queue
# if already in queue, first close tags off in LIFO order
while tag in self.queue:
closer = self.queue.pop()
self.sami += "</%s>" % closer
# open new tag in queue
# add tag with attributes
for attr, value in attrs:
tag += ' %s="%s"' % (attr.lower(), value)
self.sami += "<%s>" % tag
# override the parser's handling of endtags
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
# treat divs as spans
if tag == 'div':
tag = 'span'
# handle incorrectly formatted sync/p tags
if tag in ['p', 'sync'] and tag == self.last_element:
# close off tags in LIFO order, if matching starting tag in queue
while tag in self.queue:
closing_tag = self.queue.pop()
self.sami += "</%s>" % closing_tag
def handle_entityref(self, name):
if name in ['gt', 'lt']:
self.sami += '&%s;' % name
self.sami += chr(self.name2codepoint[name])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
self.sami += '&%s' % name
self.last_element = ''
def handle_charref(self, name):
if name[0] == 'x':
self.sami += chr(int(name[1:], 16))
self.sami += chr(int(name))
# override the parser's handling of data
def handle_data(self, data):
self.sami += data
self.last_element = ''
# override the parser's feed function
def feed(self, data):
:param data: Raw SAMI unicode string
:returns: tuple (unicode, dict, set)
no_cc = 'no closed captioning available'
if '<html' in data.lower():
raise CaptionReadSyntaxError(
'SAMI File seems to be an HTML file.')
elif no_cc in data.lower():
raise CaptionReadSyntaxError('SAMI File contains "%s"' % no_cc)
# try to find style tag in SAMI
# prevent BS4 error with huge SAMI files with unclosed tags
index = data.lower().find("</head>")
self.styles = self._css_parse(
BeautifulSoup(data[:index], "lxml").find('style').get_text())
except AttributeError:
self.styles = {}
# fix erroneous italics tags
data = data.replace('<i/>', '<i>')
# fix awkward tags found in some SAMIs
data = data.replace(';>', '>')
HTMLParser.feed(self, data)
except HTMLParseError as e:
raise CaptionReadSyntaxError(e)
# close any tags that remain in the queue
while self.queue != deque([]):
closing_tag = self.queue.pop()
self.sami += "</%s>" % closing_tag
return self.sami, self.styles, self.langs
# parse the SAMI's stylesheet
def _css_parse(self, css):
Parse styling via cssutils modules
:rtype: dict
sheet = parseString(css)
style_sheet = {}
for rule in sheet:
new_style = {}
selector = rule.selectorText.lower()
if selector[0] in ['#', '.']:
selector = selector[1:]
# keep any style attributes that are needed
for prop in
if == 'color':
cv = cssutils_css.ColorValue(prop.value)
# Code for RGB to hex conversion comes from
new_style['color'] = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (,,
new_style[] = prop.value
if new_style:
style_sheet[selector] = new_style
return style_sheet
def _find_lang(self, attrs):
for attr, value in attrs:
# if lang is an attribute of the tag
if attr.lower() == 'lang':
return value[:2]
# if the P tag has a class, try and find the language
if attr.lower() == 'class':
return self.styles[value.lower()]['lang']
except KeyError:
return None