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2021-09-01 02:57:54 +05:00

697 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 types of SCC captions:
94ae - [ENM] - Erase Non-displayed(buffer) Memory
942c - [EDM] - Erase Displayed Memory
9420 - [RCL] - Resume Caption Loading
9429 - [RDC] - Resume Direct Captioning
9425, 9426, 94a7 - [RU2], [RU3], [RU4] (roll up captions 2,3 or 4 rows)
- these commands set the number of expected lines
94ad - (in CEA-608-E: 142d) - [CR] carriage return.
- This actually rolls the captions up as many rows as specified by
[RU1], [RU2], or [RU3]
80 - no-op char. Doesn't do anything, but must be used with other
characters, to make a 2 byte word
97a1, 97a2, 9723 - [TO] move 1, 2 or 3 columns - Tab Over command
- this moves the positioning 1, 2, or 3 columns to the right
- Nothing regarding this is implemented.
942f - [EOC] - display the buffer on the screen - End Of Caption
... - [PAC] - Preamble address code (can set positioning and style)
- All the PACs are specified by the first and second byte combined
from pycaption.scc.constants.PAC_BYTES_TO_POSITIONING_MAP
9429 - [RDC] - Resume Direct Captioning
94a4 - (in CEA-608-E: 1424) - [DER] Delete to End of Row
The commands should usually appear in this order. Not strict though, and
the the commands don't have to necessarily be on the same row.
1. 94ae [ENM] (erase non displayed memory)
2. 9420 [RCL] (resume caption loading => this command here means we're using Pop-On captions)
2.1? [ENM] - if step 0 was skipped?
3. [PAC] Positioning/ styling command (can position on columns divisible by 4)
The control chars is called Preamble Address Code [PAC].
4. If positioning needs to be on columns not divisible by 4, use a [TO] command
5. text
6. 942c [EDM] - optionally, erase the currently displayed caption
7. 942f [EOC] display the caption
1. [RU2], [RU3] or [RU4] - sets Roll-Up style and depth
- these set the Roll-Up style: (characteristic command)
2. [CR] to roll the display up 1
3. [PAC] - sets the indent of the base row
1. [RDC] - sets the Paint-On style (characteristic command)
2. [PAC]
3. text
4. [PAC]
5. text or [DER]
There are some rules regarding the parity of the commands.
This resource:
specifies that there are interpreters which only work if the commands have an
odd parity. This however is not consistent, and we might not handle well
these cases. Odd parity of a command means that, converting toe word into
binary, should result in an odd number of '1's. The PAC commands obey this
rule, but some do not. Some commands that do not are found in the COMMANDS
dictionary. This is legacy logic, that I didn't know how to handle, and
just carried over when implementing positioning.
import re
import math
import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
import six
from pycaption.base import (
BaseReader, BaseWriter, CaptionSet, CaptionNode,
from pycaption.exceptions import CaptionReadNoCaptions, InvalidInputError
from .constants import (
from .specialized_collections import (
TimingCorrectingCaptionList, NotifyingDict, CaptionCreator,
from .state_machines import DefaultProvidingPositionTracker
class NodeCreatorFactory(object):
"""Will return instances of the given node_creator.
This is used as a means of creating new InstructionNodeCreator instances,
because these need to share state beyond their garbage collection, but
storing the information at the class level is not good either, because
this information must be erased after the reader's .read() operation
def __init__(self, position_tracker,
self.position_tracker = position_tracker
self.node_creator = node_creator
def new_creator(self):
"""Returns a new instance of self.node_creator, initialized with
the same italics_tracker, and position_tracker
return self.node_creator(position_tracker=self.position_tracker)
def from_list(self, roll_rows):
"""Wraps the node_creator's method with the same name
:param roll_rows: list of node_creator instances
:return: a node_creator instance
return self.node_creator.from_list(
def get_corrected_end_time(caption):
"""If the last caption was never explicitly ended, set its end time to
start + 4 seconds
:param Caption caption: the last caption
:rtype: int
if caption.end:
return caption.end
return caption.start + 4 * 1000 * 1000
class SCCReader(BaseReader):
"""Converts a given unicode string to a CaptionSet.
This can be then later used for converting into any other supported formats
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.caption_stash = CaptionCreator()
self.time_translator = _SccTimeTranslator()
self.node_creator_factory = NodeCreatorFactory(
self.last_command = ''
self.buffer_dict = NotifyingDict()
self.buffer_dict['pop'] = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
self.buffer_dict['paint'] = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
self.buffer_dict['roll'] = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# Call this method when the active key changes
self.roll_rows = []
self.roll_rows_expected = 0
self.simulate_roll_up = False
self.time = 0
def detect(self, content):
"""Checks whether the given content is a proper SCC file
:type content: unicode
:rtype: bool
lines = content.splitlines()
if lines[0] == HEADER:
return True
return False
def read(self, content, lang='en-US', simulate_roll_up=False, offset=0):
"""Converts the unicode string into a CaptionSet
:type content: six.text_type
:param content: The SCC content to be converted to a CaptionSet
:type lang: six.text_type
:param lang: The language of the caption
:type simulate_roll_up: bool
:param simulate_roll_up: If True, when converting to other formats,
the resulting captions will contain all the rows that were visible
on the screen when the captions were rolling up.
:type offset: int
:param offset:
:rtype: CaptionSet
if type(content) != six.text_type:
raise InvalidInputError('The content is not a unicode string.')
self.simulate_roll_up = simulate_roll_up
self.time_translator.offset = offset * 1000000
# split lines
lines = content.splitlines()
# loop through each line except the first
for line in lines[1:]:
captions = CaptionSet({lang: self.caption_stash.get_all()})
# check captions for incorrect lengths
for cap in captions.get_captions(lang):
# if there's an end time on a caption and the difference is
# less than .05s kill it (this is likely caused by a standalone
# EOC marker in the SCC file)
if 0 < cap.end - cap.start < 50000:
raise ValueError('unsupported length found in SCC input file: ' + str(cap))
if captions.is_empty():
raise CaptionReadNoCaptions("empty caption file")
last_caption = captions.get_captions(lang)[-1]
last_caption.end = get_corrected_end_time(last_caption)
return captions
def _fix_last_timing(self, timing):
"""HACK HACK: Certain Paint-On captions don't specify the 942f [EOC]
(End Of Caption) command on the same line.
If this is a 942f line, also simulate a 942c (Erase Displayed Memory)
to properly set the timing on the last caption.
This method needs some serious attention, because it proves the timing
calculation is not done well for Pop-On captions
# Calculate the end time from the current line
time_translator = _SccTimeTranslator()
time_translator.offset = self.time_translator.offset
# But use the current time translator for the start time
self.buffer, self.time_translator.get_time())
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.node_creator()
def _flush_implicit_buffers(self, old_key=None, *args):
"""Convert to Captions those buffers whose behavior is implicit.
The Paint-On buffer is explicit. New captions are created from it
with the command 'End Of Caption' [EOC], '942f'
The other 2 buffers, Roll-Up and Paint-On we treat as "more" implicit,
meaning that they can be displayed by a command on the next row.
If they're on the last row however, or if the caption type is changing,
we make sure to convert the buffers to text, so we don't lose any info.
if old_key == 'pop':
elif old_key is None or old_key == 'roll':
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
elif old_key is None or old_key == 'paint':
# xxx - perhaps the self.buffer property is sufficient
if not self.buffer_dict['paint'].is_empty():
self.buffer_dict['paint'], self.time)
def _translate_line(self, line):
# ignore blank lines
if line.strip() == '':
# split line in timestamp and words
r = re.compile(r"([0-9:;]*)([\s\t]*)((.)*)")
parts = r.findall(line.lower())
if parts[0][2].strip() == '942f':
# loop through each word
for word in parts[0][2].split(' '):
# ignore empty results
if word.strip() != '':
def _translate_word(self, word):
# count frames for timing
# first check if word is a command
# TODO - check that all the positioning commands are here, or use
# some other strategy to determine if the word is a command.
if word in COMMANDS or _is_pac_command(word):
# second, check if word is a special character
elif word in SPECIAL_CHARS:
elif word in EXTENDED_CHARS:
# third, try to convert word into 2 characters
def _handle_double_command(self, word):
# ensure we don't accidentally use the same command twice
if word == self.last_command:
self.last_command = ''
return True
self.last_command = word
return False
def _translate_special_char(self, word):
# XXX - this looks highly buggy. Why should special chars be ignored
# when printed 2 times one after another?
if self._handle_double_command(word):
def _translate_extended_char(self, word):
# XXX - this looks highly buggy. Why would a special char be ignored
# if it's printed 2 times one after another?
if self._handle_double_command(word):
# add to buffer
def _translate_command(self, word):
if self._handle_double_command(word):
# if command is pop_up
if word == '9420':
# command is paint_on [Resume Direct Captioning]
elif word == '9429':
self.roll_rows_expected = 1
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
self.buffer, self.time
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
self.time = self.time_translator.get_time()
# if command is roll_up 2, 3 or 4 rows
elif word in ('9425', '9426', '94a7'):
# count how many lines are expected
if word == '9425':
self.roll_rows_expected = 2
elif word == '9426':
self.roll_rows_expected = 3
elif word == '94a7':
self.roll_rows_expected = 4
# if content is in the queue, turn it into a caption
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
self.buffer, self.time)
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# set rows to empty, configure start time for caption
self.roll_rows = []
self.time = self.time_translator.get_time()
# clear pop_on buffer
elif word == '94ae':
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# display pop_on buffer [End Of Caption]
elif word == '942f':
self.time = self.time_translator.get_time()
self.caption_stash.create_and_store(self.buffer, self.time)
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# roll up captions [Carriage Return]
elif word == '94ad':
# display roll-up buffer
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
# clear screen
elif word == '942c':
self.roll_rows = []
# XXX - The 942c command has nothing to do with paint-ons
# This however is legacy code, and will break lots of tests if
# the proper buffer (self.buffer) is used.
# Most likely using `self.buffer` instead of the paint buffer
# is the right thing to do, but this needs some further attention.
if not self.buffer_dict['paint'].is_empty():
self.buffer_dict['paint'], self.time)
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# attempt to add proper end time to last caption(s)
# if command not one of the aforementioned, add to buffer
def _translate_characters(self, word):
# split word into the 2 bytes
byte1 = word[:2]
byte2 = word[2:]
# check to see if the the bytes are recognized characters
if byte1 not in CHARACTERS or byte2 not in CHARACTERS:
self.buffer.add_chars(CHARACTERS[byte1], CHARACTERS[byte2])
def buffer(self):
"""Returns the currently active buffer
return self.buffer_dict.get_active()
def buffer(self, value):
"""Sets a new value to the active key
:param value: any object
key = self.buffer_dict.active_key
self.buffer_dict[key] = value
except TypeError:
def _roll_up(self):
# We expect the active buffer to be the rol buffer
if self.simulate_roll_up:
if self.roll_rows_expected > 1:
if len(self.roll_rows) >= self.roll_rows_expected:
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.from_list(
# convert buffer and empty
self.caption_stash.create_and_store(self.buffer, self.time)
self.buffer = self.node_creator_factory.new_creator()
# configure time
self.time = self.time_translator.get_time()
# try to insert the proper ending time for the previous caption
self.caption_stash.correct_last_timing(self.time, force=True)
class SCCWriter(BaseWriter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(SCCWriter, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def write(self, caption_set):
output = HEADER + '\n\n'
if caption_set.is_empty():
return output
caption_set = deepcopy(caption_set)
# Only support one language.
lang = list(caption_set.get_languages())[0]
captions = caption_set.get_captions(lang)
# PASS 1: compute codes for each caption
codes = [(self._text_to_code(caption), caption.start, caption.end)
for caption in captions]
# PASS 2:
# Advance start times so as to have time to write to the pop-on
# buffer; possibly remove the previous clear-screen command
for index, (code, start, end) in enumerate(codes):
code_words = len(code) / 5 + 8
code_time_microseconds = code_words * MICROSECONDS_PER_CODEWORD
code_start = start - code_time_microseconds
if index == 0:
previous_code, previous_start, previous_end = codes[index-1]
if previous_end + 3 * MICROSECONDS_PER_CODEWORD >= code_start:
codes[index-1] = (previous_code, previous_start, None)
codes[index] = (code, code_start, end)
# PASS 3:
# Write captions.
for (code, start, end) in codes:
output += ('%s\t' % self._format_timestamp(start))
output += '94ae 94ae 9420 9420 '
output += code
output += '942c 942c 942f 942f\n\n'
if end is not None:
output += '%s\t942c 942c\n\n' % self._format_timestamp(end)
return output
# Wrap lines at 32 chars
def _layout_line(caption):
def caption_node_to_text(caption_node):
if caption_node.type_ == CaptionNode.TEXT:
return six.text_type(caption_node.content)
elif caption_node.type_ == CaptionNode.BREAK:
return '\n'
caption_text = ''.join(
[caption_node_to_text(node) for node in caption.nodes])
inner_lines = caption_text.split('\n')
inner_lines_laid_out = [textwrap.fill(x, 32) for x in inner_lines]
return '\n'.join(inner_lines_laid_out)
def _maybe_align(code):
# Finish a half-word with a no-op so we can move to a full word
if len(code) % 5 == 2:
code += '80 '
return code
def _maybe_space(code):
if len(code) % 5 == 4:
code += ' '
return code
def _print_character(self, code, char):
char_code = CHARACTER_TO_CODE[char]
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
char_code = '91b6' # Use £ as "unknown character" symbol
if len(char_code) == 2:
return code + char_code
elif len(char_code) == 4:
return self._maybe_align(code) + char_code
# This should not happen!
return code
def _text_to_code(self, s):
code = ''
lines = self._layout_line(s).split('\n')
for row, line in enumerate(lines):
row += 16 - len(lines)
# Move cursor to column 0 of the destination row
for _ in range(2):
code += ('%s%s ' % (PAC_HIGH_BYTE_BY_ROW[row],
# Print the line using the SCC encoding
for char in line:
code = self._print_character(code, char)
code = self._maybe_space(code)
code = self._maybe_align(code)
return code
def _format_timestamp(microseconds):
seconds_float = microseconds / 1000.0 / 1000.0
# Convert to non-drop-frame timecode
seconds_float *= 1000.0 / 1001.0
hours = math.floor(seconds_float / 3600)
seconds_float -= hours * 3600
minutes = math.floor(seconds_float / 60)
seconds_float -= minutes * 60
seconds = math.floor(seconds_float)
seconds_float -= seconds
frames = math.floor(seconds_float * 30)
return '%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds, frames)
class _SccTimeTranslator(object):
"""Converts SCC time to microseconds, keeping track of frames passed
def __init__(self):
self._time = '00:00:00;00'
# microseconds. The offset from which we begin the time calculation
self.offset = 0
self._frames = 0
def get_time(self):
"""Returns the time, in microseconds. Takes into account the number of
frames passed, and the offset
:rtype: int
return self._translate_time(
self._time[:-2] + six.text_type(int(self._time[-2:]) + self._frames),
def _translate_time(stamp, offset):
:param stamp:
:type offset: int
:param offset: Subtract this many microseconds from the calculated time
Helpful for when the captions are off by some time interval.
:rtype: int
if ';' in stamp:
# Drop-frame timebase runs at the same rate as wall clock
seconds_per_timestamp_second = 1.0
# Non-drop-frame timebase runs "slow"
# 1 second of timecode is longer than an actual second (1.001s)
seconds_per_timestamp_second = 1001.0 / 1000.0
time_split = stamp.replace(';', ':').split(':')
timestamp_seconds = (int(time_split[0]) * 3600 +
int(time_split[1]) * 60 +
int(time_split[2]) +
int(time_split[3]) / 30.0)
seconds = timestamp_seconds * seconds_per_timestamp_second
microseconds = seconds * 1000 * 1000 - offset
if microseconds < 0:
microseconds = 0
return microseconds
def start_at(self, timespec):
"""Reset the counter to the given time
:type timespec: unicode
self._time = timespec
self._frames = 0
def increment_frames(self):
"""After a command was processed, we'd increment the number of frames
self._frames += 1
def _is_pac_command(word):
"""Checks whether the given word is a Preamble Address Code [PAC] command
:type word: unicode
:param word: 4 letter unicode command
:rtype: bool
if not word or len(word) != 4:
return False
byte1, byte2 = word[:2], word[2:]
except KeyError:
return False
return True