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2021-08-31 21:57:54 +00:00
This module implements the classes used to represent positioning information.
* None of the methods should modify the state of the objects on which they're
called. If the values of an object need to be recalculated, the method
responsible for the recalculation should return a new object with the
necessary modifications.
import six
from enum import Enum
from .exceptions import RelativizationError
class UnitEnum(Enum):
"""Enumeration-like object, specifying the units of measure for length
unit = UnitEnum.PIXEL
unit = UnitEnum.EM
if unit == UnitEnum.CELL :
PIXEL = 'px'
EM = 'em'
CELL = 'c'
PT = 'pt'
class VerticalAlignmentEnum(Enum):
"""Enumeration object, specifying the allowed vertical alignment options
alignment = VerticalAlignmentEnum.TOP
if alignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.BOTTOM:
TOP = 'top'
CENTER = 'center'
BOTTOM = 'bottom'
class HorizontalAlignmentEnum(Enum):
"""Enumeration object specifying the horizontal alignment preferences
LEFT = 'left'
CENTER = 'center'
RIGHT = 'right'
START = 'start'
END = 'end'
class Alignment(object):
def __init__(self, horizontal, vertical):
:type horizontal: HorizontalAlignmentEnum
:param horizontal: HorizontalAlignmentEnum member
:type vertical: VerticalAlignmentEnum
:param vertical: VerticalAlignmentEnum member
self.horizontal = horizontal
self.vertical = vertical
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.horizontal) * 83 +
hash(self.vertical) * 89 +
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.horizontal == other.horizontal and
self.vertical == other.vertical
def __repr__(self):
return "<Alignment ({horizontal} {vertical})>".format(
horizontal=self.horizontal, vertical=self.vertical
def serialized(self):
"""Returns a tuple of the useful information regarding this object
return self.horizontal, self.vertical
def from_horizontal_and_vertical_align(cls, text_align=None,
horizontal_obj = None
vertical_obj = None
if text_align == 'left':
horizontal_obj = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.LEFT
if text_align == 'start':
horizontal_obj = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.START
if text_align == 'center':
horizontal_obj = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.CENTER
if text_align == 'right':
horizontal_obj = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.RIGHT
if text_align == 'end':
horizontal_obj = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.END
if display_align == 'before':
vertical_obj = VerticalAlignmentEnum.TOP
if display_align == 'center':
vertical_obj = VerticalAlignmentEnum.CENTER
if display_align == 'after':
vertical_obj = VerticalAlignmentEnum.BOTTOM
if not any([horizontal_obj, vertical_obj]):
return None
return cls(horizontal_obj, vertical_obj)
class TwoDimensionalObject(object):
"""Adds a couple useful methods to its subclasses, nothing fancy.
# TODO - highly cachable. Should use WeakValueDictionary here to return
# flyweights, not new objects.
def from_xml_attribute(cls, attribute):
"""Instantiate the class from a value of the type "4px" or "5%"
or any number concatenated with a measuring unit (member of UnitEnum)
:type attribute: unicode
horizontal, vertical = six.text_type(attribute).split(' ')
horizontal = Size.from_string(horizontal)
vertical = Size.from_string(vertical)
return cls(horizontal, vertical)
class Stretch(TwoDimensionalObject):
"""Used for specifying the extent of a rectangle (how much it stretches),
or the padding in a rectangle (how much space should be left empty until
text can be displayed)
def __init__(self, horizontal, vertical):
"""Use the .from_xxx methods. They know what's best for you.
:type horizontal: Size
:type vertical: Size
for parameter in [horizontal, vertical]:
if not isinstance(parameter, Size):
raise ValueError("Stretch must be initialized with two valid "
"Size objects.")
self.horizontal = horizontal
self.vertical = vertical
def is_measured_in(self, measure_unit):
"""Whether the stretch is only measured in the provided units
:param measure_unit: a UnitEnum member
:return: True/False
return (
self.horizontal.unit == measure_unit and
self.vertical.unit == measure_unit
def __repr__(self):
return '<Stretch ({horizontal}, {vertical})>'.format(
horizontal=self.horizontal, vertical=self.vertical
def serialized(self):
"""Returns a tuple of the useful attributes of this object"""
return (
None if not self.horizontal else self.horizontal.serialized(),
None if not self.vertical else self.vertical.serialized()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.horizontal == other.horizontal and
self.vertical == other.vertical
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.horizontal) * 59 +
hash(self.vertical) * 61 +
def __bool__(self):
return True if self.horizontal or self.vertical else False
def to_xml_attribute(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns a unicode representation of this object as an xml attribute
return '{horizontal} {vertical}'.format(
def is_relative(self):
Returns True if all dimensions are expressed as percentages,
False otherwise.
is_relative = True
if self.horizontal:
is_relative &= self.horizontal.is_relative()
if self.vertical:
is_relative &= self.vertical.is_relative()
return is_relative
def as_percentage_of(self, video_width, video_height):
Converts absolute units (e.g. px, pt etc) to percentage
return Stretch(
class Region(object):
"""Represents the spatial coordinates of a rectangle
Don't instantiate by hand. use Region.from_points or Region.from_extent
def from_points(cls, p1, p2):
"""Create a rectangle, knowing 2 points on the plane.
We assume that p1 is in the upper left (closer to the origin)
:param p1: Point instance
:param p2: Point instance
:return: a Point instance
inst = cls()
inst._p1 = p1
inst._p2 = p2
return inst
def from_extent(cls, extent, origin):
"""Create a rectangle, knowing its upper left origin, and
spatial extension
:type extent: Stretch
:type origin: Point
:return: a Point instance
inst = cls()
inst._extent = extent
inst._origin = origin
return inst
def extent(self):
"""How wide this rectangle stretches (horizontally and vertically)
if hasattr(self, '_extent'):
return self._extent
return self._p1 - self._p2
def origin(self):
"""Out of its 4 points, returns the one closest to the origin
if hasattr(self, '_origin'):
return self._origin
return Point.align_from_origin(self._p1, self._p2)[0]
upper_left_point = origin
def lower_right_point(self):
"""The point furthest from the origin from the rectangle's 4 points
if hasattr(self, '_p2'):
return Point.align_from_origin(self._p1, self._p2)[1]
return self.origin.add_extent(self.extent)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.extent == other.extent and
self.origin == other.origin
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.origin) * 71 +
hash(self.extent) * 73 +
class Point(TwoDimensionalObject):
"""Represent a point in 2d space.
def __init__(self, x, y):
:type x: Size
:type y: Size
for parameter in [x, y]:
if not isinstance(parameter, Size):
raise ValueError("Point must be initialized with two valid "
"Size objects.")
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Returns an Stretch object, if the other point's units are compatible
return Stretch(abs(self.x - other.x), abs(self.y - other.y))
def add_stretch(self, stretch):
"""Returns another Point instance, whose coordinates are the sum of the
current Point's, and the Stretch instance's.
return Point(self.x + stretch.horizontal, self.y + stretch.vertical)
def is_relative(self):
Returns True if all dimensions are expressed as percentages,
False otherwise.
is_relative = True
if self.x:
is_relative &= self.x.is_relative()
if self.y:
is_relative &= self.y.is_relative()
return is_relative
def as_percentage_of(self, video_width, video_height):
Converts absolute units (e.g. px, pt etc) to percentage
return Point(
def align_from_origin(cls, p1, p2):
"""Returns a tuple of 2 points. The first is closest to the origin
on both axes than the second.
If the 2 points fulfill this condition, returns them (ordered), if not,
creates 2 new points.
if p1.x <= p2.x and p1.y <= p2.y:
return p1
if p1.x >= p2.x and p1.y >= p2.y:
return p2
return (Point(min(p1.x, p2.x), min(p1.y, p2.y)),
Point(max(p1.x, p2.x), max(p1.y, p2.y)))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Point ({x}, {y})>'.format(
x=self.x, y=self.y
def serialized(self):
"""Returns the "useful" values of this object.
return (
None if not self.x else self.x.serialized(),
None if not self.y else self.y.serialized()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.x == other.x and
self.y == other.y
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.x) * 51 +
hash(self.y) * 53 +
def __bool__(self):
return True if self.x or self.y else False
def to_xml_attribute(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns a unicode representation of this object as an xml attribute
return '{x} {y}'.format(
x=self.x.to_xml_attribute(), y=self.y.to_xml_attribute())
class Size(object):
"""Ties together a number with a unit, to represent a size.
Use as value objects! (don't change after creation)
def __init__(self, value, unit):
:param value: A number (float or int will do)
:param unit: A UnitEnum member
if value is None:
raise ValueError("Size must be initialized with a value.")
if not isinstance(unit,UnitEnum):
raise ValueError("Size must be initialized with a valid unit.")
self.value = float(value)
self.unit = unit
def __sub__(self, other):
if self.unit == other.unit:
return Size(self.value - other.value, self.unit)
raise ValueError("The sizes should have the same measure units.")
def __abs__(self):
return Size(abs(self.value), self.unit)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.unit == other.unit:
# python3 does not have cmp
return (self.value > other.value) - (self.value < other.value)
raise ValueError("The sizes should have the same measure units.")
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value
def __add__(self, other):
if self.unit == other.unit:
return Size(self.value + other.value, self.unit)
raise ValueError("The sizes should have the same measure units.")
def is_relative(self):
Returns True if value is expressed as percentage, False otherwise.
return self.unit == UnitEnum.PERCENT
def as_percentage_of(self, video_width=None, video_height=None):
:param video_width: An integer representing a width in pixels
:param video_height: An integer representing a height in pixels
value = self.value
unit = self.unit
if unit == UnitEnum.PERCENT:
return self # Nothing to do here
# The input must be valid so that any conversion can be done
if not (video_width or video_height):
raise RelativizationError(
"Either video width or height must be given as a reference")
elif video_width and video_height:
raise RelativizationError(
"Only video width or height can be given as reference")
if unit == UnitEnum.EM:
# TODO: Implement proper conversion of em in function of font-size
# The em unit is relative to the font-size, to which we currently
# have no access. As a workaround, we presume the font-size is 16px,
# which is a common default value but not guaranteed.
value *= 16
unit = UnitEnum.PIXEL
if unit == UnitEnum.PT:
# XXX: we will convert first to "px" and from "px" this will be
# converted to percent. we don't take into consideration the
# font-size
value = value / 72.0 * 96.0
unit = UnitEnum.PIXEL
if unit == UnitEnum.PIXEL:
value = value * 100.0 / (video_width or video_height)
unit = UnitEnum.PERCENT
if unit == UnitEnum.CELL:
# TODO: Implement proper cell resolution
# (
# For now we will use the default values (32 columns and 15 rows)
cell_reference = 32 if video_width else 15
value = value * 100.0 / cell_reference
unit = UnitEnum.PERCENT
return Size(value, unit)
# TODO - this also looks highly cachable. Should use a WeakValueDict here
# to return flyweights
def from_string(cls, string):
"""Given a string of the form "46px" or "5%" etc., returns the proper
size object
:param string: a number concatenated to any of the UnitEnum members.
:type string: unicode
:rtype: Size
raw_number = string
for unit in list(UnitEnum):
if raw_number.endswith(unit.value):
raw_number = raw_number.rstrip(unit.value)
unit = None
if unit is not None:
value = None
value = float(raw_number)
value = int(raw_number)
except ValueError:
if value is None:
raise ValueError(
"""Couldn't recognize the value "{value}" as a number"""
instance = cls(value, unit)
return instance
raise ValueError(
"The specified value is not valid because its unit "
"is not recognized: {value}. "
"The only supported units are: {supported}"
.format(value=raw_number, supported=', '.join(UnitEnum._member_map_))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Size ({value} {unit})>'.format(
value=self.value, unit=self.unit.value
def __str__(self):
value = round(self.value, 2)
if value.is_integer():
s = "{}".format(int(value))
s = "{:.2f}".format(value).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
return "{}{}".format(s, self.unit.value)
def to_xml_attribute(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns a unicode representation of this object, as an xml attribute
return six.text_type(self)
def serialized(self):
"""Returns the "useful" values of this object"""
return self.value, self.unit
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.value == other.value and
self.unit == other.unit
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.value) * 41 +
hash(self.unit) * 43 +
def __bool__(self):
return self.unit in UnitEnum and self.value is not None
class Padding(object):
"""Represents padding information. Consists of 4 Size objects, representing
padding from (in this order): before (up), after (down), start (left) and
end (right).
A valid Padding object must always have all paddings set and different from
None. If this is not true Writers may fail for they rely on this assumption.
def __init__(self, before=None, after=None, start=None, end=None):
:type before: Size
:type after: Size
:type start: Size
:type end: Size
self.before = before # top
self.after = after # bottom
self.start = start # left
self.end = end # right
for attr in ['before', 'after', 'start', 'end']:
# Ensure that a Padding object always explicitly defines all
# four possible paddings
if not isinstance(getattr(self, attr), Size):
# Sets default padding (0%)
setattr(self, attr, Size(0, UnitEnum.PERCENT))
def from_xml_attribute(cls, attribute):
"""As per the docs, the style attribute can contain 1,2,3 or 4 values.
If 1 value: apply to all edges
If 2: first applies to before and after, second to start and end
If 3: first applies to before, second to start and end, third to after
If 4: before, end, after, start;
:param attribute: a string like object, representing a dfxp attr. value
:return: a Padding object
values_list = six.text_type(attribute).split(' ')
sizes = []
for value in values_list:
if len(sizes) == 1:
return cls(sizes[0], sizes[0], sizes[0], sizes[0])
elif len(sizes) == 2:
return cls(sizes[0], sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[1])
elif len(sizes) == 3:
return cls(sizes[0], sizes[2], sizes[1], sizes[1])
elif len(sizes) == 4:
return cls(sizes[0], sizes[2], sizes[3], sizes[1])
raise ValueError('The provided value "{value}" could not be '
"parsed into the a padding. Check out "
"#style-attribute-padding for the definition "
"and examples".format(value=attribute))
def __repr__(self):
return (
"<Padding (before: {before}, after: {after}, start: {start}, "
"end: {end})>".format(
before=self.before, after=self.after, start=self.start,
def serialized(self):
"""Returns a tuple containing the useful values of this object
return (
None if not self.before else self.before.serialized(),
None if not self.after else self.after.serialized(),
None if not self.start else self.start.serialized(),
None if not self.end else self.end.serialized()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other and
type(self) == type(other) and
self.before == other.before and
self.after == other.after and
self.start == other.start and
self.end == other.end
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.before) * 19 +
hash(self.after) * 23 +
hash(self.start) * 29 +
hash(self.end) * 31 +
def to_xml_attribute(
self, attribute_order=('before', 'end', 'after', 'start'),
"""Returns a unicode representation of this object as an xml attribute
TODO - should extend the attribute_order tuple to contain 4 tuples,
so we can reduce the output length to 3, 2 or 1 element.
:type attribute_order: tuple
:param attribute_order: the order that the attributes should be
string_list = []
for attrib in attribute_order:
if hasattr(self, attrib):
getattr(self, attrib).to_xml_attribute())
except AttributeError:
# A Padding object with attributes set to None is considered
# invalid. All four possible paddings must be set. If one of them
# is not, this error is raised.
raise ValueError("The attribute order specified is invalid.")
return ' '.join(string_list)
def as_percentage_of(self, video_width, video_height):
return Padding(
def is_relative(self):
is_relative = True
if self.before:
is_relative &= self.before.is_relative()
if self.after:
is_relative &= self.after.is_relative()
if self.start:
is_relative &= self.start.is_relative()
if self.end:
is_relative &= self.end.is_relative()
return is_relative
class Layout(object):
"""Should encapsulate all the information needed to determine (as correctly
as possible) the layout (positioning) of elements on the screen.
Inheritance of this property, from the CaptionSet to its children is
specific for each caption type.
def __init__(self, origin=None, extent=None, padding=None, alignment=None,
webvtt_positioning=None, inherit_from=None):
:type origin: Point
:param origin: The point on the screen which is the top left vertex
of a rectangular region where the captions should be placed
:type extent: Stretch
:param extent: The width and height of the rectangle where the caption
should be placed on the screen.
:type padding: Padding
:param padding: The padding of the text inside the region described
by the origin and the extent
:type alignment: Alignment
:type webvtt_positioning: unicode
:param webvtt_positioning: A string with the raw WebVTT cue settings.
This is used so that WebVTT positioning isn't lost on conversion
from WebVTT to WebVTT. It is needed only because pycaption
currently doesn't support reading positioning from WebVTT.
:type inherit_from: Layout
:param inherit_from: A Layout with the positioning parameters to be
used if not specified by the positioning arguments,
self.origin = origin
self.extent = extent
self.padding = padding
self.alignment = alignment
self.webvtt_positioning = webvtt_positioning
if inherit_from:
for attr_name in ['origin', 'extent', 'padding', 'alignment']:
attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
if not attr:
setattr(self, attr_name, getattr(inherit_from, attr_name))
def __bool__(self):
return any([
self.origin, self.extent, self.padding, self.alignment,
def __repr__(self):
return (
"<Layout (origin: {origin}, extent: {extent}, "
"padding: {padding}, alignment: {alignment})>".format(
origin=self.origin, extent=self.extent, padding=self.padding,
def serialized(self):
"""Returns nested tuple containing the "useful" values of this object
return (
None if not self.origin else self.origin.serialized(),
None if not self.extent else self.extent.serialized(),
None if not self.padding else self.padding.serialized(),
None if not self.alignment else self.alignment.serialized()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
type(self) == type(other) and
self.origin == other.origin and
self.extent == other.extent and
self.padding == other.padding and
self.alignment == other.alignment
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
hash(self.origin) * 7
+ hash(self.extent) * 11
+ hash(self.padding) * 13
+ hash(self.alignment) * 5
+ 17
def is_relative(self):
Returns True if all positioning values are expressed as percentages,
False otherwise.
is_relative = True
if self.origin:
is_relative &= self.origin.is_relative()
if self.extent:
is_relative &= self.extent.is_relative()
if self.padding:
is_relative &= self.padding.is_relative()
return is_relative
def as_percentage_of(self, video_width, video_height):
params = {'alignment': self.alignment}
# We don't need to preserve webvtt_positioning on Layout
# transformations because, if it is set, the WebVTT writer
# returns as soon as it's found and the transformations are
# never triggered.
for attr_name in ['origin', 'extent', 'padding']:
attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
if attr:
params[attr_name] = attr.as_percentage_of(video_width,
return Layout(**params)
def fit_to_screen(self):
If extent is not set or if origin + extent > 100%, (re)calculate it
based on origin. It is a pycaption fix for caption files that are
technically valid but contain inconsistent settings that may cause
long captions to be cut out of the screen.
ATTENTION: This must be called on relativized objects (such as the one
returned by as_percentage_of). All units are presumed to be percentages.
if self.origin:
# Calculated values to be used if replacement is needed
diff_horizontal = Size(100 - self.origin.x.value, UnitEnum.PERCENT)
diff_vertical = Size(100 - self.origin.y.value, UnitEnum.PERCENT)
if not self.extent:
# Extent is not set, use the calculated values
new_extent = Stretch(diff_horizontal, diff_vertical)
# Extent is set but may have inconsistent values,
# e.g. origin="35% 25%" extent="80% 80%", which would cause
# captions to end horizontally at 115% and vertically at 105%,
# which would result in them being cut out of the screen.
# In this case, the horizontal and vertical values are
# corrected so that origin + extent = 100%.
bottom_right = self.origin.add_stretch(self.extent)
found_absolute_unit = False
if bottom_right.x.unit != UnitEnum.PERCENT:
found_absolute_unit = True
elif bottom_right.x.unit != UnitEnum.PERCENT:
found_absolute_unit = True
if found_absolute_unit:
raise ValueError("Units must be relativized before extent "
"can be calculated based on origin.")
new_horizontal = self.extent.horizontal
new_vertical = self.extent.vertical
# If extent is set but it's inconsistent, replace with
# calculated values
if bottom_right.x.value > 100:
new_horizontal = diff_horizontal
if bottom_right.y.value > 100:
new_vertical = diff_vertical
new_extent = Stretch(new_horizontal, new_vertical)
return Layout(
# We don't need to preserve webvtt_positioning on Layout
# transformations because, if it is set, the WebVTT writer
# returns as soon as it's found and the transformations are
# never triggered.
return self