name: Bug report
description: Use this issue template when you are pretty sure here is a bug. Make sure the trouble you are experiencing haven't been already reported earlier and haven't been talked about in discussions.
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        Use this issue template when you are pretty sure here is a bug. 
        Make sure the trouble you are experiencing haven't been already reported earlier and haven't been talked about in [discussions](

        Note, that *bugs* are internal program errors: crashes, freezes and other types of undefined behavior. You may also report problems with routers infrastructure here, but **NOT** questions like *My router doesn't work help please*. Your questions and other stuff with custom routers setup should be discussed [here](

        Discuss problems like *youtube doesn't unblock* [here](
  - type: textarea
    id: bug-report
      label: Bug description
      required: true

  - type: input
    id: linux-distro 
      label: Linux distribution
      description: Pass here your linux distro e.g. OpenWRT, Entware, Merlin, Padavan, Ubuntu, Debian
      required: false

  - type: textarea
    id: architecture
      label: Device architecture
      description: Pass here the architecture of your device. (On openwrt do `cat /etc/openwrt_release`, on other systems `lscpu` or `cat /proc/cpuinfo`)
      required: false

  - type: textarea
    id: configs
      label: Configuration
      description: Pass here the configuration of youtubeUnblock being used. You may pass output of `cat /etc/config/youtubeUnblock` on OpenWRT or raw flags of youtubeUnblock.
      required: false