 * libopenmpt_ext_impl.hpp
 * -----------------------
 * Purpose: libopenmpt extensions - implementation header
 * Notes  :
 * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
 * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.


#include "libopenmpt_internal.h"
#include "libopenmpt_impl.hpp"
#include "libopenmpt_ext.hpp"

namespace openmpt {

class module_ext_impl
	: public module_impl
	, public ext::pattern_vis
	, public ext::interactive
	, public ext::interactive2

	/* add stuff here */

	module_ext_impl( callback_stream_wrapper stream, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( std::istream & stream, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const std::vector<std::byte> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const std::vector<std::uint8_t> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const std::vector<char> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const std::byte * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const std::uint8_t * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const char * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_ext_impl( const void * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );


	/* add stuff here */


	void ctor();




	void * get_interface( const std::string & interface_id );

	// pattern_vis

	effect_type get_pattern_row_channel_volume_effect_type( std::int32_t pattern, std::int32_t row, std::int32_t channel ) const override;

	effect_type get_pattern_row_channel_effect_type( std::int32_t pattern, std::int32_t row, std::int32_t channel ) const override;

	// interactive

	void set_current_speed( std::int32_t speed ) override;

	void set_current_tempo( std::int32_t tempo ) override;

	void set_tempo_factor( double factor ) override;

	double get_tempo_factor( ) const override;

	void set_pitch_factor( double factor ) override;

	double get_pitch_factor( ) const override;

	void set_global_volume( double volume ) override;

	double get_global_volume( ) const override;
	void set_channel_volume( std::int32_t channel, double volume ) override;

	double get_channel_volume( std::int32_t channel ) const override;

	void set_channel_mute_status( std::int32_t channel, bool mute ) override;

	bool get_channel_mute_status( std::int32_t channel ) const override;
	void set_instrument_mute_status( std::int32_t instrument, bool mute ) override;

	bool get_instrument_mute_status( std::int32_t instrument ) const override;

	std::int32_t play_note( std::int32_t instrument, std::int32_t note, double volume, double panning ) override;

	void stop_note( std::int32_t channel ) override;

	void note_off( std::int32_t channel ) override;

	void note_fade( std::int32_t channel ) override;

	void set_channel_panning( std::int32_t channel, double panning ) override;

	double get_channel_panning( std::int32_t channel ) override;

	void set_note_finetune( std::int32_t channel, double finetune ) override;

	double get_note_finetune( std::int32_t channel ) override;

	/* add stuff here */

}; // class module_ext_impl

} // namespace openmpt