using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; namespace ChocolArm64 { class ATranslatorCache { //Maximum size of the cache, in bytes, measured in ARM code size. private const int MaxTotalSize = 4 * 1024 * 256; //Minimum time required in milliseconds for a method to be eligible for deletion. private const int MinTimeDelta = 2 * 60000; //Minimum number of calls required to update the timestamp. private const int MinCallCountForUpdate = 250; private class CacheBucket { public ATranslatedSub Subroutine { get; private set; } public LinkedListNode<long> Node { get; private set; } public int CallCount { get; set; } public int Size { get; private set; } public int Timestamp { get; private set; } public CacheBucket(ATranslatedSub Subroutine, LinkedListNode<long> Node, int Size) { this.Subroutine = Subroutine; this.Size = Size; UpdateNode(Node); } public void UpdateNode(LinkedListNode<long> Node) { this.Node = Node; Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; } } private ConcurrentDictionary<long, CacheBucket> Cache; private LinkedList<long> SortedCache; private int TotalSize; public ATranslatorCache() { Cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, CacheBucket>(); SortedCache = new LinkedList<long>(); } public void AddOrUpdate(long Position, ATranslatedSub Subroutine, int Size) { ClearCacheIfNeeded(); TotalSize += Size; lock (SortedCache) { LinkedListNode<long> Node = SortedCache.AddLast(Position); CacheBucket NewBucket = new CacheBucket(Subroutine, Node, Size); Cache.AddOrUpdate(Position, NewBucket, (Key, Bucket) => { TotalSize -= Bucket.Size; SortedCache.Remove(Bucket.Node); return NewBucket; }); } } public bool HasSubroutine(long Position) { return Cache.ContainsKey(Position); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public bool TryGetSubroutine(long Position, out ATranslatedSub Subroutine) { if (Cache.TryGetValue(Position, out CacheBucket Bucket)) { if (Bucket.CallCount++ > MinCallCountForUpdate) { if (Monitor.TryEnter(SortedCache)) { try { Bucket.CallCount = 0; SortedCache.Remove(Bucket.Node); Bucket.UpdateNode(SortedCache.AddLast(Position)); } finally { Monitor.Exit(SortedCache); } } } Subroutine = Bucket.Subroutine; return true; } Subroutine = default(ATranslatedSub); return false; } private void ClearCacheIfNeeded() { int Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; while (TotalSize > MaxTotalSize) { lock (SortedCache) { LinkedListNode<long> Node = SortedCache.First; if (Node == null) { break; } CacheBucket Bucket = Cache[Node.Value]; int TimeDelta = RingDelta(Bucket.Timestamp, Timestamp); if ((uint)TimeDelta <= (uint)MinTimeDelta) { break; } if (Cache.TryRemove(Node.Value, out Bucket)) { TotalSize -= Bucket.Size; SortedCache.Remove(Bucket.Node); } } } } private static int RingDelta(int Old, int New) { if ((uint)New < (uint)Old) { return New + (~Old + 1); } else { return New - Old; } } } }