/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2017 Realtek Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _RTW_CFGVENDOR_H_ #define _RTW_CFGVENDOR_H_ #define OUI_GOOGLE 0x001A11 #define ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN (NLA_HDRLEN + 4) #define VENDOR_ID_OVERHEAD ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define VENDOR_SUBCMD_OVERHEAD ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define VENDOR_DATA_OVERHEAD (NLA_HDRLEN) #define SCAN_RESULTS_COMPLETE_FLAG_LEN ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define SCAN_INDEX_HDR_LEN (NLA_HDRLEN) #define SCAN_ID_HDR_LEN ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define SCAN_FLAGS_HDR_LEN ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define GSCAN_NUM_RESULTS_HDR_LEN ATTRIBUTE_U32_LEN #define GSCAN_RESULTS_HDR_LEN (NLA_HDRLEN) #define GSCAN_BATCH_RESULT_HDR_LEN (SCAN_INDEX_HDR_LEN + SCAN_ID_HDR_LEN + \ SCAN_FLAGS_HDR_LEN + \ GSCAN_NUM_RESULTS_HDR_LEN + \ GSCAN_RESULTS_HDR_LEN) #define VENDOR_REPLY_OVERHEAD (VENDOR_ID_OVERHEAD + \ VENDOR_SUBCMD_OVERHEAD + \ VENDOR_DATA_OVERHEAD) typedef enum { /* don't use 0 as a valid subcommand */ VENDOR_NL80211_SUBCMD_UNSPECIFIED, /* define all vendor startup commands between 0x0 and 0x0FFF */ VENDOR_NL80211_SUBCMD_RANGE_START = 0x0001, VENDOR_NL80211_SUBCMD_RANGE_END = 0x0FFF, /* define all GScan related commands between 0x1000 and 0x10FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_GSCAN_RANGE_START = 0x1000, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_GSCAN_RANGE_END = 0x10FF, /* define all NearbyDiscovery related commands between 0x1100 and 0x11FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_NBD_RANGE_START = 0x1100, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_NBD_RANGE_END = 0x11FF, /* define all RTT related commands between 0x1100 and 0x11FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_RTT_RANGE_START = 0x1100, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_RTT_RANGE_END = 0x11FF, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_LSTATS_RANGE_START = 0x1200, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_LSTATS_RANGE_END = 0x12FF, /* define all Logger related commands between 0x1400 and 0x14FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_DEBUG_RANGE_START = 0x1400, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_DEBUG_RANGE_END = 0x14FF, /* define all wifi offload related commands between 0x1600 and 0x16FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_WIFI_OFFLOAD_RANGE_START = 0x1600, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_WIFI_OFFLOAD_RANGE_END = 0x16FF, /* define all NAN related commands between 0x1700 and 0x17FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_NAN_RANGE_START = 0x1700, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_NAN_RANGE_END = 0x17FF, /* define all Android Packet Filter related commands between 0x1800 and 0x18FF */ ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_PKT_FILTER_RANGE_START = 0x1800, ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_PKT_FILTER_RANGE_END = 0x18FF, /* This is reserved for future usage */ } ANDROID_VENDOR_SUB_COMMAND; enum rtw_vendor_subcmd { GSCAN_SUBCMD_GET_CAPABILITIES = ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_GSCAN_RANGE_START, GSCAN_SUBCMD_SET_CONFIG, /* 0x1001 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_SET_SCAN_CONFIG, /* 0x1002 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_ENABLE_GSCAN, /* 0x1003 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_GET_SCAN_RESULTS, /* 0x1004 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_SCAN_RESULTS, /* 0x1005 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_SET_HOTLIST, /* 0x1006 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_SET_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE_CONFIG, /* 0x1007 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_ENABLE_FULL_SCAN_RESULTS, /* 0x1008 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_GET_CHANNEL_LIST, /* 0x1009 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_GET_FEATURE_SET, /* 0x100A */ WIFI_SUBCMD_GET_FEATURE_SET_MATRIX, /* 0x100B */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_PNO_RANDOM_MAC_OUI, /* 0x100C */ WIFI_SUBCMD_NODFS_SET, /* 0x100D */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_COUNTRY_CODE, /* 0x100E */ /* Add more sub commands here */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_SET_EPNO_SSID, /* 0x100F */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_SSID_WHITE_LIST, /* 0x1010 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_ROAM_PARAMS, /* 0x1011 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_ENABLE_LAZY_ROAM, /* 0x1012 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_BSSID_PREF, /* 0x1013 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_BSSID_BLACKLIST, /* 0x1014 */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_ANQPO_CONFIG, /* 0x1015 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_SET_RSSI_MONITOR, /* 0x1016 */ WIFI_SUBCMD_CONFIG_ND_OFFLOAD, /* 0x1017 */ /* Add more sub commands here */ GSCAN_SUBCMD_MAX, RTT_SUBCMD_SET_CONFIG = ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_RTT_RANGE_START, RTT_SUBCMD_CANCEL_CONFIG, RTT_SUBCMD_GETCAPABILITY, APF_SUBCMD_GET_CAPABILITIES = ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_PKT_FILTER_RANGE_START, APF_SUBCMD_SET_FILTER, LOGGER_START_LOGGING = ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_DEBUG_RANGE_START, LOGGER_TRIGGER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_VER, LOGGER_GET_RING_STATUS, LOGGER_GET_RING_DATA, LOGGER_GET_FEATURE, LOGGER_RESET_LOGGING, LOGGER_TRIGGER_DRIVER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_DRIVER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_START_PKT_FATE_MONITORING, LOGGER_GET_TX_PKT_FATES, LOGGER_GET_RX_PKT_FATES, VENDOR_SUBCMD_MAX }; enum gscan_attributes { GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_BUCKETS = 10, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_PERIOD, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKETS_BAND, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKET_ID, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKET_PERIOD, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKET_NUM_CHANNELS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKET_CHANNELS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_AP_PER_SCAN, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_REPORT_THRESHOLD, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_SCANS_TO_CACHE, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BAND = GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BUCKETS_BAND, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_FEATURE = 20, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_RESULTS_COMPLETE, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_FLUSH_FEATURE, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_FULL_SCAN_RESULTS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_REPORT_EVENTS, /* remaining reserved for additional attributes */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_OF_RESULTS = 30, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_FLUSH_RESULTS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_RESULTS, /* flat array of wifi_scan_result */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_ID, /* indicates scan number */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_FLAGS, /* indicates if scan was aborted */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_AP_FLAGS, /* flags on significant change event */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_CHANNELS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_LIST, /* remaining reserved for additional attributes */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SSID = 40, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_BSSID, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RSSI, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RTT, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RTTSD, /* remaining reserved for additional attributes */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_HOTLIST_BSSIDS = 50, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RSSI_LOW, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RSSI_HIGH, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_HOSTLIST_BSSID_ELEM, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_HOTLIST_FLUSH, /* remaining reserved for additional attributes */ GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_RSSI_SAMPLE_SIZE = 60, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_LOST_AP_SAMPLE_SIZE, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_BREACHING, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE_BSSIDS, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE_FLUSH, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_MAX }; enum gscan_bucket_attributes { GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_1, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_2, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_3, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_4, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_5, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_6, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_BUCKET_7 }; enum gscan_ch_attributes { GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_1, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_2, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_3, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_4, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_5, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_6, GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CH_ID_7 }; enum wifi_rssi_monitor_attr { RSSI_MONITOR_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_RSSI, RSSI_MONITOR_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_RSSI, RSSI_MONITOR_ATTRIBUTE_START, }; enum rtt_attributes { RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CNT, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INFO, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_MAC, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_TYPE, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_PEER, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_CHAN, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_MODE, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_INTERVAL, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_NUM_MEASUREMENT, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_NUM_PKT, RTT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_NUM_RETRY }; enum logger_attributes { LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_GET_DRIVER, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_GET_FW, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_ID, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NAME, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_FLAGS, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_LEVEL, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_TIME_INTVAL, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_MIN_DATA_SIZE, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA, LOGGERG_ATTRIBUTE_RING_DATA, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_STATUS, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NUM }; typedef enum rtw_vendor_event { RTK_RESERVED1, RTK_RESERVED2, GSCAN_EVENT_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE_RESULTS , GSCAN_EVENT_HOTLIST_RESULTS_FOUND, GSCAN_EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE, GSCAN_EVENT_FULL_SCAN_RESULTS, RTT_EVENT_COMPLETE, GSCAN_EVENT_COMPLETE_SCAN, GSCAN_EVENT_HOTLIST_RESULTS_LOST, GSCAN_EVENT_EPNO_EVENT, GOOGLE_DEBUG_RING_EVENT, GOOGLE_DEBUG_MEM_DUMP_EVENT, GSCAN_EVENT_ANQPO_HOTSPOT_MATCH, GOOGLE_RSSI_MONITOR_EVENT } rtw_vendor_event_t; enum andr_wifi_feature_set_attr { ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_FEATURE_SET, ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_FEATURE_SET, ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_RANDOM_MAC_OUI, ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_NODFS_SET, ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_COUNTRY, ANDR_WIFI_ATTRIBUTE_ND_OFFLOAD_VALUE // Add more attribute here }; typedef enum rtw_vendor_gscan_attribute { ATTR_START_GSCAN, ATTR_STOP_GSCAN, ATTR_SET_SCAN_BATCH_CFG_ID, /* set batch scan params */ ATTR_SET_SCAN_GEOFENCE_CFG_ID, /* set list of bssids to track */ ATTR_SET_SCAN_SIGNIFICANT_CFG_ID, /* set list of bssids, rssi threshold etc.. */ ATTR_SET_SCAN_CFG_ID, /* set common scan config params here */ ATTR_GET_GSCAN_CAPABILITIES_ID, /* Add more sub commands here */ ATTR_GSCAN_MAX } rtw_vendor_gscan_attribute_t; typedef enum gscan_batch_attribute { ATTR_GSCAN_BATCH_BESTN, ATTR_GSCAN_BATCH_MSCAN, ATTR_GSCAN_BATCH_BUFFER_THRESHOLD } gscan_batch_attribute_t; typedef enum gscan_geofence_attribute { ATTR_GSCAN_NUM_HOTLIST_BSSID, ATTR_GSCAN_HOTLIST_BSSID } gscan_geofence_attribute_t; typedef enum gscan_complete_event { WIFI_SCAN_BUFFER_FULL, WIFI_SCAN_COMPLETE } gscan_complete_event_t; /* wifi_hal.h */ /* WiFi Common definitions */ typedef unsigned char byte; typedef int wifi_request_id; typedef int wifi_channel; // indicates channel frequency in MHz typedef int wifi_rssi; typedef byte mac_addr[6]; typedef byte oui[3]; typedef int64_t wifi_timestamp; // In microseconds (us) typedef int64_t wifi_timespan; // In picoseconds (ps) struct wifi_info; struct wifi_interface_info; typedef struct wifi_info *wifi_handle; typedef struct wifi_interface_info *wifi_interface_handle; /* channel operating width */ typedef enum { WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_20 = 0, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_40 = 1, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_80 = 2, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_160 = 3, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_80P80 = 4, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_5 = 5, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_10 = 6, WIFI_CHAN_WIDTH_INVALID = -1 } wifi_channel_width; typedef int wifi_radio; typedef struct { wifi_channel_width width; int center_frequency0; int center_frequency1; int primary_frequency; } wifi_channel_spec; typedef enum { WIFI_SUCCESS = 0, WIFI_ERROR_NONE = 0, WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN = -1, WIFI_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED = -2, WIFI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = -3, WIFI_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE = -4, // Not available right now, but try later WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS = -5, WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ID = -6, WIFI_ERROR_TIMED_OUT = -7, WIFI_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = -8, // Too many instances of this request WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -9, WIFI_ERROR_BUSY = -10, } wifi_error; typedef int wifi_ring_buffer_id; /* ring buffer params */ /** * written_bytes and read_bytes implement a producer consumer API * hence written_bytes >= read_bytes * a modulo arithmetic of the buffer size has to be applied to those counters: * actual offset into ring buffer = written_bytes % ring_buffer_byte_size * */ typedef struct { u8 name[32]; u32 flags; wifi_ring_buffer_id ring_id; // unique integer representing the ring u32 ring_buffer_byte_size; // total memory size allocated for the buffer u32 verbose_level; // verbose level for ring buffer u32 written_bytes; // number of bytes that was written to the buffer by driver, // monotonously increasing integer u32 read_bytes; // number of bytes that was read from the buffer by user land, // monotonously increasing integer u32 written_records; // number of records that was written to the buffer by driver, // monotonously increasing integer } wifi_ring_buffer_status; #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_CFGVEDNOR_LLSTATS #define STATS_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define STATS_MINOR_VERSION 0 #define STATS_MICRO_VERSION 0 typedef enum { WIFI_DISCONNECTED = 0, WIFI_AUTHENTICATING = 1, WIFI_ASSOCIATING = 2, WIFI_ASSOCIATED = 3, WIFI_EAPOL_STARTED = 4, // if done by firmware/driver WIFI_EAPOL_COMPLETED = 5, // if done by firmware/driver } wifi_connection_state; typedef enum { WIFI_ROAMING_IDLE = 0, WIFI_ROAMING_ACTIVE = 1, } wifi_roam_state; typedef enum { WIFI_INTERFACE_STA = 0, WIFI_INTERFACE_SOFTAP = 1, WIFI_INTERFACE_IBSS = 2, WIFI_INTERFACE_P2P_CLIENT = 3, WIFI_INTERFACE_P2P_GO = 4, WIFI_INTERFACE_NAN = 5, WIFI_INTERFACE_MESH = 6, WIFI_INTERFACE_UNKNOWN = -1 } wifi_interface_mode; #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_QOS 0x00000001 // set for QOS association #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_PROTECTED 0x00000002 // set for protected association (802.11 beacon frame control protected bit set) #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_INTERWORKING 0x00000004 // set if 802.11 Extended Capabilities element interworking bit is set #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_HS20 0x00000008 // set for HS20 association #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_SSID_UTF8 0x00000010 // set is 802.11 Extended Capabilities element UTF-8 SSID bit is set #define WIFI_CAPABILITY_COUNTRY 0x00000020 // set is 802.11 Country Element is present typedef struct { wifi_interface_mode mode; // interface mode u8 mac_addr[6]; // interface mac address (self) wifi_connection_state state; // connection state (valid for STA, CLI only) wifi_roam_state roaming; // roaming state u32 capabilities; // WIFI_CAPABILITY_XXX (self) u8 ssid[33]; // null terminated SSID u8 bssid[6]; // bssid u8 ap_country_str[3]; // country string advertised by AP u8 country_str[3]; // country string for this association } wifi_interface_link_layer_info; /* channel information */ typedef struct { wifi_channel_width width; // channel width (20, 40, 80, 80+80, 160) wifi_channel center_freq; // primary 20 MHz channel wifi_channel center_freq0; // center frequency (MHz) first segment wifi_channel center_freq1; // center frequency (MHz) second segment } wifi_channel_info; /* wifi rate */ typedef struct { u32 preamble :3; // 0: OFDM, 1:CCK, 2:HT 3:VHT 4..7 reserved u32 nss :2; // 0:1x1, 1:2x2, 3:3x3, 4:4x4 u32 bw :3; // 0:20MHz, 1:40Mhz, 2:80Mhz, 3:160Mhz u32 rateMcsIdx :8; // OFDM/CCK rate code would be as per ieee std in the units of 0.5mbps // HT/VHT it would be mcs index u32 reserved :16; // reserved u32 bitrate; // units of 100 Kbps } wifi_rate; /* channel statistics */ typedef struct { wifi_channel_info channel; // channel u32 on_time; // msecs the radio is awake (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 cca_busy_time; // msecs the CCA register is busy (32 bits number accruing over time) } wifi_channel_stat; // Max number of tx power levels. The actual number vary per device and is specified by |num_tx_levels| #define RADIO_STAT_MAX_TX_LEVELS 256 /* Internal radio statistics structure in the driver */ typedef struct { wifi_radio radio; // wifi radio (if multiple radio supported) u32 on_time; // msecs the radio is awake (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 tx_time; // msecs the radio is transmitting (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 rx_time; // msecs the radio is in active receive (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_scan; // msecs the radio is awake due to all scan (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_nbd; // msecs the radio is awake due to NAN (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_gscan; // msecs the radio is awake due to G?scan (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_roam_scan; // msecs the radio is awake due to roam?scan (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_pno_scan; // msecs the radio is awake due to PNO scan (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 on_time_hs20; // msecs the radio is awake due to HS2.0 scans and GAS exchange (32 bits number accruing over time) u32 num_channels; // number of channels wifi_channel_stat channels[]; // channel statistics } wifi_radio_stat_internal; /** * Packet statistics reporting by firmware is performed on MPDU basi (i.e. counters increase by 1 for each MPDU) * As well, "data packet" in associated comments, shall be interpreted as 802.11 data packet, * that is, 802.11 frame control subtype == 2 and excluding management and control frames. * * As an example, in the case of transmission of an MSDU fragmented in 16 MPDUs which are transmitted * OTA in a 16 units long a-mpdu, for which a block ack is received with 5 bits set: * tx_mpdu : shall increase by 5 * retries : shall increase by 16 * tx_ampdu : shall increase by 1 * data packet counters shall not increase regardless of the number of BAR potentially sent by device for this a-mpdu * data packet counters shall not increase regardless of the number of BA received by device for this a-mpdu * * For each subsequent retransmission of the 11 remaining non ACK'ed mpdus * (regardless of the fact that they are transmitted in a-mpdu or not) * retries : shall increase by 1 * * If no subsequent BA or ACK are received from AP, until packet lifetime expires for those 11 packet that were not ACK'ed * mpdu_lost : shall increase by 11 */ /* per rate statistics */ typedef struct { wifi_rate rate; // rate information u32 tx_mpdu; // number of successfully transmitted data pkts (ACK rcvd) u32 rx_mpdu; // number of received data pkts u32 mpdu_lost; // number of data packet losses (no ACK) u32 retries; // total number of data pkt retries u32 retries_short; // number of short data pkt retries u32 retries_long; // number of long data pkt retries } wifi_rate_stat; /* access categories */ typedef enum { WIFI_AC_VO = 0, WIFI_AC_VI = 1, WIFI_AC_BE = 2, WIFI_AC_BK = 3, WIFI_AC_MAX = 4, } wifi_traffic_ac; /* wifi peer type */ typedef enum { WIFI_PEER_STA, WIFI_PEER_AP, WIFI_PEER_P2P_GO, WIFI_PEER_P2P_CLIENT, WIFI_PEER_NAN, WIFI_PEER_TDLS, WIFI_PEER_INVALID, } wifi_peer_type; /* per peer statistics */ typedef struct { wifi_peer_type type; // peer type (AP, TDLS, GO etc.) u8 peer_mac_address[6]; // mac address u32 capabilities; // peer WIFI_CAPABILITY_XXX u32 num_rate; // number of rates wifi_rate_stat rate_stats[]; // per rate statistics, number of entries = num_rate } wifi_peer_info; /* Per access category statistics */ typedef struct { wifi_traffic_ac ac; // access category (VI, VO, BE, BK) u32 tx_mpdu; // number of successfully transmitted unicast data pkts (ACK rcvd) u32 rx_mpdu; // number of received unicast data packets u32 tx_mcast; // number of succesfully transmitted multicast data packets // STA case: implies ACK received from AP for the unicast packet in which mcast pkt was sent u32 rx_mcast; // number of received multicast data packets u32 rx_ampdu; // number of received unicast a-mpdus; support of this counter is optional u32 tx_ampdu; // number of transmitted unicast a-mpdus; support of this counter is optional u32 mpdu_lost; // number of data pkt losses (no ACK) u32 retries; // total number of data pkt retries u32 retries_short; // number of short data pkt retries u32 retries_long; // number of long data pkt retries u32 contention_time_min; // data pkt min contention time (usecs) u32 contention_time_max; // data pkt max contention time (usecs) u32 contention_time_avg; // data pkt avg contention time (usecs) u32 contention_num_samples; // num of data pkts used for contention statistics } wifi_wmm_ac_stat; /* interface statistics */ typedef struct { wifi_interface_handle iface; // wifi interface wifi_interface_link_layer_info info; // current state of the interface u32 beacon_rx; // access point beacon received count from connected AP u64 average_tsf_offset; // average beacon offset encountered (beacon_TSF - TBTT) // The average_tsf_offset field is used so as to calculate the // typical beacon contention time on the channel as well may be // used to debug beacon synchronization and related power consumption issue u32 leaky_ap_detected; // indicate that this AP typically leaks packets beyond the driver guard time. u32 leaky_ap_avg_num_frames_leaked; // average number of frame leaked by AP after frame with PM bit set was ACK'ed by AP u32 leaky_ap_guard_time; // guard time currently in force (when implementing IEEE power management based on // frame control PM bit), How long driver waits before shutting down the radio and // after receiving an ACK for a data frame with PM bit set) u32 mgmt_rx; // access point mgmt frames received count from connected AP (including Beacon) u32 mgmt_action_rx; // action frames received count u32 mgmt_action_tx; // action frames transmit count wifi_rssi rssi_mgmt; // access Point Beacon and Management frames RSSI (averaged) wifi_rssi rssi_data; // access Point Data Frames RSSI (averaged) from connected AP wifi_rssi rssi_ack; // access Point ACK RSSI (averaged) from connected AP wifi_wmm_ac_stat ac[WIFI_AC_MAX]; // per ac data packet statistics u32 num_peers; // number of peers wifi_peer_info peer_info[]; // per peer statistics } wifi_iface_stat; /* configuration params */ typedef struct { u32 mpdu_size_threshold; // threshold to classify the pkts as short or long // packet size < mpdu_size_threshold => short u32 aggressive_statistics_gathering; // set for field debug mode. Driver should collect all statistics regardless of performance impact. } wifi_link_layer_params; #define RSSI_MONITOR_EVT_VERSION 1 typedef struct { u8 version; s8 cur_rssi; mac_addr BSSID; } rssi_monitor_evt; /* wifi statistics bitmap */ #define WIFI_STATS_RADIO 0x00000001 // all radio statistics #define WIFI_STATS_RADIO_CCA 0x00000002 // cca_busy_time (within radio statistics) #define WIFI_STATS_RADIO_CHANNELS 0x00000004 // all channel statistics (within radio statistics) #define WIFI_STATS_RADIO_SCAN 0x00000008 // all scan statistics (within radio statistics) #define WIFI_STATS_IFACE 0x00000010 // all interface statistics #define WIFI_STATS_IFACE_TXRATE 0x00000020 // all tx rate statistics (within interface statistics) #define WIFI_STATS_IFACE_AC 0x00000040 // all ac statistics (within interface statistics) #define WIFI_STATS_IFACE_CONTENTION 0x00000080 // all contention (min, max, avg) statistics (within ac statisctics) #endif /* CONFIG_RTW_CFGVEDNOR_LLSTATS */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 14, 0)) || defined(RTW_VENDOR_EXT_SUPPORT) extern int rtw_cfgvendor_attach(struct wiphy *wiphy); extern int rtw_cfgvendor_detach(struct wiphy *wiphy); extern int rtw_cfgvendor_send_async_event(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, int event_id, const void *data, int len); #if defined(GSCAN_SUPPORT) && 0 extern int rtw_cfgvendor_send_hotlist_event(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev, void *data, int len, rtw_vendor_event_t event); #endif #endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 14, 0)) || defined(RTW_VENDOR_EXT_SUPPORT) */ #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_CFGVEDNOR_RSSIMONITOR void rtw_cfgvendor_rssi_monitor_evt(_adapter *padapter); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_RTW_CFGVENDOR_RANDOM_MAC_OUI void rtw_hal_pno_random_gen_mac_addr(PADAPTER adapter); void rtw_hal_set_hw_mac_addr(PADAPTER adapter, u8 *mac_addr); #endif #endif /* _RTW_CFGVENDOR_H_ */