//============================================================ // Description: // // This file is for RTL8812A Co-exist mechanism // // History // 2012/08/22 Cosa first check in. // 2012/11/14 Cosa Revise for 8812A 2Ant out sourcing. // //============================================================ //============================================================ // include files //============================================================ #include "Mp_Precomp.h" #if WPP_SOFTWARE_TRACE #include "HalBtc8812a2Ant.tmh" #endif #if(BT_30_SUPPORT == 1) //============================================================ // Global variables, these are static variables //============================================================ static COEX_DM_8812A_2ANT GLCoexDm8812a2Ant; static PCOEX_DM_8812A_2ANT pCoexDm=&GLCoexDm8812a2Ant; static COEX_STA_8812A_2ANT GLCoexSta8812a2Ant; static PCOEX_STA_8812A_2ANT pCoexSta=&GLCoexSta8812a2Ant; const char *const GLBtInfoSrc8812a2Ant[]={ "BT Info[wifi fw]", "BT Info[bt rsp]", "BT Info[bt auto report]", }; u4Byte GLCoexVerDate8812a2Ant=20150408; u4Byte GLCoexVer8812a2Ant=0x39; //improve 8761ATV D-cut BT off/on fail issue //============================================================ // local function proto type if needed //============================================================ //============================================================ // local function start with halbtc8812a2ant_ //============================================================ u1Byte halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState( u1Byte levelNum, u1Byte rssiThresh, u1Byte rssiThresh1 ) { s4Byte btRssi=0; u1Byte btRssiState=pCoexSta->preBtRssiState; btRssi = pCoexSta->btRssi; if(levelNum == 2) { if( (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if(btRssi >= (rssiThresh+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; } else { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; } } else { if(btRssi < rssiThresh) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW; } else { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; } } } else if(levelNum == 3) { if(rssiThresh > rssiThresh1) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT Rssi thresh error!!\n")); return pCoexSta->preBtRssiState; } if( (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if(btRssi >= (rssiThresh+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; } else { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; } } else if( (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM) || (pCoexSta->preBtRssiState == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM)) { if(btRssi >= (rssiThresh1+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; } else if(btRssi < rssiThresh) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW; } else { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM; } } else { if(btRssi < rssiThresh1) { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; } else { btRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; } } } pCoexSta->preBtRssiState = btRssiState; return btRssiState; } u1Byte halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte index, IN u1Byte levelNum, IN u1Byte rssiThresh, IN u1Byte rssiThresh1 ) { s4Byte wifiRssi=0; u1Byte wifiRssiState=pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index]; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_S4_WIFI_RSSI, &wifiRssi); if(levelNum == 2) { if( (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if(wifiRssi >= (rssiThresh+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; } else { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; } } else { if(wifiRssi < rssiThresh) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW; } else { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; } } } else if(levelNum == 3) { if(rssiThresh > rssiThresh1) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], wifi RSSI thresh error!!\n")); return pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index]; } if( (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if(wifiRssi >= (rssiThresh+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; } else { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; } } else if( (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM) || (pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] == BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM)) { if(wifiRssi >= (rssiThresh1+BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8812A_2ANT)) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; } else if(wifiRssi < rssiThresh) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_LOW; } else { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM; } } else { if(wifiRssi < rssiThresh1) { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; } else { wifiRssiState = BTC_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; } } } pCoexSta->preWifiRssiState[index] = wifiRssiState; return wifiRssiState; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetEnablePTA( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bEnablePTA ) { if(bEnablePTA) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], PTA is enable!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x40, 0x20); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], PTA is disable!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x40, 0x00); } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_EnablePTA( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bEnable ) { RT_TRACE (COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn Enable PTA %s\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), (bEnable? "ON":"OFF"))); pCoexDm->bCurEnablePTA = bEnable; if(!bForceExec) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], bPreEnablePTA = %d, bCurEnablePTA = %d!!\n", pCoexDm->bPreEnablePTA, pCoexDm->bCurEnablePTA)); if(pCoexDm->bPreEnablePTA == pCoexDm->bCurEnablePTA) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetEnablePTA(pBtCoexist, bEnable); pCoexDm->bPreEnablePTA = pCoexDm->bCurEnablePTA; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_MonitorBtEnableDisable( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { PBTC_STACK_INFO pStackInfo=&pBtCoexist->stackInfo; static u4Byte btDisableCnt=0; BOOLEAN bBtActive=TRUE, bBtDisabled=FALSE; // This function check if bt is disabled // only 8812a need to consider if core stack is installed. if(!pStackInfo->hciVersion) { bBtActive = FALSE; } /* if( pCoexSta->highPriorityTx == 0 && pCoexSta->highPriorityRx == 0 && pCoexSta->lowPriorityTx == 0 && pCoexSta->lowPriorityRx == 0) { bBtActive = FALSE; } if( pCoexSta->highPriorityTx == 0xffff && pCoexSta->highPriorityRx == 0xffff && pCoexSta->lowPriorityTx == 0xffff && pCoexSta->lowPriorityRx == 0xffff) { bBtActive = FALSE; } */ if((pCoexSta->prebtInfoC2hCnt_BT_RSP == pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[1]) && (pCoexSta->prebtInfoC2hCnt_BT_SEND == pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[2])) { bBtActive = FALSE; } pCoexSta->prebtInfoC2hCnt_BT_RSP = pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[1]; pCoexSta->prebtInfoC2hCnt_BT_SEND = pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[2]; if(bBtActive) { btDisableCnt = 0; bBtDisabled = FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_BT_DISABLE, &bBtDisabled); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT is enabled !!\n")); } else { btDisableCnt++; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], bt is detected as disabled %d times!!\n", btDisableCnt)); if(btDisableCnt >= 2) { bBtDisabled = TRUE; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_BT_DISABLE, &bBtDisabled); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT is disabled !!\n")); } } if(pCoexSta->preBtDisabled != bBtDisabled) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT is from %s to %s!!\n", (pCoexSta->preBtDisabled ? "disabled":"enabled"), (bBtDisabled ? "disabled":"enabled"))); pCoexSta->preBtDisabled = bBtDisabled; if(!bBtDisabled) { // enable PTA // halbtc8812a2ant_EnablePTA(pBtCoexist,FORCE_EXEC, TRUE); } else { // disable PTA // halbtc8812a2ant_EnablePTA(pBtCoexist,FORCE_EXEC, FALSE); } } } u4Byte halbtc8812a2ant_DecideRaMask( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u4Byte raMaskType ) { u4Byte disRaMask=0x0; switch(raMaskType) { case 0: // normal mode disRaMask = 0x0; break; case 1: // disable cck 1/2 disRaMask = 0x00000003; break; case 2: // disable cck 1/2/5.5, ofdm 6/9/12/18/24, mcs 0/1/2/3/4 disRaMask = 0x0001f1f7; break; default: break; } return disRaMask; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_UpdateRaMask( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u4Byte disRateMask ) { pCoexDm->curRaMask = disRateMask; if( bForceExec || (pCoexDm->preRaMask != pCoexDm->curRaMask)) { pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_UPDATE_RAMASK, &pCoexDm->curRaMask); } pCoexDm->preRaMask = pCoexDm->curRaMask; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_AutoRateFallbackRetry( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte type ) { BOOLEAN bWifiUnderBMode=FALSE; pCoexDm->curArfrType = type; if( bForceExec || (pCoexDm->preArfrType != pCoexDm->curArfrType)) { switch(pCoexDm->curArfrType) { case 0: // normal mode pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x430, pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt1); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x434, pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt2); break; case 1: pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_UNDER_B_MODE, &bWifiUnderBMode); if(bWifiUnderBMode) { pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x430, 0x0); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x434, 0x01010101); } else { pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x430, 0x0); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x434, 0x04030201); } break; default: break; } } pCoexDm->preArfrType = pCoexDm->curArfrType; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_RetryLimit( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte type ) { pCoexDm->curRetryLimitType = type; if( bForceExec || (pCoexDm->preRetryLimitType != pCoexDm->curRetryLimitType)) { switch(pCoexDm->curRetryLimitType) { case 0: // normal mode pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite2Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x42a, pCoexDm->backupRetryLimit); break; case 1: // retry limit=8 pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite2Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x42a, 0x0808); break; default: break; } } pCoexDm->preRetryLimitType = pCoexDm->curRetryLimitType; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_AmpduMaxTime( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte type ) { pCoexDm->curAmpduTimeType = type; if( bForceExec || (pCoexDm->preAmpduTimeType != pCoexDm->curAmpduTimeType)) { switch(pCoexDm->curAmpduTimeType) { case 0: // normal mode pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x456, pCoexDm->backupAmpduMaxTime); break; case 1: // AMPDU timw = 0x38 * 32us pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x456, 0x38); break; default: break; } } pCoexDm->preAmpduTimeType = pCoexDm->curAmpduTimeType; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedTx( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte raMaskType, IN u1Byte arfrType, IN u1Byte retryLimitType, IN u1Byte ampduTimeType ) { u4Byte disRaMask=0x0; pCoexDm->curRaMaskType = raMaskType; disRaMask = halbtc8812a2ant_DecideRaMask(pBtCoexist, raMaskType); halbtc8812a2ant_UpdateRaMask(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, disRaMask); halbtc8812a2ant_AutoRateFallbackRetry(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, arfrType); halbtc8812a2ant_RetryLimit(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, retryLimitType); halbtc8812a2ant_AmpduMaxTime(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, ampduTimeType); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bRejApAggPkt, IN BOOLEAN bBtCtrlAggBufSize, IN u1Byte aggBufSize ) { BOOLEAN bRejectRxAgg=bRejApAggPkt; BOOLEAN bBtCtrlRxAggSize=bBtCtrlAggBufSize; u1Byte rxAggSize=aggBufSize; //============================================ // Rx Aggregation related setting //============================================ pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_TO_REJ_AP_AGG_PKT, &bRejectRxAgg); // decide BT control aggregation buf size or not pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_BT_CTRL_AGG_SIZE, &bBtCtrlRxAggSize); // aggregation buf size, only work when BT control Rx aggregation size. pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_U1_AGG_BUF_SIZE, &rxAggSize); // real update aggregation setting pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_AGGREGATE_CTRL, NULL); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_MonitorBtCtr( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u4Byte regHPTxRx, regLPTxRx, u4Tmp; u4Byte regHPTx=0, regHPRx=0, regLPTx=0, regLPRx=0; u1Byte u1Tmp; regHPTxRx = 0x770; regLPTxRx = 0x774; u4Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, regHPTxRx); regHPTx = u4Tmp & bMaskLWord; regHPRx = (u4Tmp & bMaskHWord)>>16; u4Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, regLPTxRx); regLPTx = u4Tmp & bMaskLWord; regLPRx = (u4Tmp & bMaskHWord)>>16; pCoexSta->highPriorityTx = regHPTx; pCoexSta->highPriorityRx = regHPRx; pCoexSta->lowPriorityTx = regLPTx; pCoexSta->lowPriorityRx = regLPRx; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], High Priority Tx/Rx (reg 0x%x)=0x%x(%d)/0x%x(%d)\n", regHPTxRx, regHPTx, regHPTx, regHPRx, regHPRx)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Low Priority Tx/Rx (reg 0x%x)=0x%x(%d)/0x%x(%d)\n", regLPTxRx, regLPTx, regLPTx, regLPRx, regLPRx)); // reset counter pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x76e, 0xc); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_QueryBtInfo( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte dataLen=3; u1Byte buf[5] = {0}; //8812a watch btifo to check BT enable/disable // if(!pBtCoexist->btInfo.bBtDisabled) { if(!pCoexSta->btInfoQueryCnt || (pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[BT_INFO_SRC_8812A_2ANT_BT_RSP]-pCoexSta->btInfoQueryCnt)>2) { buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x1; // polling enable, 1=enable, 0=disable buf[2] = 0x2; // polling time in seconds buf[3] = 0x1; // auto report enable, 1=enable, 0=disable pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_INFO, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } } pCoexSta->btInfoQueryCnt++; } BOOLEAN halbtc8812a2ant_IsWifiStatusChanged( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { static BOOLEAN bPreWifiBusy=FALSE, bPreUnder4way=FALSE, bPreBtHsOn=FALSE; BOOLEAN bWifiBusy=FALSE, bUnder4way=FALSE, bBtHsOn=FALSE; BOOLEAN bWifiConnected=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_CONNECTED, &bWifiConnected); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_BUSY, &bWifiBusy); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_HS_OPERATION, &bBtHsOn); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_4_WAY_PROGRESS, &bUnder4way); if(bWifiConnected) { if(bWifiBusy != bPreWifiBusy) { bPreWifiBusy = bWifiBusy; return TRUE; } if(bUnder4way != bPreUnder4way) { bPreUnder4way = bUnder4way; return TRUE; } if(bBtHsOn != bPreBtHsOn) { bPreBtHsOn = bBtHsOn; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_UpdateBtLinkInfo( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { PBTC_STACK_INFO pStackInfo=&pBtCoexist->stackInfo; PBTC_BT_LINK_INFO pBtLinkInfo=&pBtCoexist->btLinkInfo; BOOLEAN bBtHsOn=FALSE; #if 1//(BT_AUTO_REPORT_ONLY_8812A_2ANT == 1) // profile from bt patch pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_HS_OPERATION, &bBtHsOn); pBtLinkInfo->bBtLinkExist = pCoexSta->bBtLinkExist; pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist = pCoexSta->bScoExist; pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist = pCoexSta->bA2dpExist; pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist = pCoexSta->bPanExist; pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist = pCoexSta->bHidExist; pBtLinkInfo->bAclBusy = pCoexSta->bAclBusy; // work around for HS mode. if(bBtHsOn) { pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist = TRUE; pBtLinkInfo->bBtLinkExist = TRUE; } #else // profile from bt stack pBtLinkInfo->bBtLinkExist = pStackInfo->bBtLinkExist; pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist = pStackInfo->bScoExist; pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist = pStackInfo->bA2dpExist; pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist = pStackInfo->bPanExist; pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist = pStackInfo->bHidExist; //for win-8 stack HID report error if(!pStackInfo->bHidExist) pStackInfo->bHidExist = pCoexSta->bHidExist; //sync BTInfo with BT firmware and stack // when stack HID report error, here we use the info from bt fw. if(!pStackInfo->bBtLinkExist) pStackInfo->bBtLinkExist = pCoexSta->bBtLinkExist; #endif // check if Sco only if( pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist ) pBtLinkInfo->bScoOnly = TRUE; else pBtLinkInfo->bScoOnly = FALSE; // check if A2dp only if( !pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist ) pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpOnly = TRUE; else pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpOnly = FALSE; // check if Pan only if( !pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist && pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist ) pBtLinkInfo->bPanOnly = TRUE; else pBtLinkInfo->bPanOnly = FALSE; // check if Hid only if( !pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist && !pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist ) pBtLinkInfo->bHidOnly = TRUE; else pBtLinkInfo->bHidOnly = FALSE; } u1Byte halbtc8812a2ant_ActionAlgorithm( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { PBTC_BT_LINK_INFO pBtLinkInfo=&pBtCoexist->btLinkInfo; PBTC_STACK_INFO pStackInfo=&pBtCoexist->stackInfo; BOOLEAN bBtHsOn=FALSE; u1Byte algorithm=BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_UNDEFINED; u1Byte numOfDiffProfile=0; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_HS_OPERATION, &bBtHsOn); if(!pBtLinkInfo->bBtLinkExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], No BT link exists!!!\n")); return algorithm; } if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist) numOfDiffProfile++; if(pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist) numOfDiffProfile++; if(pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist) numOfDiffProfile++; if(pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist) numOfDiffProfile++; if(numOfDiffProfile == 0) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bAclBusy) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], ACL Busy only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR; } } else if(numOfDiffProfile == 1) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { if(pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; } else if(pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], A2DP only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; } else if(pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], PAN(HS) only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], PAN(EDR) only\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR; } } } } else if(numOfDiffProfile == 2) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO_HID; } else if(pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + A2DP ==> SCO\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } else if(pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } } } else { if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { if(pStackInfo->numOfHid >= 2) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID*2 + A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } } else if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } else if( pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP_PANHS; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP; } } } } else if(numOfDiffProfile == 3) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist) { if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + A2DP ==> HID\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } else if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO_HID; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO_HID; } } else if( pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + A2DP + PAN(EDR) ==> HID\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } } else { if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANHS; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR; } } } } else if(numOfDiffProfile >= 3) { if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist) { if( pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist && pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist && pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist ) { if(bBtHsOn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)==>PAN(EDR)+HID\n")); algorithm = BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } } } return algorithm; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwDacSwingLevel( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte dacSwingLvl ) { u1Byte H2C_Parameter[1] ={0}; // There are several type of dacswing // 0x18/ 0x10/ 0xc/ 0x8/ 0x4/ 0x6 H2C_Parameter[0] = dacSwingLvl; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Set Dac Swing Level=0x%x\n", dacSwingLvl)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], FW write 0x64=0x%x\n", H2C_Parameter[0])); pBtCoexist->fBtcFillH2c(pBtCoexist, 0x64, 1, H2C_Parameter); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwDecBtPwr( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte decBtPwrLvl ) { u1Byte dataLen=4; u1Byte buf[6] = {0}; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], decrease Bt Power level = %d\n", decBtPwrLvl)); buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x3; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x2; // OP_Code_Length if(decBtPwrLvl) buf[3] = 0x1; // OP_Code_Content else buf[3] = 0x0; buf[4] = decBtPwrLvl;// pwrLevel pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte decBtPwrLvl ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s Dec BT power level = %d\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), decBtPwrLvl)); pCoexDm->curBtDecPwrLvl = decBtPwrLvl; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->preBtDecPwrLvl == pCoexDm->curBtDecPwrLvl) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwDecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, pCoexDm->curBtDecPwrLvl); pCoexDm->preBtDecPwrLvl = pCoexDm->curBtDecPwrLvl; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte fwDacSwingLvl ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s set FW Dac Swing level = %d\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), fwDacSwingLvl)); pCoexDm->curFwDacSwingLvl = fwDacSwingLvl; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->preFwDacSwingLvl == pCoexDm->curFwDacSwingLvl) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwDacSwingLevel(pBtCoexist, pCoexDm->curFwDacSwingLvl); pCoexDm->preFwDacSwingLvl = pCoexDm->curFwDacSwingLvl; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bRxRfShrinkOn ) { if(bRxRfShrinkOn) { //Shrink RF Rx LPF corner RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Shrink RF Rx LPF corner!!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x1e, 0xfffff, 0xffffc); } else { //Resume RF Rx LPF corner // After initialized, we can use pCoexDm->btRf0x1eBackup if(pBtCoexist->bInitilized) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Resume RF Rx LPF corner!!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x1e, 0xfffff, pCoexDm->btRf0x1eBackup); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_RfShrink( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bRxRfShrinkOn ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn Rx RF Shrink = %s\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), ((bRxRfShrinkOn)? "ON":"OFF"))); pCoexDm->bCurRfRxLpfShrink = bRxRfShrinkOn; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->bPreRfRxLpfShrink == pCoexDm->bCurRfRxLpfShrink) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(pBtCoexist, pCoexDm->bCurRfRxLpfShrink); pCoexDm->bPreRfRxLpfShrink = pCoexDm->bCurRfRxLpfShrink; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bLowPenaltyRa ) { u1Byte tmpU1; tmpU1 = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x4fd); tmpU1 |= BIT0; if(bLowPenaltyRa) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Tx rate adaptive, set low penalty!!\n")); tmpU1 &= ~BIT2; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Tx rate adaptive, set normal!!\n")); tmpU1 |= BIT2; } pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x4fd, tmpU1); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_LowPenaltyRa( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bLowPenaltyRa ) { return; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn LowPenaltyRA = %s\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), ((bLowPenaltyRa)? "ON":"OFF"))); pCoexDm->bCurLowPenaltyRa = bLowPenaltyRa; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->bPreLowPenaltyRa == pCoexDm->bCurLowPenaltyRa) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive(pBtCoexist, pCoexDm->bCurLowPenaltyRa); pCoexDm->bPreLowPenaltyRa = pCoexDm->bCurLowPenaltyRa; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetDacSwingReg( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u4Byte level ) { u1Byte val=(u1Byte)level; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Write SwDacSwing = 0x%x\n", level)); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1ByteBitMask(pBtCoexist, 0xc5b, 0x3e, val); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwFullTimeDacSwing( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bSwDacSwingOn, IN u4Byte swDacSwingLvl ) { if(bSwDacSwingOn) { halbtc8812a2ant_SetDacSwingReg(pBtCoexist, swDacSwingLvl); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SetDacSwingReg(pBtCoexist, 0x18); } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_DacSwing( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bDacSwingOn, IN u4Byte dacSwingLvl ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn DacSwing=%s, dacSwingLvl=0x%x\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), ((bDacSwingOn)? "ON":"OFF"), dacSwingLvl)); pCoexDm->bCurDacSwingOn = bDacSwingOn; pCoexDm->curDacSwingLvl = dacSwingLvl; if(!bForceExec) { if( (pCoexDm->bPreDacSwingOn == pCoexDm->bCurDacSwingOn) && (pCoexDm->preDacSwingLvl == pCoexDm->curDacSwingLvl) ) return; } delay_ms(30); halbtc8812a2ant_SetSwFullTimeDacSwing(pBtCoexist, bDacSwingOn, dacSwingLvl); pCoexDm->bPreDacSwingOn = pCoexDm->bCurDacSwingOn; pCoexDm->preDacSwingLvl = pCoexDm->curDacSwingLvl; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetAdcBackOff( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bAdcBackOff ) { if(bAdcBackOff) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BB BackOff Level On!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1ByteBitMask(pBtCoexist, 0x8db, 0x60, 0x3); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BB BackOff Level Off!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1ByteBitMask(pBtCoexist, 0x8db, 0x60, 0x1); } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_AdcBackOff( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bAdcBackOff ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn AdcBackOff = %s\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), ((bAdcBackOff)? "ON":"OFF"))); pCoexDm->bCurAdcBackOff = bAdcBackOff; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->bPreAdcBackOff == pCoexDm->bCurAdcBackOff) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetAdcBackOff(pBtCoexist, pCoexDm->bCurAdcBackOff); pCoexDm->bPreAdcBackOff = pCoexDm->bCurAdcBackOff; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetAgcTable( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bAgcTableEn ) { u1Byte rssiAdjustVal=0; pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0xef, 0xfffff, 0x02000); if(bAgcTableEn) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Agc Table On!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x3b, 0xfffff, 0x28F4B); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x3b, 0xfffff, 0x10AB2); rssiAdjustVal = 8; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Agc Table Off!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x3b, 0xfffff, 0x2884B); pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x3b, 0xfffff, 0x104B2); } pBtCoexist->fBtcSetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0xef, 0xfffff, 0x0); // set rssiAdjustVal for wifi module. pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_U1_RSSI_ADJ_VAL_FOR_AGC_TABLE_ON, &rssiAdjustVal); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_AgcTable( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bAgcTableEn ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s %s Agc Table\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), ((bAgcTableEn)? "Enable":"Disable"))); pCoexDm->bCurAgcTableEn = bAgcTableEn; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->bPreAgcTableEn == pCoexDm->bCurAgcTableEn) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetAgcTable(pBtCoexist, bAgcTableEn); pCoexDm->bPreAgcTableEn = pCoexDm->bCurAgcTableEn; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetCoexTable( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u4Byte val0x6c0, IN u4Byte val0x6c4, IN u4Byte val0x6c8, IN u1Byte val0x6cc ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set coex table, set 0x6c0=0x%x\n", val0x6c0)); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c0, val0x6c0); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set coex table, set 0x6c4=0x%x\n", val0x6c4)); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c4, val0x6c4); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set coex table, set 0x6c8=0x%x\n", val0x6c8)); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c8, val0x6c8); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set coex table, set 0x6cc=0x%x\n", val0x6cc)); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6cc, val0x6cc); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u4Byte val0x6c0, IN u4Byte val0x6c4, IN u4Byte val0x6c8, IN u1Byte val0x6cc ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s write Coex Table 0x6c0=0x%x, 0x6c4=0x%x, 0x6c8=0x%x, 0x6cc=0x%x\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), val0x6c0, val0x6c4, val0x6c8, val0x6cc)); pCoexDm->curVal0x6c0 = val0x6c0; pCoexDm->curVal0x6c4 = val0x6c4; pCoexDm->curVal0x6c8 = val0x6c8; pCoexDm->curVal0x6cc = val0x6cc; if(!bForceExec) { if( (pCoexDm->preVal0x6c0 == pCoexDm->curVal0x6c0) && (pCoexDm->preVal0x6c4 == pCoexDm->curVal0x6c4) && (pCoexDm->preVal0x6c8 == pCoexDm->curVal0x6c8) && (pCoexDm->preVal0x6cc == pCoexDm->curVal0x6cc) ) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetCoexTable(pBtCoexist, val0x6c0, val0x6c4, val0x6c8, val0x6cc); pCoexDm->preVal0x6c0 = pCoexDm->curVal0x6c0; pCoexDm->preVal0x6c4 = pCoexDm->curVal0x6c4; pCoexDm->preVal0x6c8 = pCoexDm->curVal0x6c8; pCoexDm->preVal0x6cc = pCoexDm->curVal0x6cc; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte type ) { switch(type) { case 0: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x55555555, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 1: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 2: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x55555555, 0x5ffb5ffb, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 3: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x5fdf5fdf, 0x5fdb5fdb, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 4: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0xdfffdfff, 0x5fdb5fdb, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 5: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x5ddd5ddd, 0x5fdb5fdb, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 6: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x5fff5fff, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 7: if(pCoexSta->nScanAPNum <= 5) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0xffffffff, 0xfafafafa, 0xffffff, 0x3); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0xffffffff, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; case 8: halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTable(pBtCoexist, bForceExec, 0x5f5f5f5f, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xffffff, 0x3); break; default: break; } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bEnable ) { u1Byte dataLen=3; u1Byte buf[5] = {0}; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s BT Ignore Wlan_Act\n", (bEnable? "Enable":"Disable"))); buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x1; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x1; // OP_Code_Length if(bEnable) buf[3] = 0x1; // OP_Code_Content else buf[3] = 0x0; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bEnable ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn Ignore WlanAct %s\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), (bEnable? "ON":"OFF"))); pCoexDm->bCurIgnoreWlanAct = bEnable; if(!bForceExec) { if(pCoexDm->bPreIgnoreWlanAct == pCoexDm->bCurIgnoreWlanAct) return; } halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, bEnable); pCoexDm->bPreIgnoreWlanAct = pCoexDm->bCurIgnoreWlanAct; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte byte1, IN u1Byte byte2, IN u1Byte byte3, IN u1Byte byte4, IN u1Byte byte5 ) { u1Byte H2C_Parameter[5] ={0}; u1Byte realByte1=byte1, realByte5=byte5; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); if(bApEnable) { if(byte1&BIT4 && !(byte1&BIT5)) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], FW for 1Ant AP mode\n")); realByte1 &= ~BIT4; realByte1 |= BIT5; realByte5 |= BIT5; realByte5 &= ~BIT6; } } H2C_Parameter[0] = realByte1; H2C_Parameter[1] = byte2; H2C_Parameter[2] = byte3; H2C_Parameter[3] = byte4; H2C_Parameter[4] = realByte5; pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[0] = realByte1; pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[1] = byte2; pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[2] = byte3; pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[3] = byte4; pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[4] = realByte5; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PS-TDMA H2C cmd =0x%x%08x\n", H2C_Parameter[0], H2C_Parameter[1]<<24|H2C_Parameter[2]<<16|H2C_Parameter[3]<<8|H2C_Parameter[4])); pBtCoexist->fBtcFillH2c(pBtCoexist, 0x60, 5, H2C_Parameter); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetLpsRpwm( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte lpsVal, IN u1Byte rpwmVal ) { u1Byte lps=lpsVal; u1Byte rpwm=rpwmVal; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_U1_LPS_VAL, &lps); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_U1_RPWM_VAL, &rpwm); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_LpsRpwm( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN u1Byte lpsVal, IN u1Byte rpwmVal ) { BOOLEAN bForceExecPwrCmd=FALSE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s set lps/rpwm=0x%x/0x%x \n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), lpsVal, rpwmVal)); pCoexDm->curLps = lpsVal; pCoexDm->curRpwm = rpwmVal; if(!bForceExec) { if( (pCoexDm->preLps == pCoexDm->curLps) && (pCoexDm->preRpwm == pCoexDm->curRpwm) ) { return; } } halbtc8812a2ant_SetLpsRpwm(pBtCoexist, lpsVal, rpwmVal); pCoexDm->preLps = pCoexDm->curLps; pCoexDm->preRpwm = pCoexDm->curRpwm; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bShrinkRxLPF, IN BOOLEAN bLowPenaltyRA, IN BOOLEAN bLimitedDIG, IN BOOLEAN bBTLNAConstrain ) { /* u4Byte wifiBw; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 != wifiBw) //only shrink RF Rx LPF for HT40 { if (bShrinkRxLPF) bShrinkRxLPF = FALSE; } */ halbtc8812a2ant_RfShrink(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, bShrinkRxLPF); //halbtc8812a2ant_LowPenaltyRa(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, bLowPenaltyRA); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bAGCTableShift, IN BOOLEAN bADCBackOff, IN BOOLEAN bSWDACSwing, IN u4Byte dacSwingLvl ) { //halbtc8812a2ant_AgcTable(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, bAGCTableShift); halbtc8812a2ant_AdcBackOff(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, bADCBackOff); halbtc8812a2ant_DacSwing(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, bSWDACSwing, dacSwingLvl); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_SetAntPath( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte antPosType, IN BOOLEAN bInitHwCfg, IN BOOLEAN bWifiOff ) { u1Byte u1Tmp=0; if(bInitHwCfg) { pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x900, 0x00000400); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x76d, 0x1); } else if(bWifiOff) { } // ext switch setting switch(antPosType) { case BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_MAIN: break; case BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_AUX: u1Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xcb7); u1Tmp &= ~BIT3; u1Tmp |= BIT2; pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xcb7, u1Tmp); break; default: break; } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bForceExec, IN BOOLEAN bTurnOn, IN u1Byte type ) { BOOLEAN bTurnOnByCnt=FALSE; u1Byte psTdmaTypeByCnt=0; s1Byte nWiFiDurationAdjust = 0x0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s turn %s PS TDMA, type=%d\n", (bForceExec? "force to":""), (bTurnOn? "ON":"OFF"), type)); pCoexDm->bCurPsTdmaOn = bTurnOn; pCoexDm->curPsTdma = type; if(!bForceExec) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], bPrePsTdmaOn = %d, bCurPsTdmaOn = %d!!\n", pCoexDm->bPrePsTdmaOn, pCoexDm->bCurPsTdmaOn)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], prePsTdma = %d, curPsTdma = %d!!\n", pCoexDm->prePsTdma, pCoexDm->curPsTdma)); if( (pCoexDm->bPrePsTdmaOn == pCoexDm->bCurPsTdmaOn) && (pCoexDm->prePsTdma == pCoexDm->curPsTdma) ) return; } if (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum >= 40) nWiFiDurationAdjust = -15; else if (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum >= 20) nWiFiDurationAdjust = -10; /* if (!pCoexSta->bForceLpsOn) //only for A2DP-only case 1/2/9/11 while wifi noisy threshold > 30 { psTdmaByte0Val = 0x61; //no null-pkt psTdmaByte3Val = 0x11; // no tx-pause at BT-slot psTdmaByte4Val = 0x10; // 0x778 = d/1 toggle } if ( (type == 3) || (type == 13) || (type == 14) ) { psTdmaByte4Val = psTdmaByte4Val & 0xbf; //no dynamic slot for multi-profile if (!bWifiBusy) psTdmaByte4Val = psTdmaByte4Val | 0x1; //0x778 = 0x1 at wifi slot (no blocking BT Low-Pri pkts) } if (pBtLinkInfo->bSlaveRole == TRUE) psTdmaByte4Val = psTdmaByte4Val | 0x1; //0x778 = 0x1 at wifi slot (no blocking BT Low-Pri pkts) */ if(bTurnOn) { switch(type) { case 1: default: //d1,wb halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x3c, 0x03, 0x11, 0x10); break; case 2: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x32, 0x03, 0x11, 0x10); break; case 3: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x28, 0x03, 0x11, 0x10); break; case 4: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x1e, 0x03, 0x11, 0x10); break; case 5: //d1,pb,TXpause halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x63, 0x3c, 0x03, 0x90, 0x10); break; case 6: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x63, 0x32, 0x03, 0x90, 0x10); break; case 7: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x63, 0x28, 0x03, 0x90, 0x10); break; case 8: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x63, 0x1e, 0x03, 0x90, 0x10); break; case 9: //d1,bb halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x3c, 0x03, 0x31, 0x10); break; case 10: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x32, 0x03, 0x31, 0x10); break; case 11: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x28, 0x03, 0x31, 0x10); break; case 12: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x1e, 0x03, 0x31, 0x10); break; case 13: //d1,bb,TXpause halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x3c, 0x03, 0x30, 0x10); break; case 14: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x32, 0x03, 0x30, 0x10); break; case 15: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x28, 0x03, 0x30, 0x10); break; case 16: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x1e, 0x03, 0x30, 0x10); break; case 17: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x61, 0x35, 0x3, 0x11, 0x11); break; case 18: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x5, 0x5, 0xe1, 0x90); break; case 19: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x25, 0x25, 0xe1, 0x90); break; case 20: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x25, 0x25, 0x60, 0x90); break; case 21: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x15, 0x3, 0x70, 0x90); break; case 22: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x61, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x21, 0x10); break; case 23: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x1c, 0x03, 0x31, 0x10); break; case 71: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0xe1, 0x90); break; // following cases is for wifi rssi low, started from 81 case 80: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x3c, 0x3, 0x90, 0x50); break; case 81: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x3a+nWiFiDurationAdjust, 0x3, 0x90, 0x50); break; case 82: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x30+nWiFiDurationAdjust, 0x03, 0x90, 0x50); break; case 83: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x21, 0x03, 0x90, 0x50); break; case 84: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x15, 0x3, 0x90, 0x50); break; case 85: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x1d, 0x1d, 0x80, 0x50); break; case 86: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x53, 0x15, 0x15, 0x80, 0x50); break; } } else { // disable PS tdma switch(type) { case 0: //ANT2PTA, 0x778=0x1 halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); break; case 1: //ANT2BT, 0x778=3 halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0); delay_ms(5); halbtc8812a2ant_SetAntPath(pBtCoexist, BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_AUX, FALSE, FALSE); break; default: halbtc8812a2ant_SetFwPstdma(pBtCoexist, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); break; } } // update pre state pCoexDm->bPrePsTdmaOn = pCoexDm->bCurPsTdmaOn; pCoexDm->prePsTdma = pCoexDm->curPsTdma; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_CoexAllOff( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { // fw all off halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // sw all off halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); // hw all off halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_InitCoexDm( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { // force to reset coex mechanism halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdmaCheckForPowerSaveState( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bNewPsState ) { u1Byte lpsMode=0x0; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U1_LPS_MODE, &lpsMode); if(lpsMode) // already under LPS state { if(bNewPsState) { // keep state under LPS, do nothing. } else { // will leave LPS state, turn off psTdma first halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); } } else // NO PS state { if(bNewPsState) { // will enter LPS state, turn off psTdma first halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); } else { // keep state under NO PS state, do nothing. } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte psType, IN u1Byte lpsVal, IN u1Byte rpwmVal ) { BOOLEAN bLowPwrDisable=FALSE; switch(psType) { case BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE: // recover to original 32k low power setting bLowPwrDisable = TRUE; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_DISABLE_LOW_POWER, &bLowPwrDisable); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_NORMAL_LPS, NULL); pCoexSta->bForceLpsOn = FALSE; break; case BTC_PS_LPS_ON: halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdmaCheckForPowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, TRUE); halbtc8812a2ant_LpsRpwm(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, lpsVal, rpwmVal); // when coex force to enter LPS, do not enter 32k low power. bLowPwrDisable = TRUE; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_DISABLE_LOW_POWER, &bLowPwrDisable); // power save must executed before psTdma. pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_ENTER_LPS, NULL); pCoexSta->bForceLpsOn = TRUE; break; case BTC_PS_LPS_OFF: halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdmaCheckForPowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, FALSE); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_LEAVE_LPS, NULL); pCoexSta->bForceLpsOn = FALSE; break; default: break; } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionBtInquiry( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } BOOLEAN halbtc8812a2ant_IsCommonAction( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; PBTC_BT_LINK_INFO pBtLinkInfo=&pBtCoexist->btLinkInfo; BOOLEAN bCommon=FALSE, bWifiConnected=FALSE, bWifiBusy=FALSE; BOOLEAN bBtHsOn=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_HS_OPERATION, &bBtHsOn); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_CONNECTED, &bWifiConnected); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_BUSY, &bWifiBusy); if(pCoexSta->bC2hBtInquiryPage) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT is under inquiry/page scan !!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionBtInquiry(pBtCoexist); return TRUE; } if(pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist || pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist) { halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedTx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 1, 0, 0, 0); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedTx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if(!bWifiConnected) { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Wifi non-connected idle!!\n")); if( (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus) || (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus) ) { halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 1); } halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); bCommon = TRUE; } else { if(BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Wifi connected + BT non connected-idle!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); bCommon = TRUE; } else if(BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus) { if(bBtHsOn) return FALSE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Wifi connected + BT connected-idle!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); bCommon = TRUE; } else { if(bWifiBusy) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Wifi Connected-Busy + BT Busy!!\n")); bCommon = FALSE; } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Wifi Connected-Idle + BT Busy!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 17); halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); bCommon = TRUE; } } } return bCommon; } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bScoHid, IN BOOLEAN bTxPause, IN u1Byte maxInterval ) { static s4Byte up,dn,m,n,WaitCount; s4Byte result; //0: no change, +1: increase WiFi duration, -1: decrease WiFi duration u1Byte retryCount=0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TdmaDurationAdjust()\n")); pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; if(!pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust) { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = TRUE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], first run TdmaDurationAdjust()!!\n")); { if(bScoHid) { if(bTxPause) { if(maxInterval == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 13); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 13; } else if(maxInterval == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(maxInterval == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } } else { if(maxInterval == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 9); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } else if(maxInterval == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(maxInterval == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } } } else { if(bTxPause) { if(maxInterval == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 5); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 5; } else if(maxInterval == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(maxInterval == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } } else { if(maxInterval == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 1); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; } else if(maxInterval == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(maxInterval == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } } } } //============ up = 0; dn = 0; m = 1; n= 3; result = 0; WaitCount = 0; } else { //accquire the BT TRx retry count from BT_Info byte2 retryCount = pCoexSta->btRetryCnt; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], retryCount = %d\n", retryCount)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], up=%d, dn=%d, m=%d, n=%d, WaitCount=%d\n", up, dn, m, n, WaitCount)); result = 0; WaitCount++; if(retryCount == 0) // no retry in the last 2-second duration { up++; dn--; if (dn <= 0) dn = 0; if(up >= n) // if 連續 n 個2秒 retry count為0, 則調寬WiFi duration { WaitCount = 0; n = 3; up = 0; dn = 0; result = 1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Increase wifi duration!!\n")); } } else if (retryCount <= 3) // <=3 retry in the last 2-second duration { up--; dn++; if (up <= 0) up = 0; if (dn == 2) // if 連續 2 個2秒 retry count< 3, 則調窄WiFi duration { if (WaitCount <= 2) m++; // 避免一直在兩個level中來回 else m = 1; if ( m >= 20) //m 最大值 = 20 ' 最大120秒 recheck是否調整 WiFi duration. m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter<3!!\n")); } } else //retry count > 3, 只要1次 retry count > 3, 則調窄WiFi duration { if (WaitCount == 1) m++; // 避免一直在兩個level中來回 else m = 1; if ( m >= 20) //m 最大值 = 20 ' 最大120秒 recheck是否調整 WiFi duration. m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter>3!!\n")); } RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], max Interval = %d\n", maxInterval)); if(maxInterval == 1) { if(bTxPause) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 5); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 5; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 13); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 13; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 5); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 5; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 13); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 13; } } } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 1); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 9); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 1); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 9); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } } } } else if(maxInterval == 2) { if(bTxPause) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 6); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } } } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 2); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } } } } else if(maxInterval == 3) { if(bTxPause) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 8); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 16); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 7); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 15); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } } } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 5) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 6) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 7) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 8) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 13) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 14) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 15) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 16) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if(result == -1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 1) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 4); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 9) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 12); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 4) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 3) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 2) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 3); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 12) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 11) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 10) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 11); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } } } } } // if current PsTdma not match with the recorded one (when scan, dhcp...), // then we have to adjust it back to the previous record one. if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma != pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType) { BOOLEAN bScan=FALSE, bLink=FALSE, bRoam=FALSE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], PsTdma type dismatch!!!, curPsTdma=%d, recordPsTdma=%d\n", pCoexDm->curPsTdma, pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType)); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_SCAN, &bScan); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_LINK, &bLink); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_ROAM, &bRoam); if( !bScan && !bLink && !bRoam) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], roaming/link/scan is under progress, will adjust next time!!!\n")); } } } //================== // pstdma for wifi rssi low //================== VOID halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist//, //IN u1Byte wifiStatus ) { static s4Byte up,dn,m,n,WaitCount; s4Byte result; //0: no change, +1: increase WiFi duration, -1: decrease WiFi duration u1Byte retryCount=0, btInfoExt; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow()\n")); #if 0 if( (BT_8812A_2ANT_WIFI_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_ASSO_AUTH_SCAN == wifiStatus) || (BT_8812A_2ANT_WIFI_STATUS_CONNECTED_SCAN == wifiStatus) || (BT_8812A_2ANT_WIFI_STATUS_CONNECTED_SPECIAL_PKT == wifiStatus) ) { if( pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 81 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 82 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 83 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 84 ) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 82); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 82; up = 0; dn = 0; m = 1; n= 3; result = 0; WaitCount = 0; } return; } #endif pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; retryCount = pCoexSta->btRetryCnt; btInfoExt = pCoexSta->btInfoExt; if(!pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi) { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = TRUE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], first run TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow()!!\n")); if(BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_A2DP_BASIC_RATE(btInfoExt)) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 83); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 83; } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 82); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 82; } //============ up = 0; dn = 0; m = 1; n= 3; result = 0; WaitCount = 0; } else { //accquire the BT TRx retry count from BT_Info byte2 // retryCount = pCoexSta->btRetryCnt; // btInfoExt = pCoexSta->btInfoExt; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], retryCount = %d\n", retryCount)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], up=%d, dn=%d, m=%d, n=%d, WaitCount=%d\n", up, dn, m, n, WaitCount)); result = 0; WaitCount++; if ( (pCoexSta->lowPriorityTx) > 1050 || (pCoexSta->lowPriorityRx) > 1250 ) retryCount++; if(retryCount == 0) // no retry in the last 2-second duration { up++; dn--; if (dn <= 0) dn = 0; if(up >= n) // if 連續 n 個2秒 retry count為0, 則調寬WiFi duration { WaitCount = 0; n = 3; up = 0; dn = 0; result = 1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Increase wifi duration!!\n")); } } else if (retryCount <= 3) // <=3 retry in the last 2-second duration { up--; dn++; if (up <= 0) up = 0; if (dn == 2) // if 連續 2 個2秒 retry count< 3, 則調窄WiFi duration { if (WaitCount <= 2) m++; // 避免一直在兩個level中來回 else m = 1; if ( m >= 20) //m 最大值 = 20 ' 最大120秒 recheck是否調整 WiFi duration. m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter<3!!\n")); } } else //retry count > 3, 只要1次 retry count > 3, 則調窄WiFi duration { if (WaitCount == 1) m++; // 避免一直在兩個level中來回 else m = 1; if ( m >= 20) //m 最大值 = 20 ' 最大120秒 recheck是否調整 WiFi duration. m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter>3!!\n")); } if(result == -1) { /* if( (BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_A2DP_BASIC_RATE(btInfoExt)) && ((pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 81) ||(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 82)) ) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 84); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 84; } */ if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 80) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 82); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 82; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 81) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 82); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 82; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 82) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 83); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 83; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 83) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 84); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 84; } } else if(result == 1) { /* if( (BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_A2DP_BASIC_RATE(btInfoExt)) && ((pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 81) ||(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 82)) ) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 83); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 83; } */ if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 84) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 83); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 83; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 83) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 82); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 82; } else if(pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 82) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 81); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 81; } else if((pCoexDm->curPsTdma == 81)&&((pCoexSta->nScanAPNum <= 5))) { halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 81); pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType = 81; } } if( pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 80 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 81 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 82 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 83 && pCoexDm->curPsTdma != 84 ) { // recover to previous adjust type halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, pCoexDm->psTdmaDuAdjType); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN pu1Byte pThres0, IN pu1Byte pThres1 ) { u1Byte antType, btThreshold=0; // pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U1_ANT_TYPE, &antType); PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; antType = pBoardInfo->antType; switch(antType) { case BTC_ANT_TYPE_0: *pThres0 = 100; *pThres1 = 100; break; case BTC_ANT_TYPE_1: *pThres0 = 34; *pThres1 = 42; break; case BTC_ANT_TYPE_2: *pThres0 = 34; *pThres1 = 42; break; case BTC_ANT_TYPE_3: *pThres0 = 34; *pThres1 = 42; break; case BTC_ANT_TYPE_4: *pThres0 = 34; *pThres1 = 42; break; default: break; } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionSco( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 13); else halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 9); // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionScoHid( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 13); else halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 9); // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, TRUE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x6); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x6); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHid( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte anttype=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); anttype = pBoardInfo->antType; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); if(anttype == 0)//ANTTYPE = 0 92E 2ant with SPDT { // power save state & pstdma & coex table pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if(anttype == 1) //92E 2ant with coupler and bad ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with bad ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if(anttype == 2)//ANTTYPE = 2, 92E 2ant with coupler and normal/good ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with normal ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 9); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 9); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 9); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); } } else if(anttype == 3) //ANTTYPE = 3, 92E 3ant with good ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } } else //ANTTYPE = 4 for test { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 0); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } //A2DP only / PAN(EDR) only/ A2DP+PAN(HS) VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionA2dp( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte anttype=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); anttype = pBoardInfo->antType; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // anttype = 4; if(anttype == 0)//ANTTYPE = 0 92E 2ant with SPDT { if((pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } // power save state & pstdma & coex table /* if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } */ } else if(anttype == 1) //92E 2ant with coupler and bad ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with bad ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, FALSE, 1); //shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } else if(anttype == 2)//ANTTYPE = 2, 92E 2ant with coupler and normal/good ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with normal ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } else if(anttype == 3) //ANTTYPE = 3, 92E 3ant with good ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } } else //ANTTYPE = 4 for test { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // decrease BT power /* if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else if (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A) // BT HIGH RSSI & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); // sw mechanism pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionA2dpPanHs( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, FALSE, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, TRUE, 2); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); // sw mechanism pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,0x6); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdr( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state if((bApEnable == TRUE) || (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 1); else halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 85); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); // sw mechanism pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } //PAN(HS) only VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanHs( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); // pstdma halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, 1); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } //PAN(EDR)+A2DP VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdrA2dp( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state if((bApEnable == TRUE) || (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, FALSE, 3); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, FALSE, TRUE, 3); else { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 86); } // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdrHid( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state if((bApEnable == TRUE) || (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 10); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 14); else halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 85); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, TRUE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } // HID+A2DP+PAN(EDR) VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dpPanEdr( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state if((bApEnable == TRUE) || (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); else halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, FALSE, 3); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, TRUE, 3); else { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE, 86); } // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, TRUE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dpPanHs( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0; halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); // power save state halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); // coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 3); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 5); else halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); // pstdma if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, FALSE, 2); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, TRUE, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, TRUE, 2); // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState))) halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); else halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, TRUE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dp( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte wifiRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH, btRssiState=BTC_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte btThresh0=0, btThresh1=0, anttype=0; BOOLEAN bApEnable=FALSE; PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_AP_MODE_ENABLE, &bApEnable); anttype = pBoardInfo->antType; // halbtc8812a2ant_GetBtRssiThreshold(pBtCoexist, &btThresh0, &btThresh1); // btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, btThresh0, btThresh1); wifiRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_WifiRssiState(pBtCoexist, 0, 2, 34, 0); btRssiState = halbtc8812a2ant_BtRssiState(3, 34, 42); if(anttype == 0)//ANTTYPE = 0 92E 2ant with SPDT { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 83); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 83); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } } else if(anttype == 1) //92E 2ant with coupler and bad ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with bad ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, TRUE, 2); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 83); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } } else if(anttype == 2)//ANTTYPE = 2, 92E 2ant with coupler and normal/good ant. isolation, 92E 3ant with normal ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjust(pBtCoexist, TRUE, TRUE, 2); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 0); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE, 83); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 8); } } else if(anttype == 3) //ANTTYPE = 3, 92E 3ant with good ant. isolation { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_WIFI_NATIVE, 0x0, 0x0); halbtc8812a2ant_PsTdma(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE, 1); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); } } else //ANTTYPE = 4 for test { // power save state & pstdma & coex table if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState) && (!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else if (BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)&&(!BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) && (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum > NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A)) { //WIFI RSSI = high & BT RSSI = high & noisy enviroment halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } else //WIFI RSSI || BT RSSI == low { halbtc8812a2ant_PowerSaveState(pBtCoexist, BTC_PS_LPS_ON, 0x50, 0x4); halbtc8812a2ant_TdmaDurationAdjustForWifiRssiLow(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexTableWithType(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 7); } } // decrease BT power halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); /* // decrease BT power if(BTC_RSSI_LOW(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 0); else if(BTC_RSSI_MEDIUM(btRssiState)) halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 2); else if (pCoexSta->nScanAPNum < NOISY_AP_NUM_THRESH_8812A) // BT HIGH RSSI & shielding room halbtc8812a2ant_DecBtPwr(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 4); */ // limited Rx halbtc8812a2ant_LimitedRx(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, FALSE, FALSE, 0x8); // fw dac swing level halbtc8812a2ant_FwDacSwingLvl(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, 6); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); // sw mechanism if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } else { if(BTC_RSSI_HIGH(wifiRssiState)) { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } else { halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism1(pBtCoexist,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); halbtc8812a2ant_SwMechanism2(pBtCoexist,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,0x18); } } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_CoexUnder5G( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { halbtc8812a2ant_CoexAllOff(pBtCoexist); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Under 5G, force set BT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, NORMAL_EXEC, TRUE); } //==================================================== VOID halbtc8812a2ant_RunCoexistMechanism( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { BOOLEAN bWifiUnder5G=FALSE, bBtHsOn=FALSE; u1Byte btInfoOriginal=0, btRetryCnt=0; u1Byte algorithm=0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], RunCoexistMechanism()===>\n")); if(pBtCoexist->bManualControl) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], RunCoexistMechanism(), return for Manual CTRL <===\n")); return; } if(pCoexSta->bUnderIps) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], wifi is under IPS !!!\n")); return; } pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_UNDER_5G, &bWifiUnder5G); if(bWifiUnder5G) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], RunCoexistMechanism(), run 5G coex setting!!<===\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexUnder5G(pBtCoexist); return; } algorithm = halbtc8812a2ant_ActionAlgorithm(pBtCoexist); if(pCoexSta->bC2hBtInquiryPage && (BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS!=algorithm)) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT is under inquiry/page scan !!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionBtInquiry(pBtCoexist); return; } pCoexDm->curAlgorithm = algorithm; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Algorithm = %d \n", pCoexDm->curAlgorithm)); if(halbtc8812a2ant_IsCommonAction(pBtCoexist)) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant common.\n")); pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; } else { if(pCoexDm->curAlgorithm != pCoexDm->preAlgorithm) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], preAlgorithm=%d, curAlgorithm=%d\n", pCoexDm->preAlgorithm, pCoexDm->curAlgorithm)); pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust = FALSE; pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi = FALSE; } switch(pCoexDm->curAlgorithm) { case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = SCO.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionSco(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO_HID: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = SCO+HID.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionScoHid(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHid(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = A2DP.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionA2dp(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP_PANHS: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = A2DP+PAN(HS).\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionA2dpPanHs(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR).\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdr(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HS mode.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanHs(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN+A2DP.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdrA2dp(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR)+HID.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionPanEdrHid(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP+PAN.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dpPanEdr(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANHS: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP+PAN(HS).\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dpPanHs(pBtCoexist); break; case BT_8812A_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP.\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_ActionHidA2dp(pBtCoexist); break; default: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Action 2-Ant, algorithm = coexist All Off!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_CoexAllOff(pBtCoexist); break; } pCoexDm->preAlgorithm = pCoexDm->curAlgorithm; } } VOID halbtc8812a2ant_InitHwConfig( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bBackUp ) { u4Byte u4Tmp=0; u2Byte u2Tmp=0; u1Byte u1Tmp=0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], 2Ant Init HW Config!!\n")); if(bBackUp) { // backup rf 0x1e value pCoexDm->btRf0x1eBackup = pBtCoexist->fBtcGetRfReg(pBtCoexist, BTC_RF_A, 0x1e, 0xfffff); pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt1 = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x430); pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt2 = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x434); pCoexDm->backupRetryLimit = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead2Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x42a); pCoexDm->backupAmpduMaxTime = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x456); } //ant sw control to BT halbtc8812a2ant_SetAntPath(pBtCoexist, BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_AUX, TRUE, FALSE); // 0x790[5:0]=0x5 u1Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x790); u1Tmp &= 0xc0; u1Tmp |= 0x5; pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x790, u1Tmp); // PTA parameter pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6cc, 0x0); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c8, 0xffff); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c4, 0x55555555); pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c0, 0x55555555); // coex parameters pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x778, 0x1); // enable counter statistics pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x76e, 0x4); // disable PTA to avoid BT insn't on pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x40, 0x00); // bt clock related u1Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x4); u1Tmp |= BIT7; pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x4, u1Tmp); // bt clock related u1Tmp = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x7); u1Tmp |= BIT1; pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x7, u1Tmp); } //============================================================ // work around function start with wa_halbtc8812a2ant_ //============================================================ //============================================================ // extern function start with EXhalbtc8812a2ant_ //============================================================ VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_PowerOnSetting( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_InitHwConfig( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN BOOLEAN bWifiOnly ) { halbtc8812a2ant_InitHwConfig(pBtCoexist, TRUE); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_InitCoexDm( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Coex Mechanism Init!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_InitCoexDm(pBtCoexist); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_BTOffOnNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte BTstatus ) { u1Byte u1Tmp=0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BToff/on notify\n")); DBG_871X("%s, BTstatus:%d", __func__, BTstatus); if(BTC_BT_OFF == BTstatus) { //PTA off pBtCoexist->btInfo.bBtDisabled = TRUE; halbtc8812a2ant_EnablePTA(pBtCoexist,FORCE_EXEC, FALSE); } else { //PTA on pBtCoexist->btInfo.bBtDisabled = FALSE; halbtc8812a2ant_EnablePTA(pBtCoexist,FORCE_EXEC, TRUE); } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_DisplayCoexInfo( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; PBTC_STACK_INFO pStackInfo=&pBtCoexist->stackInfo; PBTC_BT_LINK_INFO pBtLinkInfo=&pBtCoexist->btLinkInfo; pu1Byte cliBuf=pBtCoexist->cliBuf; u1Byte u1Tmp[4], i, btInfoExt, psTdmaCase=0; u2Byte u2Tmp[4]; u4Byte u4Tmp[4]; u4Byte fwVer=0, btPatchVer=0; CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n ============[BT Coexist info]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); if(pBtCoexist->bManualControl) { CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n ============[Under Manual Control]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n =========================================="); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); } CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d ", "Ant PG number/ Ant mechanism:", \ pBoardInfo->pgAntNum, pBoardInfo->btdmAntNum); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d", "Antenna type:", \ pBoardInfo->antType); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s / %d", "BT stack/ hci ext ver", \ ((pStackInfo->bProfileNotified)? "Yes":"No"), pStackInfo->hciVersion); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_BT_PATCH_VER, &btPatchVer); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_FW_VER, &fwVer); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d_%d/ 0x%x/ 0x%x(%d)", "CoexVer/ FwVer/ PatchVer", \ GLCoexVerDate8812a2Ant, GLCoexVer8812a2Ant, fwVer, btPatchVer, btPatchVer); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %02x %02x %02x ", "Wifi channel informed to BT", \ pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[0], pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[1], pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[2]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); // wifi status CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Wifi Status]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); pBtCoexist->fBtcDispDbgMsg(pBtCoexist, BTC_DBG_DISP_WIFI_STATUS); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[BT Status]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = [%s/ %d/ %d] ", "BT [status/ rssi/ retryCnt]", \ ((pBtCoexist->btInfo.bBtDisabled)? ("disabled"): ((pCoexSta->bC2hBtInquiryPage)?("inquiry/page scan"):((BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus)? "non-connected idle": ( (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE == pCoexDm->btStatus)? "connected-idle":"busy")))), pCoexSta->btRssi, pCoexSta->btRetryCnt); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d / %d / %d / %d", "SCO/HID/PAN/A2DP", \ pBtLinkInfo->bScoExist, pBtLinkInfo->bHidExist, pBtLinkInfo->bPanExist, pBtLinkInfo->bA2dpExist); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); pBtCoexist->fBtcDispDbgMsg(pBtCoexist, BTC_DBG_DISP_BT_LINK_INFO); btInfoExt = pCoexSta->btInfoExt; CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s", "BT Info A2DP rate", \ (btInfoExt&BIT0)? "Basic rate":"EDR rate"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); for(i=0; ibtInfoC2hCnt[i]) { CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x(%d)", GLBtInfoSrc8812a2Ant[i], \ pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][0], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][1], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][2], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][3], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][4], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][5], pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[i][6], pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[i]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); } } // Sw mechanism CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Sw mechanism]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d/ %d ", "SM1[ShRf/ LpRA/ LimDig]", \ pCoexDm->bCurRfRxLpfShrink, pCoexDm->bCurLowPenaltyRa, pCoexDm->bLimitedDig); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d/ %d(0x%x) ", "SM2[AgcT/ AdcB/ SwDacSwing(lvl)]", \ pCoexDm->bCurAgcTableEn, pCoexDm->bCurAdcBackOff, pCoexDm->bCurDacSwingOn, pCoexDm->curDacSwingLvl); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x ", "Rate Mask", \ pBtCoexist->btInfo.raMask); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); // Fw mechanism CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Fw mechanism]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); psTdmaCase = pCoexDm->curPsTdma; CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x case-%d (auto:%d/%d)", "PS TDMA", \ pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[0], pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[1], pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[2], pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[3], pCoexDm->psTdmaPara[4], psTdmaCase, pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust, pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d ", "DecBtPwr/ IgnWlanAct", \ pCoexDm->curBtDecPwrLvl, pCoexDm->bCurIgnoreWlanAct); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); // Hw setting CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Hw setting]============"); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "RF-A, 0x1e initVal", \ pCoexDm->btRf0x1eBackup); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/0x%x/0x%x/0x%x", "backup ARFR1/ARFR2/RL/AMaxTime", \ pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt1, pCoexDm->backupArfrCnt2, pCoexDm->backupRetryLimit, pCoexDm->backupAmpduMaxTime); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x430); u4Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x434); u2Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead2Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x42a); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x456); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/0x%x/0x%x/0x%x", "0x430/0x434/0x42a/0x456", \ u4Tmp[0], u4Tmp[1], u2Tmp[0], u1Tmp[0]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x778); u1Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6cc); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x ", "0x778 (W_Act)/ 0x6cc (CoTab Sel)", \ u1Tmp[0], u1Tmp[1]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x8db); u1Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xc5b); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x8db(ADC)/0xc5b[29:25](DAC)", \ ((u1Tmp[0]&0x60)>>5), ((u1Tmp[1]&0x3e)>>1)); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xcb3); u1Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xcb7); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0xcb3/ 0xcb7", \ u1Tmp[0], u1Tmp[1]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x40); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x4c); u4Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x974); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x40/ 0x4c[24:23]/ 0x974", \ u1Tmp[0], ((u4Tmp[0]&0x01800000)>>23), u4Tmp[1]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x550); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x522); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x550(bcn ctrl)/0x522", \ u4Tmp[0], u1Tmp[0]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xc50); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xa0a); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0xc50(DIG)/0xa0a(CCK-TH)", \ u4Tmp[0], u1Tmp[0]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xf48); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xa5b); u1Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0xa5c); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0xf48/ 0xa5b (FA cnt-- OFDM : CCK)", \ u4Tmp[0], (u1Tmp[0]<<8) + u1Tmp[1] ); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); u4Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c0); u4Tmp[1] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c4); u4Tmp[2] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead4Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6c8); u1Tmp[0] = pBtCoexist->fBtcRead1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x6cc); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x6c0/0x6c4/0x6c8/0x6cc(coexTable)", \ u4Tmp[0], u4Tmp[1], u4Tmp[2], u1Tmp[0]); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d", "0x770(high-pri rx/tx)", \ pCoexSta->highPriorityRx, pCoexSta->highPriorityTx); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); CL_SPRINTF(cliBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/ %d", "0x774(low-pri rx/tx)", \ pCoexSta->lowPriorityRx, pCoexSta->lowPriorityTx); CL_PRINTF(cliBuf); #if(BT_AUTO_REPORT_ONLY_8812A_2ANT == 1) halbtc8812a2ant_MonitorBtCtr(pBtCoexist); #endif pBtCoexist->fBtcDispDbgMsg(pBtCoexist, BTC_DBG_DISP_COEX_STATISTICS); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_IpsNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { BOOLEAN bWifiUnder5G=FALSE; if(BTC_IPS_ENTER == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], IPS ENTER notify\n")); pCoexSta->bUnderIps = TRUE; halbtc8812a2ant_CoexAllOff(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_SetAntPath(pBtCoexist, BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_AUX, FALSE, TRUE); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], IPS notify, force set BT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE); EXhalbtc8812a2ant_MediaStatusNotify(pBtCoexist, BTC_MEDIA_DISCONNECT); } else if(BTC_IPS_LEAVE == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], IPS LEAVE notify\n")); pCoexSta->bUnderIps = FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_UNDER_5G, &bWifiUnder5G); if(!bWifiUnder5G) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], IPS notify, force set BT NOT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE); } } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_LpsNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { if(BTC_LPS_ENABLE == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], LPS ENABLE notify\n")); pCoexSta->bUnderLps = TRUE; } else if(BTC_LPS_DISABLE == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], LPS DISABLE notify\n")); pCoexSta->bUnderLps = FALSE; } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_ScanNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { if(BTC_SCAN_START == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCAN START notify\n")); } else if(BTC_SCAN_FINISH == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], SCAN FINISH notify\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U1_AP_NUM, &pCoexSta->nScanAPNum); } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_ConnectNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { if(BTC_ASSOCIATE_START == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], CONNECT START notify\n")); } else if(BTC_ASSOCIATE_FINISH == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], CONNECT FINISH notify\n")); } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_MediaStatusNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { u1Byte dataLen=5; u1Byte buf[6] = {0}; u1Byte H2C_Parameter[3] ={0}; u4Byte wifiBw; u1Byte wifiCentralChnl; if(pBtCoexist->bManualControl || pBtCoexist->bStopCoexDm || pBtCoexist->btInfo.bBtDisabled ) return; if(BTC_MEDIA_CONNECT == type) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], MEDIA connect notify\n")); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], MEDIA disconnect notify\n")); } // only 2.4G we need to inform bt the chnl mask pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U1_WIFI_CENTRAL_CHNL, &wifiCentralChnl); if( (BTC_MEDIA_CONNECT == type) && (wifiCentralChnl <= 14) ) { H2C_Parameter[0] = 0x1; H2C_Parameter[1] = wifiCentralChnl; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_BW, &wifiBw); if(BTC_WIFI_BW_HT40 == wifiBw) H2C_Parameter[2] = 0x30; else H2C_Parameter[2] = 0x20; } pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[0] = H2C_Parameter[0]; pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[1] = H2C_Parameter[1]; pCoexDm->wifiChnlInfo[2] = H2C_Parameter[2]; buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x5; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x3; // OP_Code_Length buf[3] = H2C_Parameter[0]; // OP_Code_Content buf[4] = H2C_Parameter[1]; buf[5] = H2C_Parameter[2]; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_SpecialPacketNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte type ) { if(type == BTC_PACKET_DHCP) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], DHCP Packet notify\n")); } } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_BtInfoNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN pu1Byte tmpBuf, IN u1Byte length ) { PBTC_BT_LINK_INFO pBtLinkInfo=&pBtCoexist->btLinkInfo; u1Byte btInfo=0; u1Byte i, rspSource=0; BOOLEAN bBtBusy=FALSE, bLimitedDig=FALSE; BOOLEAN bWifiConnected=FALSE, bBtHsOn=FALSE, bWifiUnder5G=FALSE; pCoexSta->bC2hBtInfoReqSent = FALSE; pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_UNDER_5G, &bWifiUnder5G); rspSource = tmpBuf[0]&0xf; if(rspSource >= BT_INFO_SRC_8812A_2ANT_MAX) rspSource = BT_INFO_SRC_8812A_2ANT_WIFI_FW; pCoexSta->btInfoC2hCnt[rspSource]++; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Bt info[%d], length=%d, hex data=[", rspSource, length)); for(i=0; ibtInfoC2h[rspSource][i] = tmpBuf[i]; if(i == 1) btInfo = tmpBuf[i]; if(i == length-1) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("0x%02x]\n", tmpBuf[i])); } else { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("0x%02x, ", tmpBuf[i])); } } if(BT_INFO_SRC_8812A_2ANT_WIFI_FW != rspSource) { pCoexSta->btRetryCnt = // [3:0] pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[rspSource][2]&0xf; pCoexSta->btRssi = pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[rspSource][3]*2+10; pCoexSta->btInfoExt = pCoexSta->btInfoC2h[rspSource][4]; // Here we need to resend some wifi info to BT // because bt is reset and loss of the info. if( (pCoexSta->btInfoExt & BIT1) ) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT ext info bit1 check, send wifi BW&Chnl to BT!!\n")); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_BL_WIFI_CONNECTED, &bWifiConnected); if(bWifiConnected) { EXhalbtc8812a2ant_MediaStatusNotify(pBtCoexist, BTC_MEDIA_CONNECT); } else { EXhalbtc8812a2ant_MediaStatusNotify(pBtCoexist, BTC_MEDIA_DISCONNECT); } } if( (pCoexSta->btInfoExt&BIT3) && !bWifiUnder5G) { // BT already ignored WlanAct if(!pBtCoexist->bManualControl && !pBtCoexist->bStopCoexDm) { if(!pCoexSta->bUnderIps) { RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT ext info bit3 check, set BT NOT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, FALSE); } } } else { // BT already NOT ignore Wlan active, do nothing here. if(pCoexSta->bUnderIps) { // work around for 8812a combo hw bug => when IPS, wlanAct is always high. RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], wifi is under IPS, set BT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE); } } } // check BIT2 first ==> check if bt is under inquiry or page scan if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_INQ_PAGE) pCoexSta->bC2hBtInquiryPage = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bC2hBtInquiryPage = FALSE; // set link exist status if(!(btInfo&BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_CONNECTION)) { pCoexSta->bBtLinkExist = FALSE; pCoexSta->bPanExist = FALSE; pCoexSta->bA2dpExist = FALSE; pCoexSta->bHidExist = FALSE; pCoexSta->bScoExist = FALSE; pCoexSta->bAclBusy = FALSE; } else // connection exists { pCoexSta->bBtLinkExist = TRUE; if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_FTP) pCoexSta->bPanExist = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bPanExist = FALSE; if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_A2DP) pCoexSta->bA2dpExist = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bA2dpExist = FALSE; if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_HID) pCoexSta->bHidExist = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bHidExist = FALSE; if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_SCO_ESCO) pCoexSta->bScoExist = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bScoExist = FALSE; if(btInfo & BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_ACL_BUSY) pCoexSta->bAclBusy = TRUE; else pCoexSta->bAclBusy = FALSE; } halbtc8812a2ant_UpdateBtLinkInfo(pBtCoexist); if(!(btInfo&BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_CONNECTION)) { pCoexDm->btStatus = BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_IDLE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BtInfoNotify(), BT Non-Connected idle!!!\n")); } else if(btInfo == BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_CONNECTION) // connection exists but no busy { pCoexDm->btStatus = BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BtInfoNotify(), BT Connected-idle!!!\n")); } else if((btInfo&BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_SCO_ESCO) || (btInfo&BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_SCO_BUSY)) { pCoexDm->btStatus = BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_SCO_BUSY; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BtInfoNotify(), BT SCO busy!!!\n")); } else if(btInfo&BT_INFO_8812A_2ANT_B_ACL_BUSY) { pCoexDm->btStatus = BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_ACL_BUSY; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BtInfoNotify(), BT ACL busy!!!\n")); } else { pCoexDm->btStatus = BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_MAX; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BtInfoNotify(), BT Non-Defined state!!!\n")); } if( (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_ACL_BUSY == pCoexDm->btStatus) || (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_SCO_BUSY == pCoexDm->btStatus) || (BT_8812A_2ANT_BT_STATUS_ACL_SCO_BUSY == pCoexDm->btStatus) ) { bBtBusy = TRUE; if(!bWifiUnder5G) bLimitedDig = TRUE; } else { bBtBusy = FALSE; bLimitedDig = FALSE; } pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_BT_TRAFFIC_BUSY, &bBtBusy); pCoexDm->bLimitedDig = bLimitedDig; pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_BL_BT_LIMITED_DIG, &bLimitedDig); halbtc8812a2ant_RunCoexistMechanism(pBtCoexist); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_HaltNotify( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { u1Byte u1Tmp=0; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Halt notify\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_SetAntPath(pBtCoexist, BTC_ANT_WIFI_AT_CPL_AUX, FALSE, TRUE); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Halt notify, force set BT to ignore Wlan active!!\n")); halbtc8812a2ant_IgnoreWlanAct(pBtCoexist, FORCE_EXEC, TRUE); EXhalbtc8812a2ant_MediaStatusNotify(pBtCoexist, BTC_MEDIA_DISCONNECT); // 0x522=0xff, pause tx pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1Byte(pBtCoexist, 0x522, 0xff); // 0x40[7:6]=2'b01, modify BT mode. pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1ByteBitMask(pBtCoexist, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x2); //PTA off. pBtCoexist->fBtcWrite1ByteBitMask(pBtCoexist, 0x40, 0x20, 0x0); } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_Periodical( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist ) { static u1Byte disVerInfoCnt=0; u4Byte fwVer=0, btPatchVer=0; PBTC_BOARD_INFO pBoardInfo=&pBtCoexist->boardInfo; PBTC_STACK_INFO pStackInfo=&pBtCoexist->stackInfo; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], ==========================Periodical===========================\n")); if(disVerInfoCnt <= 5) { disVerInfoCnt += 1; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], ****************************************************************\n")); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Ant PG Num/ Ant Mech/ Ant Pos = %d/ %d/ %d\n", pBoardInfo->pgAntNum, pBoardInfo->btdmAntNum, pBoardInfo->btdmAntPos)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], BT stack/ hci ext ver = %s / %d\n", ((pStackInfo->bProfileNotified)? "Yes":"No"), pStackInfo->hciVersion)); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_BT_PATCH_VER, &btPatchVer); pBtCoexist->fBtcGet(pBtCoexist, BTC_GET_U4_WIFI_FW_VER, &fwVer); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], CoexVer/ FwVer/ PatchVer = %d_%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x(%d)\n", GLCoexVerDate8812a2Ant, GLCoexVer8812a2Ant, fwVer, btPatchVer, btPatchVer)); RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], ****************************************************************\n")); } #if(BT_AUTO_REPORT_ONLY_8812A_2ANT == 0) halbtc8812a2ant_QueryBtInfo(pBtCoexist); halbtc8812a2ant_MonitorBtCtr(pBtCoexist); // halbtc8812a2ant_MonitorBtEnableDisable(pBtCoexist); #else if( halbtc8812a2ant_IsWifiStatusChanged(pBtCoexist) || pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjust || pCoexDm->bAutoTdmaAdjustLowRssi) { halbtc8812a2ant_RunCoexistMechanism(pBtCoexist); } #endif } VOID EXhalbtc8812a2ant_DbgControl( IN PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, IN u1Byte opCode, IN u1Byte opLen, IN pu1Byte pData ) { switch(opCode) { case BTC_DBG_SET_COEX_DEC_BT_PWR: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set Dec BT power\n")); { u1Byte dataLen=4; u1Byte buf[6] = {0}; u1Byte decBtPwr=0, pwrLevel=0; if(opLen == 2) { decBtPwr = pData[0]; pwrLevel = pData[1]; buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x3; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x2; // OP_Code_Length buf[3] = decBtPwr; // OP_Code_Content buf[4] = pwrLevel; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set Dec BT power=%d, pwrLevel=%d\n", decBtPwr, pwrLevel)); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } } break; case BTC_DBG_SET_COEX_BT_AFH_MAP: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set BT AFH Map\n")); { u1Byte dataLen=5; u1Byte buf[6] = {0}; if(opLen == 3) { buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x5; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x3; // OP_Code_Length buf[3] = pData[0]; // OP_Code_Content buf[4] = pData[1]; buf[5] = pData[2]; RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set BT AFH Map = %02x %02x %02x\n", pData[0], pData[1], pData[2])); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } } break; case BTC_DBG_SET_COEX_BT_IGNORE_WLAN_ACT: RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set BT Ignore Wlan Active\n")); { u1Byte dataLen=3; u1Byte buf[6] = {0}; if(opLen == 1) { buf[0] = dataLen; buf[1] = 0x1; // OP_Code buf[2] = 0x1; // OP_Code_Length buf[3] = pData[0]; // OP_Code_Content RT_TRACE(COMP_COEX, DBG_LOUD, ("[BTCoex], Set BT Ignore Wlan Active = 0x%x\n", pData[0])); pBtCoexist->fBtcSet(pBtCoexist, BTC_SET_ACT_CTRL_BT_COEX, (PVOID)&buf[0]); } } break; default: break; } } #endif