// Copyright 2024 Nadim Kobeissi // Licensed under the WTFPL License const { existsSync, mkdirSync, rmSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync } = require(`fs`); const { extname, join } = require(`path`); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILITIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const printError = (message, { exit } = { exit: true }) => { console.error(`\nā›” ${message}`) if (exit) { process.exit(1) } } const printSuccess = (message) => { console.info(`āœ… ${message}`) } const printLineBreak = () => { console.log(`\n------------------------------------------\n`) } const delayBy = async (ms, cb) => await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(cb()), ms)) const printAscii = () => { console.info(` /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$$ /$$$| $$ /$$/| $$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$ | $$$$ /$$$$| $$ /$$/ | $$ \\ $$| $$ \\__/| $$ \\ $$ | $$ $$/$$ $$| $$$$$/ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ $$$| $$| $$ $$ | $$__ $$ \\____ $$| $$ | $$ | $$\\ $ | $$| $$\\ $$ | $$ \\ $$ /$$ \\ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ \\/ | $$| $$ \\ $$| $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$/ |__/ |__/|__/ \\__/|_______/ \\______/ |_______/ šŸ¤‘ Starting downloads from your favorite sellout grifter's wallpaper app...`) } const extractImageName = (url) => decodeURIComponent( (new RegExp(/^https:\/\/.*\/content\/(.*.[a-zA-Z])\?/).exec(url)[1] || '') .replace(`a~`, '') .replace(/(_[a-z0-9]+)\//, ' - ') .replace('/', ' - ') .replace(/~+/g, ' ') ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const fetchAssetData = async () => { try { const response = await fetch('https://storage.googleapis.com/panels-api/data/20240916/media-1a-i-p~s') if (!response.ok) { printError(`Failed to fetch asset data from Panels API: ${response.statusText}`) } const { data } = await response.json() if (!data) { printError('Failed to fetch asset data from Panels API: data not found') } printSuccess(`Successfully downloaded asset data from Panels API`) return data } catch (error) { error(`Error downloading asset data from Panels API: ${error}`) } } const initializeDownloadDirectory = () => { try { const downloadDirectory = join(__dirname, 'downloads') if (existsSync(downloadDirectory)) { rmSync(downloadDirectory, { recursive: true, force: true }) } mkdirSync(downloadDirectory) printSuccess(`Initialized download directory: ${downloadDirectory}`) return downloadDirectory } catch (error) { exitWithError(`ā›” Error initializing download directory '${downloadDirectory}': ${error}`) } } const downloadImages = (data, downloadDirectory) => Promise.all( Object.values(data) .filter((assetMap) => !!assetMap.dhd) .map(({ dhd: url }, i) => { const fileName = `[${i + 1}] - ${extractImageName(url)}` const filePath = join(downloadDirectory, fileName) return fetch(url) .then(async (response) => { if (!response.ok) { printError(`Failed to download image '${url}' with status text: '${response.statusText}'`, { exit: false }) return } writeFileSync(filePath, Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())) printSuccess(`Downloaded image: ${url}`) }) .catch((error) => { error(`Failed to download image '${url}' with error: ${error}`, { exit: false }) }) }) ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCRIPT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const mkbsd = async () => { printAscii() printLineBreak() const data = await delayBy(500, fetchAssetData) const downloadDirectory = await delayBy(500, initializeDownloadDirectory) printLineBreak() console.log('Beginning image download...\n\n') await delayBy(500, downloadImages.bind(null, data, downloadDirectory)) printLineBreak() printSuccess(`DONE! Downloaded ${readdirSync(downloadDirectory).length} images from Panels API`) } mkbsd()