tokenizer = $tokenizer; $this->reader = $reader; $this->printer = $printer; $this->safemode = $safemode; } public function eval($ast, Env $env, int $depth = 1) { // Loop for tail call optimization $isTco = false; while (true) { // Show debug output if ($this->debug) { printf("%s %2d : ", $isTco ? ' tco' : 'eval', $depth); $this->printer->print($ast, true); print("\n"); $isTco = true; } // Return here after macro expansion $expandMacros = true; beginning: // Handle response for anything but a list if ($ast instanceof Symbol) { return $env->get($ast->getName()); } elseif ($ast instanceof Vector || $ast instanceof Hash) { $newData = []; foreach ($ast->getData() as $key => $val) { if ($val instanceof Symbol) { $newData[$key] = $env->get($val->getName()); } elseif ($val instanceof Collection) { $newData[$key] = $this->eval($val, $env, $depth + 1); } else { $newData[$key] = $val; } } return $ast::new($newData); } elseif ($ast instanceof MList == false) { return $ast; } $astData = $ast->getData(); $astLength = count($astData); // Empty list, we can return if ($astLength == 0) { return $ast; } // Handle special forms if ($astData[0] instanceof Symbol) { $symbolName = $astData[0]->getName(); // Handle macro expansion and go back to beginning to check // if ast is still something we need to evaluate or not. if ($expandMacros && array_key_exists($symbolName, $this->macros)) { $ast = $this->macroexpand($ast, $env); $expandMacros = false; goto beginning; } if ($symbolName == 'and') { if ($astLength == 1) { return true; } for ($i = 1; $i < $astLength - 1; $i++) { $value = $this->eval($astData[$i], $env, $depth + 1); if ($value == false) { return $value; } } $ast = $astData[$astLength - 1]; continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'case' || $symbolName == 'case-strict') { if ($astLength < 3) { throw new MadLispException("$symbolName requires at least 2 arguments"); } $value = $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); for ($i = 2; $i < $astLength; $i++) { if (!($astData[$i] instanceof Seq)) { throw new MadLispException("argument to $symbolName is not seq"); } $data = $astData[$i]->getData(); if (count($data) < 2) { throw new MadLispException("clause for $symbolName requires at least 2 arguments"); } if ($data[0] instanceof Symbol && $data[0]->getName() == 'else') { $test = true; } elseif ($symbolName == 'case') { $test = Util::valueForCompare($value) == Util::valueForCompare($data[0]); } else { // Strict comparison $test = Util::valueForCompare($value) === Util::valueForCompare($data[0]); } if ($test) { // Evaluate interval expressions for ($j = 1; $j < count($data) - 1; $j++) { $this->eval($data[$j], $env, $depth + 1); } // Evaluate last expression $ast = $data[count($data) - 1]; continue 2; // tco } } // No match return null; } elseif ($symbolName == 'cond') { if ($astLength < 2) { throw new MadLispException("cond requires at least 1 argument"); } for ($i = 1; $i < $astLength; $i++) { if (!($astData[$i] instanceof Seq)) { throw new MadLispException("argument to cond is not seq"); } $data = $astData[$i]->getData(); if (count($data) < 2) { throw new MadLispException("clause for cond requires at least 2 arguments"); } if ($data[0] instanceof Symbol && $data[0]->getName() == 'else') { $test = true; } else { $test = $this->eval($data[0], $env, $depth + 1); } if ($test) { // Evaluate interval expressions for ($j = 1; $j < count($data) - 1; $j++) { $this->eval($data[$j], $env, $depth + 1); } // Evaluate last expression $ast = $data[count($data) - 1]; continue 2; // tco } } // No match return null; } elseif ($symbolName == 'def') { if ($astLength != 3) { throw new MadLispException("def requires exactly 2 arguments"); } elseif (!($astData[1] instanceof Symbol)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to def is not symbol"); } $name = $astData[1]->getName(); // Do not allow reserved symbols to be defined $reservedSymbols = ['__FILE__', '__DIR__']; if (in_array($name, $reservedSymbols)) { throw new MadLispException("def reserved symbol $name"); } $value = $this->eval($astData[2], $env, $depth + 1); // Save macros in cache if ($value instanceof Func && $value->isMacro()) { // value does not matter, we check for key $this->macros[$name] = 1; } return $env->set($name, $value); } elseif ($symbolName == 'do') { if ($astLength == 1) { return null; } for ($i = 1; $i < $astLength - 1; $i++) { $this->eval($astData[$i], $env, $depth + 1); } $ast = $astData[$astLength - 1]; continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'env') { if ($astLength >= 2) { if (!($astData[1] instanceof Symbol)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to env is not symbol"); } return $env->get($astData[1]->getName()); } else { return $env; } } elseif ($symbolName == 'eval') { if ($astLength == 1) { return null; } $ast = $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'fn' || $symbolName == 'macro') { if ($astLength != 3) { throw new MadLispException("$symbolName requires exactly 2 arguments"); } elseif (!($astData[1] instanceof Seq)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to $symbolName is not seq"); } $bindings = $astData[1]->getData(); foreach ($bindings as $bind) { if (!($bind instanceof Symbol)) { throw new MadLispException("binding key for $symbolName is not symbol"); } } $closure = function (...$args) use ($bindings, $env, $astData, $depth) { $newEnv = new Env('closure', $env); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bindings); $i++) { $newEnv->set($bindings[$i]->getName(), $args[$i] ?? null); } return $this->eval($astData[2], $newEnv, $depth + 1); }; return new UserFunc($closure, $astData[2], $env, $astData[1], $symbolName == 'macro'); } elseif ($symbolName == 'if') { if ($astLength < 3 || $astLength > 4) { throw new MadLispException("if requires 2 or 3 arguments"); } $result = $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); if ($result == true) { $ast = $astData[2]; continue; // tco } elseif ($astLength == 4) { $ast = $astData[3]; continue; // tco } else { return null; } } elseif ($symbolName == 'let') { if ($astLength < 3) { throw new MadLispException("let requires at least 2 arguments"); } elseif (!($astData[1] instanceof Seq)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to let is not seq"); } $bindings = $astData[1]->getData(); if (count($bindings) % 2 == 1) { throw new MadLispException("uneven number of bindings for let"); } $newEnv = new Env('let', $env); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bindings) - 1; $i += 2) { $key = $bindings[$i]; if (!($key instanceof Symbol)) { throw new MadLispException("binding key for let is not symbol"); } $val = $this->eval($bindings[$i + 1], $newEnv, $depth + 1); $newEnv->set($key->getName(), $val); } // Eval interval expressions for ($i = 2; $i < $astLength - 1; $i++) { $this->eval($astData[$i], $newEnv, $depth + 1); } // Eval last expression $ast = $astData[$astLength - 1]; $env = $newEnv; continue; // tco } elseif (!$this->safemode && $symbolName == 'load') { // Load is here because we want to load into // current $env which is hard otherwise. // This is disabled now for safe-mode, but some // use (maybe restricted) might need to be allowed. if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("load requires exactly 1 argument"); } // We have to evaluate the argument, it could be a function $filename = $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); if (!is_string($filename)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to load is not string"); } // Replace ~ with user home directory // Expand relative path names into absolute $targetFile = realpath(str_replace('~', $_SERVER['HOME'], $filename)); if (!$targetFile || !is_readable($targetFile)) { throw new MadLispException("unable to read file $filename"); } $input = @file_get_contents($targetFile); // Wrap input in a do to process multiple expressions $input = "(do $input)"; $expr = $this->reader->read($this->tokenizer->tokenize($input)); // Handle special constants $rootEnv = $env->getRoot(); $prevFile = $rootEnv->get('__FILE__'); $prevDir = $rootEnv->get('__DIR__'); $rootEnv->set('__FILE__', $targetFile); $rootEnv->set('__DIR__', dirname($targetFile) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // Evaluate the contents $ast = $this->eval($expr, $env, $depth + 1); // Restore the special constants to previous values $rootEnv->set('__FILE__', $prevFile); $rootEnv->set('__DIR__', $prevDir); continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'macroexpand') { if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("macroexpand requires exactly 1 argument"); } return $this->macroexpand($astData[1], $env); } elseif ($symbolName == 'meta') { if ($astLength != 3) { throw new MadLispException("meta requires exactly 2 arguments"); } elseif (!is_string($astData[2])) { throw new MadLispException("third argument to meta is not string"); } $obj = $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); $attribute = $astData[2]; if ($obj instanceof Env) { if ($attribute == 'name') { return $obj->getFullName(); } elseif ($attribute == 'parent') { return $obj->getParent(); } else { throw new MadLispException('unknown attribute for meta'); } } elseif ($obj instanceof UserFunc) { if ($attribute == 'args') { return $obj->getBindings(); } elseif ($attribute == 'body') { return $obj->getAst(); } elseif ($attribute == 'code') { $name = $obj->isMacro() ? 'macro' : 'fn'; return new MList([new Symbol($name), $obj->getBindings(), $obj->getAst()]); } elseif ($attribute == 'def') { if ($astData[1] instanceof Symbol) { $def = $obj->isMacro() ? 'defmacro' : 'defn'; return new MList([new Symbol($def), $astData[1], $obj->getBindings(), $obj->getAst()]); } else { throw new MadLispException('no name for def in meta'); } } else { throw new MadLispException('unknown attribute for meta'); } } else { throw new MadLispException('unknown entity for meta'); } } elseif ($symbolName == 'or') { if ($astLength == 1) { return false; } for ($i = 1; $i < $astLength - 1; $i++) { $value = $this->eval($astData[$i], $env, $depth + 1); if ($value == true) { return $value; } } $ast = $astData[$astLength - 1]; continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'quote') { if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("quote requires exactly 1 argument"); } return $astData[1]; } elseif ($symbolName == 'quasiquote') { if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("quasiquote requires exactly 1 argument"); } $ast = $this->quasiquote($astData[1]); continue; // tco } elseif ($symbolName == 'quasiquote-expand') { if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("quasiquote-expand requires exactly 1 argument"); } return $this->quasiquote($astData[1]); } elseif ($symbolName == 'try') { if ($astLength != 3) { throw new MadLispException("try requires exactly 2 arguments"); } elseif (!($astData[2] instanceof Seq)) { throw new MadLispException("second argument to try is not seq"); } $catch = $astData[2]->getData(); if (count($catch) == 3 && $catch[0] instanceof Symbol && $catch[0]->getName() == 'catch' && $catch[1] instanceof Symbol) { try { return $this->eval($astData[1], $env, $depth + 1); } catch (\Throwable $ex) { if ($ex instanceof MadLispUserException) { $exVal = $ex->getValue(); } else { // Return a hash-map for PHP exceptions $exVal = new Hash([ 'type' => get_class($ex), 'file' => $ex->getFile(), 'line' => $ex->getLine(), 'message' => $ex->getMessage() ]); } $newEnv = new Env('catch', $env); $newEnv->set($catch[1]->getName(), $exVal); $env = $newEnv; $ast = $catch[2]; continue; // tco } } else { throw new MadLispException("invalid form for catch"); } } elseif ($symbolName == 'undef') { if ($astLength != 2) { throw new MadLispException("undef requires exactly 1 argument"); } elseif (!($astData[1] instanceof Symbol)) { throw new MadLispException("first argument to undef is not symbol"); } return $env->unset($astData[1]->getName()); } } // Eval all items in list $newData = []; foreach ($astData as $a) { if ($a instanceof Symbol) { $newData[] = $env->get($a->getName()); } elseif ($a instanceof Collection) { $newData[] = $this->eval($a, $env, $depth + 1); } else { $newData[] = $a; } } // First item is function, rest are arguments $func = $newData[0]; $args = array_slice($newData, 1); if ($func instanceof CoreFunc) { return $func->call($args); } elseif ($func instanceof UserFunc) { $ast = $func->getAst(); $env = $func->getEnv($args); // tco } else { throw new MadLispException("eval: first item of list is not function"); } } } public function getDebug(): bool { return $this->debug; } public function setDebug(bool $val): void { $this->debug = $val; } private function macroexpand($ast, Env $env) { while ($ast instanceof MList) { $data = $ast->getData(); if (count($data) > 0 && $data[0] instanceof Symbol) { $fn = $env->get($data[0]->getName(), false); if ($fn && $fn instanceof Func && $fn->isMacro()) { $ast = $fn->call(array_slice($data, 1)); continue; } } break; } return $ast; } private function quasiquote($ast) { if ($ast instanceof MList) { $data = $ast->getData(); // Check for unquote if (count($data) > 0 && $data[0] instanceof Symbol && $data[0]->getName() == 'unquote') { if (count($data) == 2) { return $data[1]; } else { throw new MadLispException("unquote requires exactly 1 argument"); } } return $this->quasiquoteLoop($data); } elseif ($ast instanceof Vector) { return new MList([ new Symbol('ltov'), $this->quasiquoteLoop($ast->getData()) ]); } elseif ($ast instanceof Symbol || $ast instanceof Hash) { // Quote other forms which are affected by evaluation return new MList([ new Symbol('quote'), $ast ]); } else { return $ast; } } private function quasiquoteLoop(array $data): MList { $result = new MList(); for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elt = $data[$i]; if ($elt instanceof MList && count($elt->getData()) > 0 && $elt->get(0) instanceof Symbol && $elt->get(0)->getName() == 'unquote-splice') { if (count($elt->getData()) == 2) { $result = new MList([ new Symbol('concat'), $elt->get(1), $result ]); } else { throw new MadLispException("unquote-splice requires exactly 1 argument"); } } else { $result = new MList([ new Symbol('cons'), $this->quasiquote($elt), $result ]); } } return $result; } }