into %[3]s
+pulls.merged_title_desc = merged %[1]d commits from %[2]s
into %[3]s
+pulls.tab_conversation = Conversation
+pulls.tab_commits = Commits
+pulls.tab_files = Files changed
+pulls.reopen_to_merge = Please reopen this pull request to perform a merge.
+pulls.merged = Merged
+pulls.has_merged = This pull request has been merged successfully.
+pulls.data_broken = Data of this pull request has been broken due to deletion of fork information.
+pulls.is_checking = "The conflict checking is still in progress; please refresh page in few moments."
+pulls.can_auto_merge_desc = This pull request can be merged automatically.
+pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged automatically because there are conflicts.
+pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper = Please merge manually in order to resolve the conflicts.
+pulls.no_merge_desc = This pull request can not be merged as no merge options are enabled.
+pulls.no_merge_helper = To merge this pull request enable at least one merge option in repository settings or merge pull request manually.
+pulls.merge_pull_request = Merge Pull Request
+pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request = Rebase and Merge
+pulls.squash_merge_pull_request = Squash and Merge
+pulls.invalid_merge_option = You can not use this merge option for this pull request
+pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists = `You cannot perform reopen operation because there is already an open pull request (#%d) from same repository with same merge information and is waiting for merging.`
+milestones.new = New Milestone
+milestones.open_tab = %d Open
+milestones.close_tab = %d Closed
+milestones.closed = Closed %s
+milestones.no_due_date = No due date
+milestones.open = Open
+milestones.close = Close
+milestones.new_subheader = Create milestones to organize your issues.
+milestones.create = Create Milestone
+milestones.title = Title
+milestones.desc = Description
+milestones.due_date = Due Date (optional)
+milestones.clear = Clear
+milestones.invalid_due_date_format = "Due date format is invalid; must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
+milestones.create_success = Milestone '%s' has been created successfully!
+milestones.edit = Edit Milestone
+milestones.edit_subheader = Use a good description for milestones so people won't be confused.
+milestones.cancel = Cancel
+milestones.modify = Modify Milestone
+milestones.edit_success = Changes of milestone '%s' has been saved successfully!
+milestones.deletion = Milestone Deletion
+milestones.deletion_desc = Deleting this milestone will remove it from all related issues. Do you want to continue?
+milestones.deletion_success = Milestone has been deleted successfully!
+milestones.filter_sort.closest_due_date = Closest due date
+milestones.filter_sort.furthest_due_date = Furthest due date
+milestones.filter_sort.least_complete = Least complete
+milestones.filter_sort.most_complete = Most complete
+milestones.filter_sort.most_issues = Most issues
+milestones.filter_sort.least_issues = Least issues
+ext_wiki = Ext Wiki
+ext_wiki.desc = Ext Wiki links to an external wiki system
+wiki = Wiki
+wiki.welcome = Welcome to the project wiki
+wiki.welcome_desc = A wiki allows you and your collaborators to easily document your project.
+wiki.desc = Wiki is a place to store documentation
+wiki.create_first_page = Create the first page
+wiki.page = Page
+wiki.filter_page = Filter page
+wiki.new_page = Create New Page
+wiki.default_commit_message = Write a note about this page update (optional).
+wiki.save_page = Save Page
+wiki.last_commit_info = %s edited this page %s
+wiki.edit_page_button = Edit
+wiki.new_page_button = New Page
+wiki.delete_page_button = Delete Page
+wiki.delete_page_notice_1 = This will delete the page "%s"
. Please make sure you want to delete this page.
+wiki.page_already_exists = A wiki page with the same name already exists.
+wiki.reserved_page = The wiki page name %s is reserved, please select a different name.
+wiki.pages = Pages
+wiki.last_updated = Last updated %s
+activity = Activity
+activity.period.filter_label = Period:
+activity.period.daily = 1 day
+activity.period.halfweekly = 3 days
+activity.period.weekly = 1 week
+activity.period.monthly = 1 month
+activity.overview = Overview
+activity.active_prs_count_1 = %d Active Pull Request
+activity.active_prs_count_n = %d Active Pull Requests
+activity.merged_prs_count_1 = Merged Pull Request
+activity.merged_prs_count_n = Merged Pull Requests
+activity.opened_prs_count_1 = Proposed Pull Request
+activity.opened_prs_count_n = Proposed Pull Requests
+activity.title.user_1 = %d user
+activity.title.user_n = %d users
+activity.title.prs_1 = %d Pull request
+activity.title.prs_n = %d Pull requests
+activity.title.prs_merged_by = %s merged by %s
+activity.title.prs_opened_by = %s proposed by %s
+activity.merged_prs_label = Merged
+activity.opened_prs_label = Proposed
+activity.active_issues_count_1 = %d Active Issue
+activity.active_issues_count_n = %d Active Issues
+activity.closed_issues_count_1 = Closed Issue
+activity.closed_issues_count_n = Closed Issues
+activity.title.issues_1 = %d Issue
+activity.title.issues_n = %d Issues
+activity.title.issues_closed_by = %s closed by %s
+activity.title.issues_created_by = %s created by %s
+activity.closed_issue_label = Closed
+activity.new_issues_count_1 = New Issue
+activity.new_issues_count_n = New Issues
+activity.new_issue_label = Opened
+activity.title.unresolved_conv_1 = %d Unresolved conversation
+activity.title.unresolved_conv_n = %d Unresolved conversations
+activity.unresolved_conv_desc = List of all old issues and pull requests that have changed recently but have not been resolved yet.
+activity.unresolved_conv_label = Open
+activity.title.releases_1 = %d Release
+activity.title.releases_n = %d Releases
+activity.title.releases_published_by = %s published by %s
+activity.published_release_label = Published
+search = Search
+search.search_repo = Search repository
+search.results = Search results for "%s" in %s
+settings = Settings
+settings.desc = Settings is where you can manage the settings for the repository
+settings.options = Options
+settings.collaboration = Collaboration
+settings.collaboration.admin = Admin
+settings.collaboration.write = Write
+settings.collaboration.read = Read
+settings.collaboration.undefined = Undefined
+settings.hooks = Webhooks
+settings.githooks = Git Hooks
+settings.basic_settings = Basic Settings
+settings.mirror_settings = Mirror Settings
+settings.sync_mirror = Sync Now
+settings.mirror_sync_in_progress = Mirror sync in progress. Please refresh the page to check again in a minute.
+settings.site = Official Site
+settings.update_settings = Update Settings
+settings.advanced_settings = Advanced Settings
+settings.wiki_desc = Enable wiki system
+settings.use_internal_wiki = Use builtin wiki
+settings.use_external_wiki = Use external wiki
+settings.external_wiki_url = External Wiki URL
+settings.external_wiki_url_error = External Wiki URL is invalid
+settings.external_wiki_url_desc = Visitors will be redirected to the specified URL when they click on the tab.
+settings.issues_desc = Enable issue tracker
+settings.use_internal_issue_tracker = Use builtin issue tracker
+settings.use_external_issue_tracker = Use external issue tracker
+settings.external_tracker_url = External Issue Tracker URL
+settings.external_tracker_url_error = External Issue Tracker URL is invalid
+settings.external_tracker_url_desc = Visitors will be redirected to the specified URL when they click on the tab.
+settings.tracker_url_format = External Issue Tracker URL Format
+settings.tracker_issue_style = External Issue Tracker Naming Style:
+settings.tracker_issue_style.numeric = Numeric
+settings.tracker_issue_style.alphanumeric = Alphanumeric
+settings.tracker_url_format_desc = You can use placeholder {user} {repo} {index}
for user name, repository name and issue index.
+settings.enable_timetracker = Enable time tracker
+settings.allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Allow only contributors to track time
+settings.pulls_desc = Enable pull requests to accept public contributions
+settings.pulls.ignore_whitespace = Ignore changes in whitespace when checking conflicts
+settings.pulls.allow_merge_commits = Allow merge commits
+settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge = Allow rebase to merge commits
+settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits = Allow to squash commits before merging
+settings.danger_zone = Danger Zone
+settings.new_owner_has_same_repo = The new owner already has a repository with same name. Please choose another name.
+settings.convert = Convert To Regular Repository
+settings.convert_desc = You can convert this mirror to a regular repository. This cannot be undone.
+settings.convert_notices_1 = - This operation will convert this repository mirror into a regular repository and cannot be undone.
+settings.convert_confirm = Confirm Conversion
+settings.convert_succeed = Repository has been converted to a regular repository.
+settings.transfer = Transfer Ownership
+settings.transfer_desc = Transfer this repository to another user or to an organization in which you have admin rights.
+settings.transfer_notices_1 = - You will lose access if the new owner is a individual user.
+settings.transfer_notices_2 = - You will preserve access if the new owner is an organization and if you're one of the owners.
+settings.transfer_form_title = Please enter the following information to confirm your operation:
+settings.wiki_delete = Erase Wiki Data
+settings.wiki_delete_desc = Once you erase wiki data there is no going back. Please be certain.
+settings.wiki_delete_notices_1 = - This will delete and disable the wiki for %s
+settings.wiki_deletion_success = Repository wiki data have been erased.
+settings.delete = Delete This Repository
+settings.delete_desc = Once you delete a repository, there is no going back. Please be certain.
+settings.delete_notices_1 = - This operation CANNOT be undone.
+settings.delete_notices_2 = - This operation will permanently delete everything in the %s repository, including code, issues, comments, the wiki, and collaborators associations.
+settings.delete_notices_fork_1 = - All forks will become independent repositories after deletion.
+settings.deletion_success = Repository has been deleted.
+settings.update_settings_success = Repository options have been updated.
+settings.transfer_owner = New Owner
+settings.make_transfer = Make Transfer
+settings.transfer_succeed = Repository ownership has been transferred.
+settings.confirm_delete = Confirm Deletion
+settings.add_collaborator = Add New Collaborator
+settings.add_collaborator_success = New collaborator has been added.
+settings.delete_collaborator = Delete
+settings.collaborator_deletion = Collaborator Deletion
+settings.collaborator_deletion_desc = This user will no longer have collaboration access to this repository after deletion. Do you want to continue?
+settings.remove_collaborator_success = Collaborator has been removed.
+settings.search_user_placeholder = Search user...
+settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator = Organization is not allowed to be added as a collaborator.
+settings.user_is_org_member = User is organization member who cannot be added as a collaborator.
+settings.add_webhook = Add Webhook
+settings.hooks_desc = Webhooks are much like basic HTTP POST event triggers. Whenever something occurs in Gitea, we will send a notification to the target host. Learn more in the webhooks guide.
+settings.webhook_deletion = Delete Webhook
+settings.webhook_deletion_desc = Deleting this webhook will remove its information and all delivery history. Are you sure you want to continue?
+settings.webhook_deletion_success = Webhook has been deleted successfully!
+settings.webhook.test_delivery = Test Delivery
+settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc = Send a fake push event delivery to test your webhook settings
+settings.webhook.test_delivery_success = Test webhook has been added to the delivery queue. It may take few seconds before it shows up in the delivery history.
+settings.webhook.request = Request
+settings.webhook.response = Response
+settings.webhook.headers = Headers
+settings.webhook.payload = Payload
+settings.webhook.body = Body
+settings.githooks_desc = "Git Hooks are powered by Git itself. You can edit files of supported hooks in the list below to perform custom operations."
+settings.githook_edit_desc = If the hook is inactive, sample content will be presented. Leaving content to an empty value will disable this hook.
+settings.githook_name = Hook Name
+settings.githook_content = Hook Content
+settings.update_githook = Update Hook
+settings.add_webhook_desc = Gitea will send a POST
request to the URL you specify, along with information about the event that occurred. You can also specify what data format you would like to receive upon triggering the hook (JSON, x-www-form-urlencoded, XML, etc). More information can be found in our webhooks guide.
+settings.payload_url = Payload URL
+settings.content_type = Content Type
+settings.secret = Secret
+settings.slack_username = Username
+settings.slack_icon_url = Icon URL
+settings.discord_username = Username
+settings.discord_icon_url = Icon URL
+settings.slack_color = Color
+settings.event_desc = When should this webhook be triggered?
+settings.event_push_only = Just the push
+settings.event_send_everything = I need everything.
+settings.event_choose = Let me choose what I need.
+settings.event_create = Create
+settings.event_create_desc = Branch, or tag created
+settings.event_pull_request = Pull Request
+settings.event_pull_request_desc = Pull request opened, closed, reopened, edited, assigned, unassigned, label updated, label cleared, or synchronized.
+settings.event_push = Push
+settings.event_push_desc = Git push to a repository
+settings.event_repository = Repository
+settings.event_repository_desc = Repository created or deleted
+settings.active = Active
+settings.active_helper = Information about the event which triggered the hook will be sent as well.
+settings.add_hook_success = New webhook has been added.
+settings.update_webhook = Update Webhook
+settings.update_hook_success = Webhook has been updated.
+settings.delete_webhook = Delete Webhook
+settings.recent_deliveries = Recent Deliveries
+settings.hook_type = Hook Type
+settings.add_slack_hook_desc = Add Slack integration to your repository.
+settings.slack_token = Token
+settings.slack_domain = Domain
+settings.slack_channel = Channel
+settings.add_discord_hook_desc = Add Discord integration to your repository.
+settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc = Add Dingtalk integration to your repository.
+settings.deploy_keys = Deploy Keys
+settings.add_deploy_key = Add Deploy Key
+settings.deploy_key_desc = Deploy keys have read-only access. They are not the same as personal account SSH keys.
+settings.is_writable = Allow write access
+settings.is_writable_info = Can this key be used to push to this repository? Deploy keys always have pull access.
+settings.no_deploy_keys = You haven't added any deploy keys.
+settings.title = Title
+settings.deploy_key_content = Content
+settings.key_been_used = Deploy key content has been used.
+settings.key_name_used = Deploy key with the same name already exists.
+settings.add_key_success = New deploy key '%s' has been added successfully!
+settings.deploy_key_deletion = Delete Deploy Key
+settings.deploy_key_deletion_desc = Deleting this deploy key will prevent this repository from being accessed with it. Do you want to continue?
+settings.deploy_key_deletion_success = The deploy key has been deleted successfully!
+settings.protected_branch=Branch Protection
+settings.protected_branch_can_push=Allow push?
+settings.protected_branch_can_push_yes=You can push
+settings.protected_branch_can_push_no=You can not push
+settings.branch_protection = Branch Protection for %s
+settings.protect_this_branch = Protect this branch
+settings.protect_this_branch_desc = Disable force pushes and prevent deletion.
+settings.protect_whitelist_committers = Whitelist who can push to this branch
+settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc = Add users or teams to this branch's whitelist. Whitelisted users bypass the typical push restrictions.
+settings.protect_whitelist_users = Users who can push to this branch
+settings.protect_whitelist_search_users = Search users
+settings.protect_whitelist_teams = Teams whose members can push to this branch.
+settings.protect_whitelist_search_teams = Search teams
+settings.add_protected_branch=Enable protection
+settings.delete_protected_branch=Disable protection
+settings.update_protect_branch_success = Branch %s protect options changed successfully.
+settings.remove_protected_branch_success= Branch %s protect options removed successfully
+settings.protected_branch_deletion=To delete a protected branch
+settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Anyone with write permissions will be able to push directly to this branch. Are you sure?
+settings.default_branch_desc = The default branch is considered the "base" branch in your repository against which all pull requests and code commits are automatically made, unless you specify a different branch.
+settings.choose_branch = Choose a branch...
+settings.no_protected_branch = There are no protected branches
+diff.browse_source = Browse Source
+diff.parent = parent
+diff.commit = commit
+diff.data_not_available = Diff Content Not Available
+diff.show_diff_stats = Show Diff Stats
+diff.show_split_view = Split View
+diff.show_unified_view = Unified View
+diff.stats_desc = %d changed files with %d additions and %d deletions
+diff.bin = BIN
+diff.view_file = View File
+diff.file_suppressed = File diff suppressed because it is too large
+diff.too_many_files = Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
+releases.desc = Releases is the place to manage versions of your project
+release.releases = Releases
+release.new_release = New Release
+release.draft = Draft
+release.prerelease = Pre-Release
+release.stable = Stable
+release.edit = edit
+release.ahead = %d commits to %s since this release
+release.source_code = Source Code
+release.new_subheader = Publish releases to keep track of project versions.
+release.edit_subheader = A detailed changelog can help users understand what has been changed.
+release.tag_name = Tag name
+release.target = Target
+release.tag_helper = Choose an existing tag, or create a new tag.
+release.title = Title
+release.content = Content
+release.write = Write
+release.preview = Preview
+release.loading = Loading...
+release.prerelease_desc = This is a pre-release
+release.prerelease_helper = We'll point out that this release is not production-ready.
+release.cancel = Cancel
+release.publish = Publish Release
+release.save_draft = Save Draft
+release.edit_release = Edit Release
+release.delete_release = Delete This Release
+release.deletion = Release Deletion
+release.deletion_desc = Deleting this release will delete the corresponding Git tag. You will not lose any code. Do you want to continue?
+release.deletion_success = The release has been deleted.
+release.tag_name_already_exist = Release with this tag name already exists.
+release.tag_name_invalid = Tag name is not valid.
+release.downloads = Downloads
+branch.name = Branch name
+branch.search = Search branches
+branch.already_exists = A branch named %s already exists.
+branch.delete_head = Delete
+branch.delete = Delete Branch %s
+branch.delete_html = Delete Branch
+branch.delete_desc = Deleting a branch is permanent. There is no way to undo it.
+branch.delete_notices_1 = - This operation CANNOT be undone.
+branch.delete_notices_2 = - This operation will permanently delete everything in branch %s.
+branch.delete_notices_html = - This operation will permanently delete everything in branch
+branch.deletion_success = %s has been deleted.
+branch.deletion_failed = Failed to delete branch %s.
+branch.delete_branch_has_new_commits = %s cannot be deleted because new commits have been added after merging.
+branch.create_branch = Create branch %s
+branch.create_from = from '%s'
+branch.create_success = Branch '%s' has been created successfully!
+branch.branch_already_exists = Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
+branch.branch_name_conflict = Branch name '%s' conflicts with already existing branch '%s'.
+branch.tag_collision = Branch '%s' can not be created as tag with same name already exists in this repository.
+branch.deleted_by = Deleted by %s
+branch.restore_success = %s successfully restored
+branch.restore_failed = Failed to restore branch %s.
+branch.protected_deletion_failed = It's not possible to delete protected branch %s.
+org_name_holder = Organization Name
+org_full_name_holder = Organization Full Name
+org_name_helper = Great organization names are short and memorable.
+create_org = Create Organization
+repo_updated = Updated
+people = People
+teams = Teams
+lower_members = members
+lower_repositories = repositories
+create_new_team = Create New Team
+org_desc = Description
+team_name = Team Name
+team_desc = Description
+team_name_helper = You will use this name to mention this team in conversations.
+team_desc_helper = What is this team for?
+team_permission_desc = What permissions should this team have?
+team_unit_desc = Which units should this team have access to?
+form.name_reserved = Organization name '%s' is reserved.
+form.name_pattern_not_allowed = Organization name pattern '%s' is not allowed.
+form.create_org_not_allowed = This user is not allowed to create an organization.
+settings = Settings
+settings.options = Options
+settings.full_name = Full Name
+settings.website = Website
+settings.location = Location
+settings.update_settings = Update Settings
+settings.update_setting_success = Organization settings have been updated.
+settings.change_orgname_prompt = This change will change the links to the organization.
+settings.update_avatar_success = The organization avatar has been updated.
+settings.delete = Delete Organization
+settings.delete_account = Delete This Organization
+settings.delete_prompt = The organization will be permanently removed. And, this CANNOT be undone!
+settings.confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
+settings.delete_org_title = Organization Deletion
+settings.delete_org_desc = This organization is going to be deleted permanently, are you sure you want to continue?
+settings.hooks_desc = Add webhooks which will be triggered for all repositories under this organization.
+members.membership_visibility = Membership Visibility:
+members.public = Public
+members.public_helper = make private
+members.private = Private
+members.private_helper = make public
+members.member_role = Member Role:
+members.owner = Owner
+members.member = Member
+members.remove = Remove
+members.leave = Leave
+members.invite_desc = Add a new member to %s:
+members.invite_now = Invite Now
+teams.join = Join
+teams.leave = Leave
+teams.read_access = Read Access
+teams.read_access_helper = This team will be able to view and clone its repositories.
+teams.write_access = Write Access
+teams.write_access_helper = This team will be able to read and push to its repositories.
+teams.admin_access = Admin Access
+teams.admin_access_helper = This team will be able to push and pull to its repositories, as well as add other collaborators to them.
+teams.no_desc = This team has no description
+teams.settings = Settings
+teams.owners_permission_desc = Owners have full access to all repositories and have admin rights to the organization.
+teams.members = Team Members
+teams.update_settings = Update Settings
+teams.delete_team = Delete This Team
+teams.add_team_member = Add Team Member
+teams.delete_team_title = Team Deletion
+teams.delete_team_desc = Because this team will be deleted, members of this team may lose access to some repositories. Do you want to continue?
+teams.delete_team_success = The team has been deleted.
+teams.read_permission_desc = This team grants Read access: members can view and clone the team's repositories.
+teams.write_permission_desc = This team grants Write access: members can read from and push to the team's repositories.
+teams.admin_permission_desc = This team grants Admin access: members can read from, push to, and add collaborators to the team's repositories.
+teams.repositories = Team Repositories
+teams.search_repo_placeholder = Search repository...
+teams.add_team_repository = Add Team Repository
+teams.remove_repo = Remove
+teams.add_nonexistent_repo = "The repository you're trying to add does not exist; please create it first."
+dashboard = Dashboard
+users = Users
+organizations = Organizations
+repositories = Repositories
+authentication = Authentications
+config = Configuration
+notices = System Notices
+monitor = Monitoring
+first_page = First
+last_page = Last
+total = Total: %d
+dashboard.statistic = Statistics
+dashboard.operations = Operations
+dashboard.system_status = System Monitor Status
+dashboard.statistic_info = Gitea database has %d users, %d organizations, %d public keys, %d repositories, %d watches, %d stars, %d actions, %d accesses, %d issues, %d comments, %d social accounts, %d follows, %d mirrors, %d releases, %d login sources, %d webhooks, %d milestones, %d labels, %d hook tasks, %d teams, %d update tasks, %d attachments.
+dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
+dashboard.operation_switch = Switch
+dashboard.operation_run = Run
+dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth = Clean unbound OAuth connections
+dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth_success = All unbound OAuth connections have been deleted.
+dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts = Delete all inactive accounts
+dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts_success = All inactive accounts have been deleted.
+dashboard.delete_repo_archives = Delete all repositories archives
+dashboard.delete_repo_archives_success = All repositories archives have been deleted.
+dashboard.delete_missing_repos = Delete all repository records which are missing their Git files
+dashboard.delete_missing_repos_success = All repository records which are missing their Git files have been deleted.
+dashboard.git_gc_repos = Execute garbage collection on all repositories
+dashboard.git_gc_repos_success = All repositories have finished executing garbage collection.
+dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys = Rewrite '.ssh/authorized_keys' file (for Gitea SSH keys). There is no need to do this if you are using the built-in SSH server.
+dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success = All public keys controlled by Gitea have been rewritten.
+dashboard.resync_all_hooks = Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
+dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success = All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced.
+dashboard.reinit_missing_repos = Reinitialize all missing Git repositories for which records exist
+dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success = All missing Git repositories for which records existed have been reinitialized.
+dashboard.sync_external_users = Synchronize external user data
+dashboard.sync_external_users_started = External user synchronization started
+dashboard.server_uptime = Server Uptime
+dashboard.current_goroutine = Current Goroutines
+dashboard.current_memory_usage = Current Memory Usage
+dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Total Memory Allocated
+dashboard.memory_obtained = Memory Obtained
+dashboard.pointer_lookup_times = Pointer Lookup Times
+dashboard.memory_allocate_times = Memory Allocate Times
+dashboard.memory_free_times = Memory Free Times
+dashboard.current_heap_usage = Current Heap Usage
+dashboard.heap_memory_obtained = Heap Memory Obtained
+dashboard.heap_memory_idle = Heap Memory Idle
+dashboard.heap_memory_in_use = Heap Memory In Use
+dashboard.heap_memory_released = Heap Memory Released
+dashboard.heap_objects = Heap Objects
+dashboard.bootstrap_stack_usage = Bootstrap Stack Usage
+dashboard.stack_memory_obtained = Stack Memory Obtained
+dashboard.mspan_structures_usage = MSpan Structures Usage
+dashboard.mspan_structures_obtained = MSpan Structures Obtained
+dashboard.mcache_structures_usage = MCache Structures Usage
+dashboard.mcache_structures_obtained = MCache Structures Obtained
+dashboard.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained = Profiling Bucket Hash Table Obtained
+dashboard.gc_metadata_obtained = GC Metadata Obtained
+dashboard.other_system_allocation_obtained = Other System Allocation Obtained
+dashboard.next_gc_recycle = Next GC Recycle
+dashboard.last_gc_time = Since Last GC Time
+dashboard.total_gc_time = Total GC Pause
+dashboard.total_gc_pause = Total GC Pause
+dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
+dashboard.gc_times = GC Times
+users.user_manage_panel = User Management Panel
+users.new_account = Create New Account
+users.name = Name
+users.activated = Activated
+users.admin = Admin
+users.repos = Repos
+users.created = Created
+users.last_login = Last Login
+users.never_login = Never Login
+users.send_register_notify = Send Registration Notification To User
+users.new_success = The account '%s' has been created.
+users.edit = Edit
+users.auth_source = Authentication Source
+users.local = Local
+users.auth_login_name = Authentication Login Name
+users.password_helper = Leave it empty to remain unchanged.
+users.update_profile_success = Account profile has been updated.
+users.edit_account = Edit Account
+users.max_repo_creation = Maximum Repository Creation Limit
+users.max_repo_creation_desc = (Set -1 to use global default limit)
+users.is_activated = Account activated
+users.prohibit_login = Login disabled
+users.is_admin = Administrator permissions
+users.allow_git_hook = Allowed to create git hooks
+users.allow_import_local = Allowed to import local repositories
+users.allow_create_organization = Allowed to create organizations
+users.update_profile = Update Account Profile
+users.delete_account = Delete Account
+users.still_own_repo = This user still owns one or more repositories. These repositories need to be deleted or transferred first.
+users.still_has_org = This user is still is a member of one or more organizations. This user needs to leave or delete them first.
+users.deletion_success = Account deleted successfully.
+orgs.org_manage_panel = Organization Management
+orgs.name = Name
+orgs.teams = Teams
+orgs.members = Members
+orgs.new_orga = Create Organization
+repos.repo_manage_panel = Repository Management
+repos.owner = Owner
+repos.name = Name
+repos.private = Private
+repos.watches = Watches
+repos.stars = Stars
+repos.issues = Issues
+repos.size = Size
+auths.auth_manage_panel = Authentication Management
+auths.new = Add New Source
+auths.name = Name
+auths.type = Type
+auths.enabled = Enabled
+auths.syncenabled = Enable user synchronization
+auths.updated = Updated
+auths.auth_type = Authentication Type
+auths.auth_name = Authentication Name
+auths.security_protocol = Security Protocol
+auths.domain = Domain
+auths.host = Host
+auths.port = Port
+auths.bind_dn = Bind DN
+auths.bind_password = Bind Password
+auths.bind_password_helper = Warning: This password is stored in plain text. It is highly recommended to use read-only account.
+auths.user_base = User Search Base
+auths.user_dn = User DN
+auths.attribute_username = Username attribute
+auths.attribute_username_placeholder = Leave empty to use sign-in form field value for user name.
+auths.attribute_name = First name attribute
+auths.attribute_surname = Surname attribute
+auths.attribute_mail = Email attribute
+auths.attributes_in_bind = Fetch attributes in Bind DN context
+auths.filter = User Filter
+auths.admin_filter = Admin Filter
+auths.ms_ad_sa = MS AD Search Attributes
+auths.smtp_auth = SMTP Authentication Type
+auths.smtphost = SMTP Host
+auths.smtpport = SMTP Port
+auths.allowed_domains = Allowed Domains
+auths.allowed_domains_helper = Leave it empty to allow all domains. Multiple domains should be separated by comma ','.
+auths.enable_tls = Enable TLS Encryption
+auths.skip_tls_verify = Skip TLS Verify
+auths.pam_service_name = PAM Service Name
+auths.oauth2_provider = OAuth2 Provider
+auths.oauth2_clientID = Client ID (Key)
+auths.oauth2_clientSecret = Client Secret
+auths.openIdConnectAutoDiscoveryURL = OpenID Connect Auto Discovery URL
+auths.oauth2_use_custom_url = Use custom URLs instead of default URLs
+auths.oauth2_tokenURL = Token URL
+auths.oauth2_authURL = Authorize URL
+auths.oauth2_profileURL = Profile URL
+auths.oauth2_emailURL = Email URL
+auths.enable_auto_register = Enable Auto Registration
+auths.tips = Tips
+auths.tips.oauth2.general = OAuth2 Authentication
+auths.tips.oauth2.general.tip = When registering a new OAuth2 authentication, the callback/redirect URL should be: %[1]s
to %[3]s
+commit_repo = pushed to %[3]s at %[4]s
+create_issue = `opened issue %s#%[2]s`
+close_issue = `closed issue %s#%[2]s`
+reopen_issue = `reopened issue %s#%[2]s`
+create_pull_request = `created pull request %s#%[2]s`
+close_pull_request = `closed pull request %s#%[2]s`
+reopen_pull_request = `reopened pull request %s#%[2]s`
+comment_issue = `commented on issue %s#%[2]s`
+merge_pull_request = `merged pull request %s#%[2]s`
+transfer_repo = transferred repository %s
to %s
+push_tag = pushed tag %[2]s to %[3]s
+delete_tag = deleted tag %[2]s from %[3]s
+delete_branch = deleted branch %[2]s from %[3]s
+compare_commits = Compare %d commits
+ago = %s ago
+from_now = %s from now
+now = now
+future = future
+1s = 1 second
+1m = 1 minute
+1h = 1 hour
+1d = 1 day
+1w = 1 week
+1mon = 1 month
+1y = 1 year
+seconds = %d seconds
+minutes = %d minutes
+hours = %d hours
+days = %d days
+weeks = %d weeks
+months = %d months
+years = %d years
+raw_seconds = seconds
+raw_minutes = minutes
+default_message = Drop files or click to upload.
+invalid_input_type = You can't upload files of this type.
+file_too_big = File size ({{filesize}} MB) exceeds the maximum size of ({{maxFilesize}} MB).
+remove_file = Remove file
+notifications = Notifications
+unread = Unread
+read = Read
+no_unread = You do not have any unread notifications.
+no_read = You do not have any read notifications.
+pin = Pin notification
+mark_as_read = Mark as read
+mark_as_unread = Mark as unread
+mark_all_as_read = Mark all as read
+error.extract_sign = Failed to extract signature
+error.generate_hash = Failed to generate hash of commit
+error.no_committer_account = No account linked to committer's email
+error.no_gpg_keys_found = "No known key found for this signature in database"
+error.not_signed_commit = "Not a signed commit"
+error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys = "Failed to retrieve any key attached to the committer account"
+error.no_unit_allowed_repo = Cannot find any unit on this repository which you are allowed to access
+error.unit_not_allowed = You are not allowed to visit this repository unit
diff --git a/custom/public/img/coolaj86-logo.png b/custom/public/img/coolaj86-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75620e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/custom/public/img/coolaj86-logo.png differ
diff --git a/custom/public/img/favicon.ico b/custom/public/img/favicon.ico
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..00ac143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom/public/img/favicon.ico
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/custom/public/img/favicon.png b/custom/public/img/favicon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5bf05c
Binary files /dev/null and b/custom/public/img/favicon.png differ
diff --git a/custom/public/img/gitea-lg.png b/custom/public/img/gitea-lg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3328c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/custom/public/img/gitea-lg.png differ
diff --git a/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png b/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62abfd6
Binary files /dev/null and b/custom/public/img/gitea-sm.png differ
diff --git a/custom/templates/base/footer.tmpl b/custom/templates/base/footer.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb13e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom/templates/base/footer.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ + I'm using Gitea, which is likely to become the first decentralized git platform. + Help support decentralization by installing gitea for yourself! +
++ Home servers are the only thing that can save us from our centralized overlords. + Gitea can run on a Raspberry Pi. +
++ Email was the web's first decentralized and distributed protocol. + It may be old news, but its paradigms are the best hope for our futures. + If we don't take back the web soon then GitHub, Facebook, Slack, Medium, etc will dictate our futures for us. +
++ If you love code more than build tools, we'll make fast friends. :) +