@echo off title ByeDPI - Install Service pushd "%~dp0" echo This script should be run with administrator privileges. echo Right click - run as administrator. echo Press any key if you're running it as administrator. pause set svc_name="ByeDPI" set svc_desc="Local SOCKS proxy server to bypass DPI (Deep Packet Inspection)." :: Set up launch args (bypass methods) here. set svc_bin="\"%cd%\ciadpi.exe\" --split 1 --disorder 3+s --mod-http=h,d --auto --tlsrec 1+s" sc stop %svc_name% sc delete %svc_name% sc create %svc_name% binPath= %svc_bin% start= "auto" sc description %svc_name% %svc_desc% sc start %svc_name% popd pause