#!/bin/bash # # Purpose: Change settings in the Makefile to support compiling 32 bit # operating systems for Raspberry Pi Hardware. # # To make this file executable (if necessary): # # $ chmod +x ARM_RPI.sh # # To execute this file: # # $ ./ARM_RPI.sh # getconf LONG_BIT (need to work on this) sed -i 's/CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = y/CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = n/g' Makefile sed -i 's/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM_RPI = n/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM_RPI = y/g' Makefile RESULT=$? if [[ "$RESULT" != "0" ]]; then echo "An error occurred and Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit) support was not turned on in Makefile." exit 1 else echo "Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit) support was turned on in Makefile as planned." exit 0 fi sed -i 's/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM64_RPI = y/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM64_RPI = n/g' Makefile