#!/bin/sh # Purpose: Install Realtek out-of-kernel USB WiFi adapter drivers. # # Supports dkms and non-dkms installations. # # To make this file executable: # # $ chmod +x install-driver.sh # # To execute this file: # # $ sudo ./install-driver.sh # # or # # $ sudo sh install-driver.sh # # Copyright(c) 2023 Nick Morrow # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. SCRIPT_NAME="install-driver.sh" SCRIPT_VERSION="20230227" MODULE_NAME="8821cu" DRV_VERSION="" KARCH="$(uname -m)" KVER="$(uname -r)" MODDESTDIR="/lib/modules/${KVER}/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/" DRV_NAME="rtl${MODULE_NAME}" DRV_DIR="$(pwd)" OPTIONS_FILE="${MODULE_NAME}.conf" # check to ensure sudo was used to start the script if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must run this script with superuser (root) privileges." echo "Try: \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # support for the NoPrompt option allows non-interactive use of this script NO_PROMPT=0 # get the script options while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in NoPrompt) NO_PROMPT=1 ;; *h|*help|*) echo "Syntax $0 " echo " NoPrompt - noninteractive mode" echo " -h|--help - Show help" exit 1 ;; esac shift done # ensure /usr/sbin is in the PATH so iw can be found if ! echo "$PATH" | grep -qw sbin; then export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin fi # check to ensure gcc is installed if ! command -v gcc >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "A required package is not installed." echo "Please install the following package: gcc" echo "Once the package is installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # check to ensure bc is installed if ! command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "A required package is not installed." echo "Please install the following package: bc" echo "Once the package is installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # check to ensure make is installed if ! command -v make >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "A required package is not installed." echo "Please install the following package: make" echo "Once the package is installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # check to see if the correct header files are installed if [ ! -d "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build" ]; then echo "Your kernel header files aren't properly installed." echo "Please consult your distro documentation or user support forums." echo "Once the header files are properly installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # check to ensure iw is installed if ! command -v iw >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "A required package is not installed." echo "Please install the following package: iw" echo "Once the package is installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi # check to ensure rfkill is installed if ! command -v rfkill >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "A required package is not installed." echo "Please install the following package: rfkill" echo "Once the package is installed, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi DEFAULT_EDITOR="$(cat default-editor.txt)" # try to find the user's default text editor through the EDITORS_SEARCH array for TEXT_EDITOR in "${VISUAL}" "${EDITOR}" "${DEFAULT_EDITOR}" vi; do command -v "${TEXT_EDITOR}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && break done # fail if no editor was found if ! command -v "${TEXT_EDITOR}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "No text editor found (default: ${DEFAULT_EDITOR})." echo "Please install ${DEFAULT_EDITOR} or edit the file 'default-editor.txt' to specify your editor." echo "Once complete, please run \"sudo ./${SCRIPT_NAME}\"" exit 1 fi echo ": ---------------------------" # displays script name and version echo ": ${SCRIPT_NAME} v${SCRIPT_VERSION}" # information that helps with bug reports # display architecture echo ": ${KARCH} (architecture)" SMEM=$(LANG=C free | awk '/Mem:/ { print $2 }') sproc=$(nproc) # avoid Out of Memory condition in low-RAM systems by limiting core usage if [ "$sproc" -gt 1 ]; then if [ "$SMEM" -lt 1400000 ] then sproc=2 fi fi # display number of in-use processing units / total processing units echo ": ${sproc}/$(nproc) (in-use/total processing units)" # display total system memory echo ": ${SMEM} (total system memory)" # display kernel version echo ": ${KVER} (kernel version)" # display gcc version gcc_ver=$(gcc --version | grep -i gcc) echo ": ""${gcc_ver}" # display dkms version if installed if command -v dkms >/dev/null 2>&1; then dkms_ver=$(dkms --version) echo ": ""${dkms_ver}" fi # display secure mode status if SecureBoot is enabled and if mokutil is installed if command -v mokutil >/dev/null 2>&1; then if mokutil --sb-state | grep -i enabled >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo ": SecureBoot enabled - read FAQ about SecureBoot" fi fi echo ": ---------------------------" echo echo "Checking for previously installed drivers." # check for and remove non-dkms installations # standard naming if [ -f "${MODDESTDIR}${MODULE_NAME}.ko" ]; then echo ": ---------------------------" echo echo "Removing a non-dkms installation: ${MODDESTDIR}${MODULE_NAME}.ko" rm -f "${MODDESTDIR}"${MODULE_NAME}.ko /sbin/depmod -a "${KVER}" echo "Removing ${OPTIONS_FILE} from /etc/modprobe.d" rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/${OPTIONS_FILE} echo "Removing source files from /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION}" rm -rf /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Removal complete." fi # check for and remove non-dkms installations # with rtl added to module name (PClinuxOS) if [ -f "${MODDESTDIR}rtl${MODULE_NAME}.ko" ]; then echo ": ---------------------------" echo echo "Removing a non-dkms installation: ${MODDESTDIR}rtl${MODULE_NAME}.ko" rm -f "${MODDESTDIR}"rtl${MODULE_NAME}.ko /sbin/depmod -a "${KVER}" echo "Removing ${OPTIONS_FILE} from /etc/modprobe.d" rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/${OPTIONS_FILE} echo "Removing source files from /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION}" rm -rf /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Removal complete." fi # check for and remove non-dkms installations # with compressed module in a unique non-standard location (Armbian) # Example: /usr/lib/modules/5.15.80-rockchip64/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8821cu/8821cu.ko.xz # Dear Armbiam, this is a really bad idea. if [ -f "/usr/lib/modules/${KVER}/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/${DRV_NAME}/${MODULE_NAME}.ko.xz" ]; then echo ": ---------------------------" echo echo "Removing a non-dkms installation: /usr/lib/modules/${KVER}/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/${DRV_NAME}/${MODULE_NAME}.ko.xz" rm -f /usr/lib/modules/"${KVER}"/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/${DRV_NAME}/${MODULE_NAME}.ko.xz /sbin/depmod -a "${KVER}" echo "Removing ${OPTIONS_FILE} from /etc/modprobe.d" rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/${OPTIONS_FILE} echo "Removing source files from /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION}" rm -rf /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Removal complete." fi # check for and remove dkms installations if command -v dkms >/dev/null 2>&1; then if dkms status | grep -i ${DRV_NAME}; then echo ": ---------------------------" echo # need to add code here to delete any DRV_VERSION echo "Removing a dkms installation." dkms remove -m ${DRV_NAME} -v ${DRV_VERSION} --all echo "Removing ${OPTIONS_FILE} from /etc/modprobe.d" rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/${OPTIONS_FILE} echo "Removing source files from /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION}" rm -rf /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} echo "Removal complete." fi fi # sets module parameters (driver options) and blacklisted modules echo ": ---------------------------" echo echo "Starting installation." echo "Installing ${OPTIONS_FILE} to /etc/modprobe.d" cp -f ${OPTIONS_FILE} /etc/modprobe.d # determine if dkms is installed and run the appropriate installation routines if ! command -v dkms >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "The non-dkms installation routines are in use." make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 make -j"$(nproc)" RESULT=$? if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then echo "An error occurred: ${RESULT}" echo "Please report this error." echo "Please copy all screen output and paste it into the problem report." echo "You will need to run the following before reattempting installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT fi # if secure boot is active, use sign-install if command -v mokutil >/dev/null 2>&1; then if mokutil --sb-state | grep -i enabled >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo ": SecureBoot enabled - read FAQ about SecureBoot" make sign-install RESULT=$? else make install RESULT=$? fi else make install RESULT=$? fi if [ "$RESULT" = "0" ]; then make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "The driver was installed successfully." echo ": ---------------------------" echo else echo "An error occurred: ${RESULT}" echo "Please report this error." echo "Please copy all screen output and paste it into the problem report." echo "You will need to run the following before reattempting installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT fi else echo "The dkms installation routines are in use." # the dkms add command requires source in /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} echo "Copying source files to /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION}" cp -rf "${DRV_DIR}" /usr/src/${DRV_NAME}-${DRV_VERSION} dkms add -m ${DRV_NAME} -v ${DRV_VERSION} RESULT=$? # RESULT will be 3 if the DKMS tree already contains the same module/version # combo. You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once. if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then if [ "$RESULT" = "3" ]; then echo "This driver may already be installed." echo "Run the following and then reattempt installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT else echo "An error occurred. dkms add error: ${RESULT}" echo "Please report this error." echo "Please copy all screen output and paste it into the problem report." echo "Run the following before reattempting installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT fi else echo "The driver was added to dkms successfully." echo ": ---------------------------" fi if command -v /usr/bin/time >/dev/null 2>&1; then /usr/bin/time -f "Compile time: %U seconds" dkms build -m ${DRV_NAME} -v ${DRV_VERSION} else dkms build -m ${DRV_NAME} -v ${DRV_VERSION} fi RESULT=$? if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then echo "An error occurred. dkms build error: ${RESULT}" echo "Please report this error." echo "Please copy all screen output and paste it into the problem report." echo "Run the following before reattempting installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT else echo "The driver was built by dkms successfully." echo ": ---------------------------" fi dkms install -m ${DRV_NAME} -v ${DRV_VERSION} RESULT=$? if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then echo "An error occurred. dkms install error: ${RESULT}" echo "Please report this error." echo "Please copy all screen output and paste it into the problem report." echo "Run the following before reattempting installation." echo "$ sudo ./remove-driver.sh" exit $RESULT else echo "The driver was installed by dkms successfully." echo ": ---------------------------" echo fi fi # provide driver upgrade information echo "Info: Upgrade this driver with the following commands as needed:" echo "$ git pull" echo "$ sudo sh install-driver.sh" echo "Note: Upgrades to this driver should be performed before distro upgrades." echo "Note: Upgrades can be performed as often as you like." echo "Note: Work on this driver is continuous." echo ": ---------------------------" echo # unblock wifi if command -v rfkill >/dev/null 2>&1; then rfkill unblock wlan else echo "Unable to run $ rfkill unblock wlan" fi # if NoPrompt is not used, ask user some questions if [ $NO_PROMPT -ne 1 ]; then printf "Do you want to edit the driver options file now? (recommended) [Y/n] " read -r yn case "$yn" in [nN]) ;; *) ${TEXT_EDITOR} /etc/modprobe.d/${OPTIONS_FILE} ;; esac printf "Do you want to apply the new options by rebooting now? (recommended) [Y/n] " read -r yn case "$yn" in [nN]) ;; *) reboot ;; esac fi