--- tags: - vscode --- ## Open result of piped text processing commands from cli ```shell cat file.txt | grep something | code -n - ``` ## Turn off focus on menu when Alt pressed Basically this is correct behaviour of any electron-based app and this sucks but as workaround I can advice you to play around with this parameters: ```json "window.customMenuBarAltFocus": false, "window.enableMenuBarMnemonics": false, "window.titleBarStyle": "custom", ``` ## Do not trim trailing whitespaces in markdown files A very useful hack because trailing spaces play an important role in markdown: ```json "[markdown]": { "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": false }, ``` You can also override any parameters for any filetypes this way. ## Custom file assotiations ```json "files.associations": { "*.inc": "php", "*.desktop": "ini" }, ```