#!/usr/bin/env bash source $( dirname $(readlink -e -- "${BASH_SOURCE}"))/io.sh || exit 255 ######################################################## # Little handy helpers for scripting ######################################################## # convert relative path $1 to full one abspath() { echo $(realpath -q "${1/#\~/$HOME}") } # check if path $1 is writable is_writable() { [ -w "$(abspath $1)" ] } # check if path $1 is a directory is_dir() { [ -d "$(abspath $1)" ] } # check if path $1 is a file is_file() { [ -f "$(abspath $1)" ] } # check if an argument is a shell function is_function() { declare -F "$1" > /dev/null } # check if string $1 matches regex $2 regex_match() { printf "%s" "$1" | grep -qP "$2" } # check if array $2 contains string $1 in_array() { local find=$1 shift for e in "$@"; do [[ "$e" == "$find" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } # join all elements of array $2 with delimiter $1 implode() { local d=${1-} local f=${2-} if shift 2; then printf %s "$f" "${@/#/$d}" fi } # open url $1 in system web-browser open_url() { if which xdg-open > /dev/null; then xdg-open "$1" /dev/null 2>&1 & disown elif which gnome-open > /dev/null; then gnome-open "$1" /dev/null 2>&1 & disown fi } # unpack .tar.gz file $1 into path $2 unpack_targz() { require tar tar -xzf "$1" -C "$2" } # make soft symbolic link of path $1 to path $2 symlink() { ln -sf "$1" "$2" } # download file $1 into path $2 using wget download() { require wget wget "$1" -O "$2" } # download file $1 into path $2 using curl cdownload() { require curl curl -fsSL "$1" -o "$2" } is_int() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] } is_number() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?$ ]] }