#!/usr/bin/env bash ##makedesc: Install Wireguard + FRKN source "$( dirname $(readlink -e -- "${BASH_SOURCE}"))/../helpers.sh" || exit 255 # https://frkn.org/ru/installation title mkdir -p "$HOME/install/frkn" cd "$HOME/install/frkn" apt_install wireguard jq countries=(uk ru nl nl2 ch) for idx in ${!countries[@]}; do country=${countries[idx]} info "Downloading config for $country ($(expr $idx + 1)/${#countries[@]})" json=$(curl -s "https://api.frkn.org/peer?location=$country" | jq) iface_address=$(echo $json | jq -r .iface.address) iface_privkey=$(echo $json | jq -r .iface.key) iface_dns=$(echo $json | jq -r .iface.dns) peer_pubkey=$(echo $json | jq -r .peer.pubkey) peer_psk=$(echo $json | jq -r .peer.psk) peer_allowed_ips=$(echo $json | jq -r .peer.allowed_ips) peer_endpoint=$(echo $json | jq -r .peer.endpoint) cat << EOF > "frkn-$country.conf" [Interface] Address = $iface_address DNS = $iface_dns PrivateKey = $iface_privkey [Peer] PublicKey = $peer_pubkey PresharedKey = $peer_psk AllowedIPs = $peer_allowed_ips Endpoint = $peer_endpoint PersistentKeepalive = 25 EOF done sudo cp frkn-*.conf /etc/wireguard/ [ $? = 0 ] && { echo success "Wireguard + FRKN installed!" wg --version info "Use 'wg-quick (up|down) frkn-($(implode '|' ${countries[@]}))' to control connections" info "Use 'sudo wg show' to see connection status" }