# Autogenerated at 08.10.2022 12:36 using ./gen-makefile .DEFAULT_GOAL := help #=============================================== # Scripts listed in ./packs #=============================================== # [PACK] php + composer composer: php composer-clean # [TODO] [PACK] qt5 + flameshot from source flameshot: qt5 flameshot-build # [PACK] Apache + php + mariadb lamp: apache php mariadb # [PACK] OBS Studio + droidcam-obs obs: obs-studio droidcam-obs # [PACK] zsh + omz + powerline10k + MesloLGS font omz: zsh omz-clean omz-fancy chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh @exec zsh #=============================================== # Scripts listed in ./install #=============================================== # Install apache2 (latest) apache: @./install/apache # Install bunch of software from apt apt: @./install/apt # Install Canon Pixma MG2500 + ppa canon-mg2500: @./install/canon-mg2500 # Install google chrome (latest) chrome: @./install/chrome # Install composer (latest) composer-clean: @./install/composer-clean # Install docker (latest) + docker-compose (latest) + ppa docker: @./install/docker # Install dotfiles dots: @./install/dots # Install droidcam v1.8.2 droidcam: @./install/droidcam # Install droidcam-obs plugin v1.5.1 droidcam-obs: @./install/droidcam-obs # [TODO] Build flameshot from src (latest) flameshot-build: @./install/flameshot-build # Install git (latest) git: @./install/git # Install golang v1.18.3 golang: @./install/golang # Install grub-customizer (latest) + ppa grubc: @./install/grubc # Install KDE Window AppMenu Applet kde-appmenu: @./install/kde-appmenu # Install KDE Backports + ppa kde-backports: @./install/kde-backports # Install file templates (KDE) kde-file-templates: @./install/kde-file-templates # Install KDE portal kde-portal: @./install/kde-portal # Install libreoffice libreoffice: @./install/libreoffice # Install lite-xl v2.0.5 (draft) lite-xl: @./install/lite-xl # Install mariadb (latest) and php-mysql + phpMyAdmin (if php is installed) mariadb: @./install/mariadb # Install nodejs + npm via nvm nodejs: @./install/nodejs # Install ntfy (latest) + ppa ntfy: @./install/ntfy # Install obs-studio (latest snap) obs-studio: @./install/obs-studio # Install omz (latest) omz-clean: @./install/omz-clean # Install omz fancy (powerline10k + MesloLGS font) omz-fancy: @./install/omz-fancy # Install papirus-icon-theme (latest) papirus: @./install/papirus # Install postgresql (latest) and php-pgsql (if php is installed) pgsql: @./install/pgsql # Install php v8.1 + ppa php: @./install/php # Install postman (latest) postman: @./install/postman # Install qt5 qt5: @./install/qt5 # Install rustdesk client v1.1.9 (deb) rustdesk: @./install/rustdesk # Install bunch of software from snap snap: @./install/snap # Install syncthing (latest) + ppa syncthing: @./install/syncthing # Install telebit (latest) telebit: @./install/telebit # Install ulauncher (latest) + ppa ulauncher: @./install/ulauncher # Install Vivaldi + ppa vivaldi: @./install/vivaldi # Install wine (latest) + ppa (focal) wine: @./install/wine # Install youtube-dl youtube-dl: @./install/youtube-dl # Install zint (latest) zint: @./install/zint # Install vanilla zsh zsh: @./install/zsh #=============================================== # Scripts listed in ./upgrade #=============================================== # Upgrade omz ^omz: @./upgrade/omz #=============================================== # Scripts listed in ./uninstall #=============================================== # Uninstall docker /docker: @./uninstall/docker # Uninstall omz /omz: @./uninstall/omz #=============================================== # Service goals #=============================================== self: @./gen-makefile help: Makefile @echo "Ubuntu software installator" @echo @echo "Usage:\n make help|- show this help\n make self|- regenerate Makefile (alias of ./gen-makefile)\n make GOAL|- install software\n make ^GOAL|- upgrade software\n make /GOAL|- uninstall software" | column -ts '|' @echo "\nYou can combine GOALs, here are some examples:" @echo "\tmake @docker docker" @echo "\tmake php @docker ^omz" @echo "\nAvailable GOALs:" @sed -n '/^#/{N;s/# *\(.*\)\n\([^# .].*:\)/\t\2\1/p}' $< | column -ts ':'