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extends Area2D
signal pop
var increase # speed ratio
var current_color # name of current animation (sprite set) of AnimatedSprite
var random = RandomNumberGenerator.new() # randomizer
# harcoded names of AnimatedSprite's animations
const colors = ['blue', 'green', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'red', 'yellow']
# Get random animation except current one
func get_color():
var new_color = colors[random.randi_range(0, colors.size() - 1)]
if new_color == current_color:
new_color = get_color()
return new_color
# Hide balloon when its pop sound is finished
func hide_balloon():
print("Sound finished")
# Initialize scene
func _init():
current_color = get_color()
increase = random.randf_range(1, 1.75)
# When node tree has been created and initialized
func _ready():
# set random sprite set to balloon
print("New balloon: ", current_color)
# connect "pop" signal to handler in Playground
connect('pop', get_parent(), 'update_score')
# the "finished" signal of every PopSoundN must hide current balloon
for i in range(1, 5):
get_node('PopSound' + str(i)).connect('finished', self, 'hide_balloon')
# On every Timer's interval we move current balloon up
func _on_Timer_timeout():
position.y -= increase
# we need to detect how far balloon from upper edge is and destroy it
# ballon becomes invisible when its first scaled frame height totally above Playground
var height = $AnimatedSprite.frames.get_frame(current_color, 0).get_size().y * scale.y
var y = position.y + height
if y < 0:
print("Die (out of playground at ", position.y, ")")
# Detect click/touch event on balloon
func _on_Balloon_input_event(_viewport, event, _shape_idx):
if event is InputEventMouseButton or event is InputEventScreenTouch:
if event.is_pressed():
print("Click: ", event.as_text())
# start pop animation
# play pop sound
var sound_idx = random.randi_range(1, 5)
get_node("PopSound" + str(sound_idx)).play()
print("Sound started: ", sound_idx)
# emit poop signal so that we can increase score counter in Playground