import re import six import sys import datetime from copy import deepcopy from .base import ( BaseReader, BaseWriter, CaptionSet, CaptionList, Caption, CaptionNode ) from .geometry import Layout from .exceptions import ( CaptionReadError, CaptionReadSyntaxError, CaptionReadNoCaptions, InvalidInputError ) # A WebVTT timing line has both start/end times and layout related settings # (referred to as 'cue settings' in the documentation) # The following pattern captures [start], [end] and [cue settings] if existent from pycaption.geometry import HorizontalAlignmentEnum TIMING_LINE_PATTERN = re.compile('^(\S+)\s+-->\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(.*?))?\s*$') TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = re.compile('^(\d+):(\d{2})(:\d{2})?\.(\d{3})') VOICE_SPAN_PATTERN = re.compile(']*)>') OTHER_SPAN_PATTERN = ( re.compile( '' ) ) # These WebVTT tags are stripped off the cues on conversion WEBVTT_VERSION_OF = { HorizontalAlignmentEnum.LEFT: 'left', HorizontalAlignmentEnum.CENTER: 'middle', HorizontalAlignmentEnum.RIGHT: 'right', HorizontalAlignmentEnum.START: 'start', HorizontalAlignmentEnum.END: 'end' } DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT = 'middle' def microseconds(h, m, s, f): """ Returns an integer representing a number of microseconds :rtype: int """ return (int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s)) * 1000000 + int(f) * 1000 class WebVTTReader(BaseReader): def __init__(self, ignore_timing_errors=True, *args, **kwargs): """ :param ignore_timing_errors: Whether to ignore timing checks """ self.ignore_timing_errors = ignore_timing_errors def detect(self, content): return 'WEBVTT' in content def read(self, content, lang='en-US'): if type(content) != six.text_type: raise InvalidInputError('The content is not a unicode string.') caption_set = CaptionSet({lang: self._parse(content.splitlines())}) if caption_set.is_empty(): raise CaptionReadNoCaptions("empty caption file") return caption_set def _parse(self, lines): captions = CaptionList() start = None end = None nodes = [] layout_info = None found_timing = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if '-->' in line: found_timing = True timing_line = i last_start_time = captions[-1].start if captions else 0 try: start, end, layout_info = self._parse_timing_line( line, last_start_time) except CaptionReadError as e: new_message = '%s (line %d)' % (e.args[0], timing_line) six.reraise(type(e), type(e)(new_message), sys.exc_info()[2]) elif '' == line: if found_timing: if not nodes: raise CaptionReadSyntaxError( 'Cue without content. (line %d)' % timing_line) else: found_timing = False caption = Caption( start, end, nodes, layout_info=layout_info) captions.append(caption) nodes = [] else: if found_timing: if nodes: nodes.append(CaptionNode.create_break()) nodes.append(CaptionNode.create_text( self._decode(line))) else: # it's a comment or some metadata; ignore it pass # Add a last caption if there are remaining nodes if nodes: caption = Caption(start, end, nodes, layout_info=layout_info) captions.append(caption) return captions def _remove_styles(self, line): partial_result = VOICE_SPAN_PATTERN.sub('\\2: ', line) return OTHER_SPAN_PATTERN.sub('', partial_result) def _validate_timings(self, start, end, last_start_time): if start is None: raise CaptionReadSyntaxError( 'Invalid cue start timestamp.') if end is None: raise CaptionReadSyntaxError('Invalid cue end timestamp.') if start > end: raise CaptionReadError( 'End timestamp is not greater than start timestamp.') if start < last_start_time: raise CaptionReadError( 'Start timestamp is not greater than or equal' 'to start timestamp of previous cue.') def _parse_timing_line(self, line, last_start_time): """ :returns: Tuple (int, int, Layout) """ m = if not m: raise CaptionReadSyntaxError( 'Invalid timing format.') start = self._parse_timestamp( end = self._parse_timestamp( cue_settings = if not self.ignore_timing_errors: self._validate_timings(start, end, last_start_time) layout_info = None if cue_settings: layout_info = Layout(webvtt_positioning=cue_settings) return start, end, layout_info def _parse_timestamp(self, timestamp): """Returns an integer representing a number of microseconds :rtype: int """ m = if not m: raise CaptionReadSyntaxError( 'Invalid timing format.') m = m.groups() if m[2]: # Timestamp takes the form of [hours]:[minutes]:[seconds].[milliseconds] return microseconds(m[0], m[1], m[2].replace(":", ""), m[3]) else: # Timestamp takes the form of [minutes]:[seconds].[milliseconds] return microseconds(0, m[0], m[1], m[3]) def _decode(self, s): """ Convert cue text from WebVTT XML-like format to plain unicode. :type s: unicode """ s = s.strip() # Covert voice span s = VOICE_SPAN_PATTERN.sub('\\2: ', s) # TODO: Add support for other WebVTT tags. For now just strip them # off the text. s = OTHER_SPAN_PATTERN.sub('', s) # Replace WebVTT special XML codes with plain unicode values s = s.replace('<', '<') s = s.replace('>', '>') s = s.replace('‎', '\u200e') s = s.replace('‏', '\u200f') s = s.replace(' ', '\u00a0') # Must do ampersand last s = s.replace('&', '&') return s class WebVTTWriter(BaseWriter): HEADER = 'WEBVTT\n\n' global_layout = None video_width = None video_height = None def write(self, caption_set): """ :type caption_set: CaptionSet """ output = self.HEADER if caption_set.is_empty(): return output caption_set = deepcopy(caption_set) # TODO: styles. These go into a separate CSS file, which doesn't really # fit the API here. Figure that out. Though some style stuff can be # done in-line. This format is a little bit crazy. # WebVTT's language support seems to be a bit crazy, so let's just # support a single one for now. lang = list(caption_set.get_languages())[0] self.global_layout = caption_set.get_layout_info(lang) captions = caption_set.get_captions(lang) return output + '\n'.join( [self._write_caption(caption_set, caption) for caption in captions]) def _timestamp(self, ts): td = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=ts) mm, ss = divmod(td.seconds, 60) hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60) s = "%02d:%02d.%03d" % (mm, ss, td.microseconds/1000) if hh: s = "%d:%s" % (hh, s) return s def _tags_for_style(self, style): if style == 'italics': return ['', ''] elif style == 'underline': return ['', ''] elif style == 'bold': return ['', ''] else: return ['', ''] def _calculate_resulting_style(self, style, caption_set): resulting_style = {} style_classes = [] if 'classes' in style: style_classes = style['classes'] elif 'class' in style: style_classes = [style['class']] for style_class in style_classes: sub_style = caption_set.get_style(style_class).copy() # Recursively resolve class attributes and calculate style resulting_style.update(self._calculate_resulting_style(sub_style, caption_set)) resulting_style.update(style) return resulting_style def _write_caption(self, caption_set, caption): """ :type caption: Caption """ layout_groups = self._layout_groups(caption.nodes, caption_set) start = self._timestamp(caption.start) end = self._timestamp(caption.end) timespan = "{} --> {}".format(start, end) output = '' cue_style_tags = ['', ''] style = self._calculate_resulting_style(, caption_set) for key, value in sorted(style.items()): if value: tags = self._tags_for_style(key) # print "tags: " + str(tags) + "\n" cue_style_tags[0] += tags[0] cue_style_tags[1] = tags[1] + cue_style_tags[1] for cue_text, layout in layout_groups: if not layout: layout = caption.layout_info or self.global_layout cue_settings = self._cue_settings_from(layout) output += timespan + cue_settings + '\n' output += cue_style_tags[0] + cue_text + cue_style_tags[1] + '\n' return output def _cue_settings_from(self, layout): """ Return WebVTT cue settings string based on layout info :type layout: Layout :rtype: unicode """ if not layout: return '' # If it's converting from WebVTT to WebVTT, keep positioning info # unchanged if layout.webvtt_positioning: return ' {}'.format(layout.webvtt_positioning) left_offset = None top_offset = None cue_width = None alignment = None already_relative = False if not self.relativize: if layout.is_relative(): already_relative = True else: # There are absolute positioning values for this cue but the # Writer is explicitly configured not to do any relativization. # Ignore all positioning for this cue. return '' # Ensure that all positioning values are measured using percentage. # This may raise an exception if layout.is_relative() == False # If you want to avoid it, you have to turn off relativization by # initializing this Writer with relativize=False. if not already_relative: layout = layout.as_percentage_of( self.video_width, self.video_height) # Ensure that when there's a left offset the caption is not pushed out # of the screen. If the execution got this far it means origin and # extent are already relative by now. if self.fit_to_screen: layout = layout.fit_to_screen() if layout.origin: left_offset = layout.origin.x top_offset = layout.origin.y if layout.extent: cue_width = layout.extent.horizontal if layout.padding: if layout.padding.start and left_offset: # Since there is no padding in WebVTT, the left padding is # added to the total left offset (if it is defined and not # relative), if left_offset: left_offset += layout.padding.start # and removed from the total cue width if cue_width: cue_width -= layout.padding.start # the right padding is cut out of the total cue width, if layout.padding.end and cue_width: cue_width -= layout.padding.end # the top padding is added to the top offset # (if it is defined and not relative) if layout.padding.before and top_offset: top_offset += layout.padding.before # and the bottom padding is ignored because the cue box is only as # long vertically as the text it contains and nothing can be cut # out try: alignment = WEBVTT_VERSION_OF[layout.alignment.horizontal] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass cue_settings = '' if alignment and alignment != 'middle': cue_settings += " align:" + alignment if left_offset: cue_settings += " position:{},start".format(six.text_type(left_offset)) if top_offset: cue_settings += " line:" + six.text_type(top_offset) if cue_width: cue_settings += " size:" + six.text_type(cue_width) return cue_settings def _layout_groups(self, nodes, caption_set): """ Convert a Caption's nodes to WebVTT cue or cues (depending on whether they have the same positioning or not). """ if not nodes: return [] current_layout = None # A list with layout groups. Since WebVTT only support positioning # for different cues, each layout group has to be represented in a # new cue with the same timing but different positioning settings. layout_groups = [] # A properly encoded WebVTT string (plain unicode must be properly # escaped before being appended to this string) s = '' for i, node in enumerate(nodes): if node.type_ == CaptionNode.TEXT: if s and current_layout and node.layout_info != current_layout: # If the positioning changes from one text node to # another, a new WebVTT cue has to be created. layout_groups.append((s, current_layout)) s = '' # ATTENTION: This is where the plain unicode node content is # finally encoded as WebVTT. s += self._encode(node.content) or ' ' current_layout = node.layout_info elif node.type_ == CaptionNode.STYLE: resulting_style = self._calculate_resulting_style(node.content, caption_set) styles = ['italics', 'underline', 'bold'] if not node.start: styles.reverse() for style in styles: if style in resulting_style and resulting_style[style]: tags = self._tags_for_style(style) if node.start: s += tags[0] else: s += tags[1] # TODO: Refactor pycaption and eliminate the concept of a # "Style node" elif node.type_ == CaptionNode.BREAK: if i > 0 and nodes[i - 1].type_ != CaptionNode.TEXT: s += ' ' if i == 0: # cue text starts with a break s += ' ' s += '\n' if s: layout_groups.append((s, current_layout)) return layout_groups def _encode(self, s): """ Convert cue text from plain unicode to WebVTT XML-like format escaping illegal characters. For a list of illegal characters see: - :type s: unicode """ s = s.replace('&', '&') s = s.replace('<', '<') # The substring "-->" is also not allowed according to this: # - s = s.replace('-->', '-->') # The following characters have escaping codes for some reason, but # they're not illegal, so for now I'll leave this commented out so that # we stay as close as possible to the specification and avoid doing # extra stuff "just to be safe". # s = s.replace(u'>', u'>') # s = s.replace(u'\u200e', u'‎') # s = s.replace(u'\u200f', u'‏') # s = s.replace(u'\u00a0', u' ') return s