import os import requests import sys import random import logging class connect(object): def __init__(self, code): self.code = code.lower() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.headers = { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36" } def nordVPN(self): nordvpn_codes = { "al": "2", "ar": "10", "au": "13", "at": "14", "be": "21", "ba": "27", "br": "30", "bg": "33", "ca": "38", "cl": "43", "cr": "52", "hr": "54", "cy": "56", "cz": "57", "dk": "58", "eg": "64", "ee": "68", "fi": "73", "fr": "74", "ge": "80", "de": "81", "gr": "84", "hk": "97", "hu": "98", "is": "99", "in": "100", "id": "101", "ie": "104", "il": "105", "it": "106", "jp": "108", "lv": "119", "lu": "126", "my": "131", "mx": "140", "md": "142", "nl": "153", "nz": "156", "mk": "128", "no": "163", "ro": "179", "pl": "174", "si": "197", "za": "200", "kr": "114", "rs": "192", "sg": "195", "sk": "196", "es": "202", "se": "208", "ch": "209", "tw": "211", "th": "214", "tr": "220", "ua": "225", "ae": "226", "gb": "227", "us": "228", "vn": "234", "uk": "227", } nord_proxy = {} if nordvpn_codes.get(self.code): resp = requests.get( url="{%22country_id%22:" + nordvpn_codes.get(self.code) + "}", headers=self.headers, ) nord_proxy = resp.json()[0]["hostname"] else: self.code + " : not listed in country codes, read country.doc for more info" ) return nord_proxy def load_privatevpn(self): html_file = "html.html" hosts = [] resp = requests.get( "", stream=True, headers=self.headers ) resp = str(resp.text) resp = resp.replace("
", "") with open(html_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(resp) with open(html_file, "r") as file: text = file.readlines() if os.path.exists(html_file): os.remove(html_file) for p in text: if "" in p: hosts.append(p.strip()) return hosts def privateVPN(self): private_proxy = {} private_hosts = self.load_privatevpn() self.logger.debug("private_hosts: {}".format(private_hosts)) search_host = [host for host in private_hosts if host[:2] == self.code] if not search_host == []:"Founded {str(len(search_host))} Proxies") for n, p in enumerate(search_host):"[{str(n+1)}] {p}") inp = input("\nEnter Proxy Number, or Hit Enter for random one: ").strip() if inp == "": return random.choice(search_host) private_proxy = search_host[int(inp) - 1] else:"no Proxies Found, you may entered wrong code, or search failed!...") return private_proxy